Neurology. Charles H. Clarke
href="#ulink_a034a4db-d391-55f3-bfc8-7acad6983b3b">Heavy Metals, Chemicals and Natural Toxins Radiation Lightning and Electrical Shocks Heat, Cold, Diving and High Altitude Space Travel Vitamin Deficiencies and Copper Deficiency Unregulated/Illegal Drugs and Drug Abuse Acknowledgements, Further Reading and Personal References
25 20 Consciousness, Coma, Intensive Care and Sleep Definitions of Consciousness and Coma States of Impaired Consciousness Stupor and Coma: A Practical Approach Detailed Assessment Neurological Intensive Care Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): General Principles Sleep and Its Disorders Sleep Disorders Acknowledgements, Further Reading and Personal References
26 21 Neuro‐Oncology Clinical Features Imaging Tumours: The Multidisciplinary Approach Complications of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Neurological Complications of Cancer (NCCs) Acknowledgements, Further Reading and Websites
27 22 Neuropsychiatry Mental State Mental Health and Capacity Acts Definitions and Diagnoses in Psychiatry Functional Neurological Disorders Neurology and Psychiatry Acknowledgement and Further Reading Further Reading
28 23 Pain Definitions Pain in CNS Diseases Peripheral Pain Pain Management Diminished Sensitivity to Pain Acknowledgement and Further Reading
29 24 Autonomic Aspects of Neurology Anatomy and Neurotransmission Localised Autonomic Disorders Primary and Secondary Autonomic Disorders Regional Autonomic Dysfunction Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) and Pure Autonomic Failure (PAF) Rare Autonomic Disorders Acknowledgements and Further Reading
30 25 Uro‐Neurology and Sexual Dysfunction Lower Urinary Tract: Neurological Control Bladder Dysfunction and Neurological Disease Urinary Retention Management Sexual Function Acknowledgememts, References and Further Reading
31 26 Systemic Conditions and Neurology Cardiac and Aortic Disease Endocrine Disease Electrolyte Disturbances Blood Disorders Neurology and Transplantation Systemic Vasculitides and Related Disorders Other Cerebral Arteriopathies Sarcoidosis Behçet’s Syndrome IgG4‐Related Disease and CLIPPERS Neurocutaneous Syndromes Neurological Aspects of Pregnancy Acknowledgements, References and Further Reading
32 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Population size and doubling times.Table