How the Future Works. Brian Elliott
Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Foreword
5 Introduction: The 9-To-5 Just Doesn’t Work for Us Anymore (And Maybe Never Did) Why the 9-to-5 Mentality Needs to Go What Is Future Forum, Anyway? Seven Steps to the Future of Work Notes
6 Why Flexible Work Works What We Mean by Flexible Work The Competitive Advantage What's Getting in the Way The What: Digital-First The How: Flexibility within a Framework Notes
How the Future Works: The 7 Steps to Getting There
Step 1: Stand for Something: Agree on Purpose and Principles
Your Flexible Work Purpose: What's Your Why?
Your Flexible Work Principles: How Can You Support Your Purpose?
The Process: How Leaders Can Start to Create Alignment
Step 2: Level the Playing Field: Create Guardrails for Behavior
What Are Guardrails?
Leadership Guardrails
Workplace Guardrails
Culture Guardrails
Why Guardrails Really Matter
Step 3: Commit to How You'll Work: Develop Team-Level Agreements
What Are Team-Level Agreements?
Where to Start
A Reminder Before You Get Started
Values: What Do We Value in Our Working Environment as a Team?
Schedules and Meetings: How Will We Collaborate?
Accountability: How Do We Hold Each Other Accountable?
Relationships: Coming Together as a Team
Checking-in: Evolving Our Team Agreements Over Time
The Process: How to Use Our Starter Template to Get Agreement
Guidance for Your Team Leaders
Step 4: Experiment, Experiment, Experiment: Normalize a Culture of Learning
Build Momentum for Change
Find Early Champions and Change Advocates
Prototype the Path
Bring Managers Along for the Ride
Build the Case
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Step 5: Create a Culture of Connection from Anywhere: Reimagine Your Headquarters
The Importance of Connection and Belonging
What Really Builds Connection
Acknowledge the Challenge
Look at What People Actually Want
Make Digital Your New Headquarters (and Give It the Same Intentionality)
Rethink the Role of Shared Space
Give Teams the Freedom to Decide (Because One-Size Does Not Fit All)
Support Teams with Options and Tools
Set the Tone from the Top
Step 6: Train Your Leaders to Make It Work: “Soft” Skills Matter More than Ever
Redefine the Role of Managers
Inspire Trust by Reskilling Managers to Create Psychological Safety
Create Clarity
Unlock Potential by Building Equity into Processes and Policies
Redesign Career Tracks
Invest in Reskilling Your Managers to Inspire Trust, Create Clarity, and Unlock Potential
Step 7: Focus on the Outcomes: Avoid the Doom Loop and Embrace the Boom Loop