Neurology. Charles H. Clarke

Neurology - Charles H. Clarke

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Muscle wasting, a.k.a. amyotrophy Visible Absent Fasciculation Visible Absent Fibrillation Recordable on EMG, visible in tongue Absent Tone Flaccid/normal Increased/spastic type Weakness pattern Root, nerve or distal Pyramidal + dexterity Tendon reflexes Depressed/usually absent Exaggerateda Clonus Absent Present Abdominal reflexes Present Absent Plantars Flexor (normal) Extensor

      a tendon reflexes can be absent/depressed initially with an acute UMN lesion.

      Sensory System

      Abnormalities are exceptional when the patient is articulate without sensory complaints.

      Focus neuro‐anatomically:

       Assess posterior columns first – vibration (VS) and joint position sense (JPS).

       Spinothalamic sensation: cold metal and a disposable sharp object.

       Light touch: fingertip or cotton wool. Avoid stroking/tickling.

       Two‐point discrimination (0.5 cm finger tips, 2 cm soles): useful & shows you are thorough.

       Chart sensory loss or altered sensation.



      When a diagnosis is unclear, try to establish relevant and secure details – whether or not features are certain. A fact is a clearly witnessed account of a tonic–clonic seizure. Unequivocal signs are sustained ankle clonus and extensor plantars. Separate these from vague findings such as weakness, or dizziness without vertigo or nystagmus. Recognise, accept and record uncertainty – easier to write than to put into practice.

      We are surrounded by technology, by defensive practice and the need to provide reassurance by exclusion. Be aware of costs; try to target studies for some real purpose.


      This summary is a stepping‐stone to widely available resources, such as:


      Plain X‐rays have a limited role – skull, spine and skeleton – and radio‐opaque implants and ventricular shunts.

Photo depicts axial brain CT: brain windows. Photo depicts axial brain CT: bone windows. Photo depicts CT Myelogram. Photo depicts axial MR (a) T1w – CSF black. (b) T2w – CSF white, grey matter hyperintense to white matter. Photo depicts MR Angiography: contrast MRA of neck vessels.

      Advanced MRI, functional MRI, and MR spectroscopy are used in specialist units, and also positron emission tomography (PET) and single‐photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).

      Duplex ultrasound, a.k.a. Doppler, is commonly used to assess extracranial carotid arteries. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) gains information from intracranial vessels and has therapeutic possibilities.,

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