Large Animal Neurology. Joe Mayhew

Large Animal Neurology - Joe Mayhew

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the left optic nerve, the unambiguous description would be as follows. The patient is blind in the left eye only and has no menace response in the left eye with normal facial nerve function and normal palpebral reflexes. The left pupil is widely dilated, and light directed into the left eye causes no response in either pupil. Light directed into the right eye causes the right pupil to constrict but the left pupil remains dilated.

      Sympathetic innervation to the eyes and head

      Damage to the sympathetic supply to the eye and its associated structures results in slight ptosis of the upper lid, a miosis or constriction of the pupil, slight enophthalmos, and a slight protrusion of the nictitating membrane. Vision and the pupillary light responses are unaffected. In most species, this is referred to as the Horner syndrome. Prominent in horses is a resulting change in eyelash angle that occurs due to loss of innervation of eyelid muscles under sympathetic control, especially the m. arectores cilliorum, all of which help maintain a relatively horizontal eyelash angle.

Schematic illustration of sympathetic pathways showing outflow from CNS to face, neck, and trunk.

      The reason for sweating with cutaneous sympathetic denervation in horses is not entirely clear as equine skin probably has predominantly cholinergic, not adrenergic neural supply, and although nerve endings are close to sweat glands and their accompanying prominent small blood vessels, they may not actually innervate the glandular secretory cells.20 An explanation is that loss of sympathetic supply results in cutaneous vasodilation that brings more circulating adrenalin to the sweat glands, and this hormone has a powerful sudomotor effect in that species.

      Cattle that have lost the sympathetic supply to the head show the same signs involving the eye and periorbit, dilated blood vessels over the pinna, and a lack of sweat production on the muzzle. Only eye signs have been detected with sympathetic denervation of the head and neck in sheep and goats, although this could be studied with greater diligence.

      Sympathetic innervation to the trunk

      Is it not interesting to ponder the systemic effects of decentralizing the adrenal medulla on one or both sides?

       Oculomotor nerve—CN III; trochlear nerve—CN IV; abducens nerve—CN VI

      In addition to parasympathetic innervation of the pupillary constrictor smooth muscles, the oculomotor nerve also innervates the somatic extraocular muscles, along with the trochlear and abducens nerves. The function of these muscles and nerves is tested by observing the normal position of the eyes within the bony orbits and by observing eye movement. An abnormal eye position or strabismus results when these nerves or muscles are damaged. Physical deformity of the bony orbit and prominent, particularly congenital, blindness all can result in degrees of abnormal eye position.

      When evaluating eye position and movement, consideration must be given to the normal response of the eyes to head posture and movement. When the nose of a large animal is elevated to extend the head, the eyes tend to maintain a horizontal axis and thus move ventrally in the bony orbits. As the head is moved to one side, the eyes move in a rhythmical manner until head movement stops. There is slow phase movement in the direction opposite to the direction of head movement, followed by a fast (catch‐up) phase in the direction of head movement. These eye movements are regarded as physiologic vestibular nystagmus and result from the connection from the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear and the medullary vestibular nuclei to the nuclei of the cranial nerves controlling eye movement, CNs III, IV and VI. Normal inducible vestibular nystagmus thus requires an intact vestibular system, intact cranial nerves III, IV, and VI, and the connections between all of these in the medial longitudinal fasciculus.

      The forms of strabismus described for paralysis of each of these cranial nerves should be present in all positions of the head. Such examples of true strabismus are not often encountered in large animals. Mydriasis is seen with oculomotor nerve disease, and a tendency for lateral eyeball deviation

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