Notes on Canine Internal Medicine. Kathryn F. Murphy
15 Index
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Regenerative anaemia. Peripheral blood smear showing marked red b...
2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1.1 Abdominal enlargement and masses 4.1.1a HepatomegalyRight la...Figure 4.1.2 Calcification 4.1.2a Oesophageal foreign bodyAlthough not an...Figure 4.1.3 Pneumoperitoneum 4.1.3a Gastrointestinal perforationRight abdom...Figure 4.1.4 Gas dilation of GI tract 4.1.4a Gastric dilatation‐volvulus...Figure 4.1.5 Metal FBWhilst metal fragments in the GI tract may be inciden...Figure 4.1.6 Organ displacement 4.1.6a MicrohepaticaRight lateral plain a...Figure 4.1.7 Free fluid (splenic mass)Ultrasound image showing a heterogen...Figure 4.1.8 Mesenteric lymph node ultrasoundUltrasound image of mesenteri...Figure 4.2.1 Craniomandibular osteopathyRadiograph of the mandibular area...Figure 4.2.2 Lucencies and proliferative lesions 4.2.2a OsteosarcomaMottl...Figure 4.3.1 Alveolar pattern 4.3.1a Alveolar – aspiration pneumoniaDorso...Figure 4.3.2 Bronchial patternLateral (4.3.2a) and ventro‐dorsal (4.3.2b) ...Figure 4.3.3 Cardiac outline 4.3.3a Left sideOutline of normal heart and ...Figure 4.3.4 Changes in cardiac outline ‐‐‐‐‐‐ indicates displacement of out...Figure 4.3.5 Congestive heart failureLeft lateral thoracic radiograph of ...Figure 4.3.6 Interstitial pattern 4.3.6a DiffuseLateral thoracic radiogra...
3 Chapter 5.1Figure 5.1.1 Alimentary ultrasound 5.1.1a Alimentary lymphomaTransverse i...Figure 5.1.2 Megaoesophagus. Right lateral thoracic radiograph of a dog with...
4 Chapter 5.2Figure 5.2.1 Auscultation 5.2.1a Left‐side auscultationOutline of normal he...Figure 5.2.2 Normal ECG 5.2.2a Sinus rhythmLead II ECG showing normal sinus...Figure 5.2.3 ARVC. Lead II ECG in a Boxer with arrhythmogenic right ventricu...Figure 5.2.4 Dilated cardiomyopathy. M‐mode echocardiogram of a dog with dil...Figure 5.2.5 Atrioventricular block 5.2.5a Second‐degree Mobitz type ILeads...Figure 5.2.6 Sick sinus syndrome. Leads I, II and III ECG from a dog with si...Figure 5.2.7 Atrial fibrillation. Leads I, II and III ECG showing atrial fib...Figure 5.2.8 Ventricular arrhythmias 5.2.8a Couplets and tripletsLeads I, I...Figure 5.2.9 Pericardial effusion. Echocardiographic image of a pericardial ...
5 Chapter 5.4Figure 5.4.1 Spherocytosis.Blood smear from a dog with IMHA demonstrating ...
6 Chapter 5.6; Figure 5.6.1 Gall bladder mucocoele. Ultrasound image of a GB mucocoele wit...
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