Large Animal Neurology. Joe Mayhew

Large Animal Neurology - Joe Mayhew

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_1ce8063f-c264-5baa-be9b-4943fb786ba6">Figure 14.1). This is less so in other species that tend to have little facial expression, naturally stiff or droopy ears and firm muzzles. However, when quite mild and when the patient is excited, facial muscle tone can be remarkably normal so that the syndrome may be very subtle to observe. In this situation, returning to observe the patient during a resting state, or use of mild sedation, can help uncover the signs. Ptosis of the upper eyelid is a feature of facial paralysis in all large domestic animals and is prominent in horses. It is due to the paralysis of the strong levator anguli oculi medialis muscle in these species that is innervated by the facial nerve CN VII. It is possible that the bulk of atonic supraorbital muscles and the paralysis of the frontalis muscle also contribute to the ptosis. Unfortunately, when upper eyelid ptosis is seen in large animals, the immediate thought is one of it being Horner syndrome (Figure 10.4). However, facial paralysis is vastly more common than sympathetic denervation of the eyelids in large animals and always must be considered the most likely cause.

Photo depicts the comparison to facial weakness, these two horses have, at times, very good tone and movement in their face but at rest have a bland facial expression.

      Parasympathetic visceral efferent fibers pass with the somatic fibers to exit the brainstem, pass through the internal acoustic meatus, and then leave the main facial nerve within the facial canal to innervate the lachrymal gland (and palatine and nasal glands) via the major petrosal nerve and pterygoid ganglion.4 When these parasympathetic fibers in the facial nerve are damaged, then the loss of lachrymal tear production ensues resulting in keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

Photo depicts the comparison to facial weakness, these two horses have, at times, very good tone and movement in their face but at rest have a bland facial expression. Photo depicts facial paralysis is seen as marked loss of facial expression and movement with drooping of the ear, and upper eyelid, and of the lips (A and B).

      In the early phase of irritative lesions such as bacterial meningitis, viral meningoencephalitis, neuritis, and focal trauma involving the facial nerve, facial muscles can twitch and even remain in spasm prior to paresis or paralysis that may ensue. True, permanent hemifacial spasm with constant contraction of facial muscles, that relaxes following facial nerve anesthesia or general anesthesia as seen in humans and dogs does not yet appear to be recorded in large animals. This might be expected to occur following recovery from bacterial otitis media. As occurs in many other regional muscle groups,18 facial muscles are occasionally seen to undergo repetitive contraction described as facial tic or myoclonus. Some of these syndromes wax and wane, and one facial tic in a horse has been seen to become almost violent when hypocalcemia associated with systemic illness occurred, to then quieten with IV calcium treatment. The underlying cause for facial and other localized myoclonia is notoriously not found.18–20

      Brainstem auditory evoked potential recordings may be used as proxy for facial nerve function as the facial nerve is intimate with the vestibulocochlear nerve for their course in the region of the temporal bone and its middle and inner ear compartments.21,22

      1 1 Espinosa P, Nieto JE, Estell KE, Kass PH and Aleman M. Outcomes

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