Interventional Cardiology. Группа авторов

Interventional Cardiology - Группа авторов

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Risk factor Goal/recommended intervention
Lipid management The optimal goal of treatment is to lower LDL‐C by at least 50% from baseline and to <1.4 mmol/L (<55 mg/dL) although a lower target LDL‐C of <1.0 mmol/L (<40 mg/dL) may be considered in patients who have experience a second vascular event within 2 years. Statins are recommended in all patients. If treatment goal not reached, then add ezetimibe, and if that fails, combination with a PCSK9 inhibitor is recommended.
Blood pressure control It is recommended that office BP is controlled to target values: systolic BP 120–130 mmHg in general and systolic BP 130–140 mmHg in older patients (aged >65 years). Beta‐blockers and ACE‐inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers preferred)
Diabetes management Hemoglobin A1C <7.0% Lifestyle modification ± drug therapy
Smoking Complete cessation. No environmental exposure. Use pharmacological and behavioral strategies to help patients quit smoking.
Weight management Body mass index 18.5–24.9 kg/m2, waist circumference: men <40 inches (<100 cm), and women <35 inches (88 cm) Regular physical exercise and restrict caloric intake
Physical activity 30–60 minutes of moderate‐intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking most days, but even irregular activity is beneficial
Schematic illustration of suggested stepwise strategy for long term anti-ischemic drug therapy in patients with chronic coronary syndromes and specific baseline characteristics.

      Source: Knuuti et al 2020 [4]. Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press.

Extent of CAD (anatomical and/or functional) Classa Levelb
For prognosis Left main disease with stenosis >50%c I A
Proximal LAD stenosis >50%c I A
Two‐vessel or three‐vessel disease with stenosis >50%a with impaired LV function (LVEF ≤35%)c I A
Large area of ischemia (>10% of LV) or abnormal FFRd I B
Single remaining patent with coronary artery stenosis >50%c I C
For symptoms Hemodynamically significant coronary stenosis in the presence of limiting angina or angina equivalent, with insufficient response to optimized medical therapy.e I A

      CAD, coronary artery disease; FFR, fractional flow reserve; iFR, instantaneous wave‐free ratio; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; LV, left ventricular;

      LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction.

      a Class of recommendation.

      b Level of evidence.

      c With documented ischaemia or a hemodynamically relevant lesion defined by FFR <_0.80 or iFR <_0.89, or >90% stenosis in a major coronary vessel.

      d Based on FFR <0.75 indicating a prognostically relevant lesion (see section

      e In consideration of patient compliance and wishes in relation to the intensity of anti‐anginal therapy.

      Source: Neumann et al. 2019 [6]. Reproduced by permission of

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