The Performance Mindset. Anthony J. Klarica
Learn competitiveness Maximising effort: intrinsic and extrinsic strategies Clutch and flow Set up for sub‐two‐hour marathon speed Create and execute a simple plan Great performances Embracing new situations and challenges Meaning contributes to performance Strengths win battles Managing performance anxiety and nerves Managing nerves through reframing Taking control of nerves Optimism and positivity Many paths to high performance Summary
16 REFERENCES Introduction: Made not born Step 1: Harness your motivation Step 2: Boost your resilience Step 3: Sharpen your focus Step 4: Champion your leadership Step 5: Foster your culture Step 6: Protect your wellbeing Step 7: Execute your performance
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1: a resilience model
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1: Resilience compass
2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1: understand your what and howFigure 4.2: the SCOS leadership pyramid
3 Chapter 5Figure 5.1: psychological safety and performance standards
4 Chapter 6Figure 6.1: cognitive behaviour therapy model
1 Cover
7 Preface
10 Conclusion
11 References
12 Index
1 iii
2 iv
3 vii
4 viii
5 ix
6 x
7 xi
8 xii
9 xiii
10 xv
11 xvi
12 xvii
13 xviii
14 xix
15 xx
16 xxi
17 xxii
18 xxiii