DC Microgrids. Группа авторов
states of seven-switch five-level ANPC inverter.Table 10.4 Advantages and disadvantages: a comparison of ANPC MLI with conventio...
9 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Comparative analyses.Table 11.2 Values of simulation parameters.Table 11.3 The parasitic elements of the proposed structure.Table 11.4 The values of the losses factors for the plot in Figure 11.14.Table 11.5 RMS value of the converter devices.Table 11.6 The parameter values of closed-loop simulation.
10 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Parameters of major components for the studied microgrid.
11 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Details of the data for training and testing of the algorithm.Table 13.2 Parameters during the training of the classifier.Table 13.3 Comparison of decision tree-based scheme with SVM and standalone kNN-...Table 13.4 Comparison of the proposed scheme with other algorithms.Table 13.5 Response of DT against the variation of fault resistance.Table 13.6 Performance analysis of section identifier (DT-3 and DT-4) under PG f...Table 13.7 Performance analysis of section identifier (DT-3 and DT-4) under PP f...Table 13.8 Comparative analysis of the proposed scheme with other reported techn...
12 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Different anti-islanding standards. (* Normal)Table 14.2 Evaluation of IDM on different parameters
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Unipolar DC microgrid architecture diagram.Figure 1.2 (a) Pole - Pole fault in a bipolar DC bus, (b) an equivalent circuit ...Figure 1.3 Short-circuit fault current in DC system standard approximation.Figure 1.4 V-I curve of CPLs (Negative impedance characteristic of CPL).Figure 1.5 Z-source breaker designs (a) classic design, (b) series connected des...Figure 1.6 Hybrid circuit breaker with forced commutation circuit [126].Figure 1.7 Simple SSCB assembly is composed of an IGBT [118].Figure 1.8 Solid state current interrupter [84].
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Simple representation of DC MGs.Figure 2.2 Classification of DC MG control strategies.Figure 2.3 Centralized control strategy.Figure 2.4 Decentralized strategy.Figure 2.5 Distributed strategy.Figure 2.6 Higher-level control strategy.Figure 2.7 Droop control characteristics for DC MGs.Figure 2.8 Improved droop control characteristics for DC MGs.Figure 2.9 Droop control algorithm for DC MGs.Figure 2.10 Timing diagram for three levels.Figure 2.11 Three-level control strategy.Figure 2.12 Control loop for a solar system in DC MGs.Figure 2.13 Control loop for wind energy system in DC MGs.Figure 2.14 Control loop for fuel cells in DC MGs.Figure 2.15 Control loop for battery-based storage systems in DC MGs.
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Constant power load characteristics.Figure 3.2 Internal circuit diagram of the PPU.Figure 3.3 PPU equivalent circuit during fault.Figure 3.4 DC MGs equivalent circuit.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Typical EMS architecture.Figure 4.2 Power forecast from the solar farm.Figure 4.3 Power output forecast from the wind farm.Figure 4.4 Cost of power for transaction with the utility.Figure 4.5 Step-by-step pseudocode lines of GA.Figure 4.6 Flowchart of heuristic based Genetic Algorithm.Figure 4.7 Step-by-step pseudocode lines of PSA.Figure 4.8 Flowchart of heuristic-based Pattern Search Algorithm.Figure 4.9 Single-line diagram of 380V DC Microgrid.Figure 4.10 Load demand of the microgrid.Figure 4.11 Power transaction from/to utility using GA and PSA.Figure 4.12 Economic dispatch of DERs using GA.Figure 4.13 Economic dispatch of DERs using PSA.
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Management in microgrid.Figure 5.2 Various approaches for EMS.Figure 5.3 Residential microgrid.Figure 5.4 Day-ahead PV power generation and load demand.Figure 5.5 Hourly energy price of the grid and natural gas.Figure 5.6 Day operating cost with respect to day initial charging level of BESS...Figure 5.7 Hourly OC for 20% day initial charging level of BESS.Figure 5.8 Hourly OC for 100% day initial charging level of BESS.Figure 5.9 Hourly SOC of BESS in ISM for various day initial charging level.Figure 5.10 Hourly SOC of BESS in GCM for various day initial charging level.Figure 5.11 Hourly power sharing in ISM for 20% day initial charging level.Figure 5.12 Hourly power sharing in GCM for 20% day initial charging level.Figure 5.13 Day operating cost with respect to capacity of BESS.Figure 5.14 Cost with respect to capacity of BESS.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Trends in production of energy by non-renewable in India. Source: [2]...Figure 6.2 Schematic diagram of a DC microgrid.Figure 6.3 Schematic of hybrid renewable energy system.Figure 6.4 A schematic of methodology adopted.Figure 6.5 Schematic of ANN architecture.Figure 6.6 The proposed architecture of the artificial neural network.Figure 6.7 Training data regression plot for the superlative architecture 5/48/1...Figure 6.8 (a-d). Derived discharge series at Sundri site.Figure 6.9 Discharge flow curve with percentile dependability.
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Residential/Commercial DC microgrid structure.Figure 7.2 DC bus Equivalent Thevenin Circuit (Reprinted with permission from 50...Figure 7.3 Converter static behavior considering the line resistance effect.Figure 7.4 Approaches for ps and cs, DC bus voltage restoration.Figure 7.5 Secondary control implementation in the embedded local controller.Figure 7.6 Implementation of consensus-based secondary control on local control.Figure 7.7 Hybrid secondary control diagram (Reprinted with permission from 5052...Figure 7.8 Fully connected communication network (Adapted from [8] and reprinted...Figure 7.9 δRd (t) Convergence (Reprinted with permission from 5052471151140/IEE...Figure 7.10 δRd (t) Convergence under communication delays (Reprinted with permi...Figure 7.11 Closed-loop secondary control diagram (Reprinted with permission fro...Figure 7.12 Output signals from the complete μG model and the stability analysis...Figure 7.13 Closed-loop root locus under parameter variations (Reprinted with pe...Figure 7.14 Simulated and experimental system used for performance validation.Figure 7.15 Experimental setup.Figure 7.16 Simulation results considering load disturbances and communication f...Figure 7.17 Experimental result with load disturbances and communication failure...Figure 7.18 Simulation results considering constant power loads and communicatio...Figure 7.19 Unique vs control diagram (Adapted from [7] and reprinted with permi...Figure 7.20 Assessment of the power sharing behavior. In (a) and (b),
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 DC microgrid.Figure 8.2 Annals of publication on the modeling of DC-DC converter.Figure 8.3 Different analysis derived from modeling techniques.Figure 8.4 Positions of roots in the pole-zero map for stability analysis.Figure 8.6 Circuit diagram of DCL-QB converter.Figure 8.7 Step response of DCL-QB converter.Figure 8.8 Types of controller used in power converters.
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Classification of modulation schemes for MC.Figure 9.2 Circuit configuration of three-to-n phase (a) direct MC (b) indirect ...Figure 9.3 Switch configuration of sparse MC.Figure 9.4 Switch configuration of very sparse MC.Figure 9.5 Switch arrangement of the ultra-sparse MC.Figure 9.6 Shortened high-frequency model of (a) a five-phase IM (b) phase ‘A’ o...Figure 9.7 Drive system fed from Three-five phase MC.Figure 9.8 Switching combinations of three-to-five phase MC.Figure 9.9 Three-phase input filter.Figure 9.10 Equivalent circuit of a MC.Figure 9.11 Clamp circuit to protect the MC switches.Figure 9.12 Schematic of electrical power requirements in the aircraft.Figure 9.13 Application of matrix converters in the wind energy systems.
10 Chapter