Sweet trap. State anti-drug tale. Vladimir Ivanov

Sweet trap. State anti-drug tale - Vladimir Ivanov

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And to whom you slip them – remember, so that next time you will treat the same fools again. They need to be taught to eat candy. Then Bikenya, turning green with envy that his brother was praised, but he was not, decided to show his cunning mind. Dad, why are we just giving away goodness for nothing, without swamp intent? What if we give sweets not to anyone, but to the princess herself, the daughter of the ruler Olga? BUT? Okhlomyst even stamped his feet in delight. That’s right, Biken! Let’s make fool Polina crave sweets. And then the White City is ours! Well, let’s go. Go! And so Kikenya and Bikenya went along the paths through the swamps to the three hills. They dragged a basket with gingerbread and multi-colored sweets. Okhlomyst watched the brothers from a high rusty tower through a spyglass and grinned evilly, rejoicing at his vile idea.

      And in the White City, as always after a working week, on Sunday, people walked in a wide square. And everyone, from young to old, put on beautiful clothes, and prepared gifts for everyone they knew in the city. Cheerful townspeople approached long wooden tables, drank tea from large pot-bellied copper samovars, ate gingerbread and apples from birch bark plates. They also rode carousels, flew kites, ate ice cream, laughed and listened to street musicians and singers. Among the walking people were the ruler Olga and her daughter Polina.

      Next to Polenka, as always, was Bogdan, the gardener’s son. Bogdan and Polina have been friends for a long time. Bogdan taught the princess to love and understand plants, and she made sure that the gardener’s son studied well. Now they were both flying a kite. Well, come on, Polina, let’s pull. Flew! Polina laughed heartily, her jewelry jingled, a multi-colored kite flapped its paper wings in the sky. AndWhite City. He’s probably especially handsome from above. To see all-all inhabitants and houses. And then fly even further, look at overseas countries, at different people.

      Polenka was a dreamer. She dreamed of seeing distant countries, she dreamed of learning to sing and dance, she dreamed of reading all the interesting books in the world. She dreamed of becoming as beautiful and smart as her mother Olga. I dreamed … but you never know what a teenage girl dreams of. But now, on a wide square among the walkers, two merchants appeared, like two drops of water similar to each other. You would recognize them at once, although they changed clothes, washed, cut their hair and changed their dirty caps for hats with bells. Of course, they were Kikenya and Bikenya. I must say that at the gates of the White City they had to be pretty worried. The gates themselves were bound with iron, but knocked down from birch trunks. And for the inhabitants of the marsh, birch is a tree that is too clean, it acts on them like washing powder on dirt.

      The guard vigilantly examined the brothers from all sides. They wanted to look into his eyes, but Bikenya complained that his eye hurts from the “barley”, and Kikenya began to look for a speck in his eye. In the basket, the guard saw only harmless sweets made in the form of figurines of outlandish animals and sweets in a box. And the brothers were let into the city. The brothers looked around, surveying the city and gradually moved towards where Polina and Bogdan were launching the kite. The cunning Bikenya pulled out his long ears from under his hat with bells, and overheard how Polina shared her cherished dreams with a friend, and remembered it well, but the simpleton Kikenya did not immediately understand that a cheerful girl with a golden braid was the princess. But then a beautiful, richly dressed woman kissed Polenka. Kikenya tugged at his brother's sleeve. -Is that her? Be quiet, she's the best. The person we need. Let's go.

      People were having fun in the square, there was a trade in pies and gingerbread, dancers danced and balloons flew. Bikenya looked around and went into the very thick of the walking people. – Gingerbread, gingerbread! Come on, come on! Kikenya, seeing how his brother was trying, also began to invite the people. -Delicious, fragrant, absolutely free! Several children gathered around the brothers. But at first they were afraid to take treats for free, they looked back at their parents. Then Bikenya took out the biggest gingerbread in the form of a bear and leaned over to the smallest boy. Take the boy, I give for the gift. The boy took the gingerbread and took a bite. And to friends who looked at him with interest, he said: “Delicious!”

      After that, children's hands reached out to the brothers, into which Bikenya put gingerbread. Kikenya, seeing Bikeni's luck, also began to distribute sweets to the right and left. Come on, figure it out! Delicious and sweet, for the sake of the holiday for free! And so many babies gathered around the brothers, so they laughed with joy that Polina heard them, although she stood aside. -Look Bogdan, what strange sellers. And what funny hats they have. With bells! Yes, they are not like our townspeople. They must have come from far away. I took a closer look at the Bogdan brothers. It seems that they gave away gingerbread and sweets for free, they talked about the holiday, but there was no joy on their faces at all. I don't like them, Polenka. Oh, what a suspicious Bogdan you are. This is not good. And maybe I'll try the gingerbread.

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