Analytical Methods for Environmental Contaminants of Emerging Concern. Группа авторов

Analytical Methods for Environmental Contaminants of Emerging Concern - Группа авторов

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S. Thomaidis Department of Chemistry National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens, Greece

      Konstatinos Vasilatos Department of Chemistry National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens, Greece

      The occurrence of organic compounds of emerging concern (CECs) in the environment has given rise to growing unease. Although most CECs have been present in the environment for years, some of them have only recently been identified. Thus, some of these compounds remain unregulated and their toxicity and risk unstudied. They occur in different environmental compartments at trace levels (low ppb or ppt). Moreover, CECs belong to different families with several origins and have a broad range of physical-chemical properties. To respond to this situation, sensitive and selective analytical methods have been developed to determine different types of CECs in a broad range of environmental samples. Most of these analytical methods comprise sample preparation followed by chromatographic separation coupled to mass spectrometry. The specific requirements at each step of the analytical method are linked to the properties of the contaminants and sample matrix.

      We would like to acknowledge the authors for their invaluable contributions. All of the authors of this book are experts and skilled professionals in environmental trace analysis and, in particular, in each of the families of CECs addressed in each specific chapter. Without their effort and dedication, this book would have not been possible. We also sincerely thank our readers for their interest in this book. Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy it!Núria Fontanals and Rosa Maria Marcé

       Irene Domínguez, Rosalía López Ruiz, Antonia Garrido Frenich, and Roberto Romero González

       Department of Chemistry and Physics, Andalusian Center for the Assessment and Monitoring of GlobalChange (CAESCG), University of Almeria, Agrifood Campus of International Excellence, Almeria, Spain

      The presence of these pollutants poses a potential risk for the environment and human health and, therefore, international organizations have set legal limits regarding the presence of pesticides in water and other environmental matrices, for controlling and preventing contamination of environmental ecosystems.

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