Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention. Surya K. De

Fundamentals of Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Prevention - Surya K. De

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RA rheumatoid arthritis RDA recommended daily allowances rep., rept. repetatur repeats RE right eye RN registered nurse RL, R/L Ringer's lactate Rx, Rx, RX, ℞, Rp recipe medical prescription or prescription drug RPh registered pharmacist s. signa write
sine without s.a. secundum artem according to the art (best practice) SC subcutaneous sem. semen seed s.i.d. semel in die once a day
sig. signa, signetur write (write on the label)
sing. of each
sig codes medical or prescription abbreviations
SL, s.l. sub lingua sublingually, under the tongue
SOB shortness of breath
sol. solutio solution
s.o.s., si op. sit si opus sit if there is a need
s.s., SS semisse one‐half [or] sliding scale
SSI sliding scale insulin
SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor [or] sliding scale regular insulin
st. stet let it stand
stat statim immediately
SBP systolic blood pressure
sum. sumat [or] sumendum let him take [or] let it be taken
supf. superficial
supp. suppositorium suppository
susp. suspensio suspension
syr. syrupus syrup
sp gr specific gravity
SR sustained release
STD sexually transmitted diseases
T temperature
tab. Tabella tablet
tal., t. talus such
tbsp. tablespoon
t.d.s., TDS ter die sumendum three times a day
t.i.d., t.d. ter in die three times a day
TIA transient ischemic attack
tid ac three times a day before meals
TIN, t.i.n. three times a night
t.i.w. three times a week
top. topical
TPN total parenteral nutrition
tr, tinc., tinct. tinctura tincture

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trit. triturate grind to a powder
troch. lozenge
tsp teaspoon
TO telephone order