The Sociology of Slavery. Orlando Patterson
Title Page
7 Preface
10 Appendix 2: Exports from Jamaica, 1768
12 Appendix 4: Output, Income and Expenditure in 1832
13 Appendix 5: Manuscripts and Official Publications Consulted
14 Appendix 6: Europeans in West Africa; Seventeenth to Eighteenth Centuries
15 Appendix 7: Africa as known to Europeans in the Mid- Eighteenth Century
17 Index
18 Plates
List of Illustrations
1 Introduction 2Figure 1 Relative Percentages of Slaves Disembarked in Jamaica and North AmericaFigure 2 A Counterfactual Picture of Jamaican Genocide: Jamaican & North American Slavery C…
List of Tables
1 IntroductionTable 0 Number of Slaves Disembarked in Jamaica from Embarkation Regions of Africa, 1601…
2 Chapter 2Table 1 Output and Number of Negroes on Eleven Estates
3 Chapter 4Table 1 Slave Population of Jamaica, 1658–1795Table 2 Slave Population of Jamaica, 1800–1829Table 3 Estimate of Population Growth, Net Importation, and Rates of Natural Increase of…Table 4 Increase, Decrease and Total Population of Slaves 1817–1829Table 7 Fertility Among a Sample of 77 Childbearing Slaves
4 Chapter 9Table 1 Slaves in the Work-Houses of Jamaica: 1794 & 1813
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