Pricing Insurance Risk. Stephen J. Mildenhall

Pricing Insurance Risk - Stephen J. Mildenhall

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1.131 0.071 1.147 0.794 Kurtosis −1.905 −0.667 −0.649 −1.905 −0.673 −0.501

      2.4.2 Tame Case Study

      In the Tame Case Study, Ins Co. writes two predictable units with no catastrophe exposure. We include it to demonstrate an idealized risk-pool: it represents the best case—from Ins Co.’s perspective. It could proxy a portfolio of personal and commercial auto liability.

Case Unit Distribution Mean CV Frequency µ σ
Tame A Gamma 50 0.10
B Gamma 50 0.15
Cat/Non-Cat Non-Cat Gamma 80 0.15
Cat Lognormal 20 1.0 2.649 0.833
Hu/SCS Hu Aggregate 30 10.923 2 −0.417 2.5
SCS Aggregate 70 0.736 70 1.805 1.9

      The Case includes a gross and net view. Net applies aggregate reinsurance to the more volatile unit B with an attachment probability 0.2 (¤ 56) and detachment probability 0.01 (¤ 69).

Gross Net
Statistic A B Total A B Total
Mean 50.000 50.000 100.000 50.000 49.084 99.084
CV 0.100 0.150 0.090 0.100 0.123 0.079
Skewness 0.200 0.300 0.207 0.200 −0.484 −0.169
Kurtosis 0.060 0.135 0.070 0.060 −0.474 −0.157

      Figure 2.2 shows the loss densities. The spike in the lower left plot is caused by the reinsured unit B hitting its limit, which produces a probability mass. Its magnitude is clear on the lower right, log scale, plot. The tail behavior of the two units is similar. Both have log concave gross densities. Figure 2.3 shows the bivariate plots. The outcomes are tightly clustered about their expected values.

      In the Cat/Non-Cat Case Study, Ins Co. has catastrophe and noncatastrophe exposures. The noncatastrophe unit proxies a small commercial lines portfolio. Balancing the relative benefits of units considered to be more stable against more volatile ones is a very common strategic problem for insurers and reinsurers. It arises in many different guises:

       Should a US Midwestern company expand to the East coast (and pick up hurricane exposure)?

       Should an auto insurer start writing homeowners?

       What is the appropriate mix between property catastrophe and noncatastrophe exposed business for a reinsurer?

      This Case uses a stochastic model similar to the Tame Case. The two units are independent and have gamma and lognormal distributions with parameters shown in Table 2.4.

      The Case includes a gross and net view. Net applies aggregate reinsurance to the Cat

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