Reiki For Dummies. Nina L. Paul

Reiki For Dummies - Nina L. Paul

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harm can come from it) and intelligent (the energy heals what is needed even if you don’t consciously know what you need). The recipient draws the right amount of energy to just where it’s needed. Frequently a practitioner feels their hands “drawn” like a magnet to a certain place. In this way, the practitioner is the conduit of the universal life-force energy.

      Distinguishing Reiki from other forms of energy healing

      Energy healing is part of many different cultures. Whether it’s acupuncture or the laying on of hands, the use of energy to treat illness is part of human history. (See the nearby sidebar “Universal Reiki — with humor and humanity.”)

      Reiki offers a way to achieve spiritual and personal growth and to heal others. But Reiki isn’t the only system with these goals. Two systems with similarities to Reiki are

       Johrei: The founder of Johrei, Mokichi Okada, was a contemporary of Mikao Usui (a founder of Reiki) in Japan. The Johrei spiritual movement encompasses more than hands-on spiritual healing and advocates individual spiritual development so that everyone can reach “paradise on earth.” Visit for more information.

       Therapeutic touch: In 1972, Dr. Dolores Krieger, RN, and Dora Kunz developed the healing system called therapeutic touch. This energy-healing system involves similar features to Reiki and is taught as a 12-hour workshop. Therapeutic touch requires compassion and a desire to develop experience through practice and focus. Therapeutic touch is commonly practiced within the nursing profession. See for more information.


       Polarity therapy

       Pranic healing



      Reiki is distinct from these other practices through its use of symbols (see Chapter 8) and the attunement process (see Chapter 7).


      One of my Reiki teachers wanted me to emphasize here that Reiki is practiced all the world over and that he thought there should be more humor with Reiki. On that note, he provided the following story:

      “My Italian barber wanted me to give him Reiki for his sore shoulder, which fortunately hadn’t led to lopsided haircuts but, on the other hand, wasn’t helping his singing any. Appreciative of Reiki help, he nevertheless wondered why we didn’t do it like his grandmother (a contemporary of Mikao Usui; see Chapter 3), who had learned it from her grandmother. On invited demonstration, he moved his hands faster than most Reiki practitioners usually do, but the same good feeling was there, with a flavor of Italian sunshine.”

      And here’s another one:

      When Mikao Usui developed his system for spiritual healing, he called it Usui Reiki Ryoho, which means the Usui method for spiritual healing. As this system was passed on and taught in the West, the name of the system was called simply Reiki. Reiki has evolved into different branches, with variations on Usui’s original system.

      Chapter 3 covers the background of Reiki in Japan and the evolution into Western forms. It also describes different Reiki branches (Western and Japanese) and the concept of lineage in Reiki. When you study Reiki, you can trace your lineage back to Mikao Usui through the listing of teachers.


The common element of all schools or branches of Reiki is the ability to connect with universal life-force energy to share with others and for personal growth.

      Reiki allows you to feel deeply relaxed, calm, and peaceful. The gentle touch of the practitioner’s hands serves to transmit the higher-level healing energy to you. Anyone of any age, religion, or health status can benefit from Reiki.

      You can experience Reiki from the perspective of a recipient or receiver of Reiki by booking Reiki sessions with a qualified practitioner. Or you can decide to become initiated into Reiki and begin your Reiki studies. The following sections briefly discuss both experiences.

      Trying a Reiki session

      Experiencing a first Reiki session is the point of entry for most folks to either decide to use Reiki regularly or go further and find out how to give a Reiki session.

      Chapter 6 lists the ways that Reiki can help your entire family. To find out exactly what you can expect from a Reiki session, turn to Chapter 5.


      If you’re really ready to grow, really ready to change, and really ready to heal, Reiki can aid your progress toward wholeness. Reiki opens you up to receive the blessings of the universal life-force energy.

      You may find yourself growing in ways you never imagined after a Reiki session. Or rather, you may find yourself returning to a place of peace, feeling of love, sense of calm, and purpose of being that you forgot you ever had.

      You may make some changes in your life. They may be small, subtle changes, like being nice to a coworker or letting a car pass you on the highway. You may change how you eat or what you wear.

      You may notice coincidences popping up. People may show up to help you, or situations may change just when you need them. You may be more in the flow of the universe (from receiving the universal life-force energy) or at least more aware of the flow. You may trust that life will be okay, that you will be okay, and that Reiki can help you. As you continue your life’s journey, you may realize that you can use Reiki on a daily basis, especially as life takes its twists and turns.

      Reiki takes you to a safe place. It takes you to your truth, and it takes you home.

      Taking Reiki classes

      Utilizing Reiki is as simple to learn as 1-2-3 — the three different levels of Reiki training:

       1st-degree Reiki: This 1st-level class starts your Reiki flow. You find out about Reiki history and how to use Reiki to heal yourself. Скачать книгу