Reiki For Dummies. Nina L. Paul

Reiki For Dummies - Nina L. Paul

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      12  About the Author

      13  Advertisement Page

      14  Connect with Dummies

      15  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 2TABLE 2-1 Naming the Subtle Energy in Different CulturesTABLE 2-2 Chakra Locations, Descriptions, and Governages

      2 Chapter 3TABLE 3-1 A Timeline of Reiki’s Early Years

      3 Chapter 5TABLE 5-1 Common Sensations during a Reiki Session

      4 Chapter 7TABLE 7-1 Summarizing Reiki Classes

      5 Chapter 8TABLE 8-1 The Reiki Symbols

      6 Chapter 12TABLE 12-1 Types of Crystals and Their Associations with the Chakras

      7 Chapter 13TABLE 13-1 When to Use Different Reiki Techniques

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1-1: The Japanese characters for Reiki.

      2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: Examining the major organs of the human body. FIGURE 2-2: Spotting the body’s energy fields and chakras.

      3 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: Performing Reiki on a dog.

      4 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: Cho Ku Rei, the Power symbol. FIGURE 8-2: Sei Hei Ki, the Emotional symbol. FIGURE 8-3: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, the Distance symbol. FIGURE 8-4: Dai Ko Myo, the Master symbol.

      5 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: Gassho hand position at chest level. FIGURE 9-2: Gassho hand position resting on forehead.

      6 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: Begin your self-Reiki session by placing your hands over your eyes...FIGURE 10-2: Putting your hands on the top of your head. FIGURE 10-3: Placing your hands on the back of your head. FIGURE 10-4: Holding your hands to the side of your face. FIGURE 10-5: Self-Reiki hand positions for the throat. FIGURE 10-6: Self-Reiki hand positions for the throat and heart. Your hands sho...FIGURE 10-7: Hand positions for your upper chest. FIGURE 10-8: Hand positions for your upper abdomen. FIGURE 10-9: Hand positions for your middle abdomen. FIGURE 10-10: Hand positions for your lower abdomen. FIGURE 10-11: Hand positions for your shoulders. FIGURE 10-12: Hand positions for your waist. FIGURE 10-13: Hand positions for your lower back. FIGURE 10-14: Hand position for the knees.

      7 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: Reiki hand positions for the eyes and face. FIGURE 11-2: Reiki hand positions for the top of the head. FIGURE 11-3: Reiki hand positions for the temples. FIGURE 11-4: Reiki hand positions for the ears. FIGURE 11-5: Reiki hand placements for beneath the head. FIGURE 11-6: Reiki hand positions for the jawline and throat areas. FIGURE 11-7: Reiki hand positions for the collarbone. FIGURE 11-8: Reiki hand positions for the back of the neck and the heart. FIGURE 11-9: Reiki hand positions for the heart. FIGURE 11-10: Reiki hand positions for the upper abdomen. FIGURE 11-11: Reiki hand positions for the middle abdomen. FIGURE 11-12: Reiki hand positions for the lower abdomen. FIGURE 11-13: Reiki hand positions for the upper shoulders. FIGURE 11-14: Reiki hand positions for the shoulder blades. FIGURE 11-15: Reiki hand positions for the waist. FIGURE 11-16: Reiki hand positions for the lower back. FIGURE 11-17: Reiki hand positions for the backs of the knees. FIGURE 11-18: Reiki hand positions for the ankles. FIGURE 11-19: Reiki hand positions for the feet. FIGURE 11-20: Scanning with hands hovering above the body.

      8 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: Many hands performing Reiki.

      9 Chapter 22FIGURE 22-1: The double Cho Ku Rei. FIGURE 22-2: Two versions of the nontraditional Tibetan Dai Ko Myo. FIGURE 22-3: The Tibetan Fire Serpent. FIGURE 22-4: Raku. FIGURE 22-5: Zonar. FIGURE 22-6: Harth. FIGURE 22-7: Halu. FIGURE 22-8: Antakharana. FIGURE 22-9: Om. FIGURE 22-10: Shoshana.


      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4 Table of Contents

      5  Begin Reading

      6  Index

      7  About the Author


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