Musculoskeletal Disorders. Sean Gallagher

Musculoskeletal Disorders - Sean Gallagher

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MSD risk. Chapters 1012 discuss concepts related to the unique aspects of fatigue failure in a biological environment, addressing the body’s healing capacity and the influence of personal characteristics and psychosocial stress on MSD risk. The final four chapters (Chapters 1316) provide methods for assessing risk using fatigue failure methods, implications for MSD prevention, suggestions for optimizing musculoskeletal health, and assessment of the status of knowledge and the need for future research in this area. We would note that the book need not be necessarily consumed in the order in which it was written, as many chapters can be read on their own without loss of meaning.

      1 Bani Hani, D., Huangfu, R., Sesek, R., Schall, M. C., Jr., Davis, G. A., & Gallagher, S. (2021). Development and validation of a cumulative exposure shoulder risk assessment tool based on fatigue failure theory. Ergonomics, 64(1), 39–54.

      2 Barbe, M. F., Gallagher, S., Massicotte, V. S., Tytell, M., Popoff, S. N., & Barr‐Gillespie, A. E. (2013). The interaction of force and repetition on musculoskeletal and neural tissue responses and sensorimotor behavior in a rat model of work‐related musculoskeletal disorders. BMC Musculoskskeletal Disorders, 14, 303.‐2474‐14‐303. PMID: 24156755; PMCID: PMC3924406

      3 Brinckmann, P., Biggemann, M., & Hilweg, D. (1988). Fatigue fracture of human lumbar vertebrae. Clinical Biomechanics, 3(Suppl. 1), S1–S23.

      4 Carter, D., & Hayes, W. (1976). Fatigue life of compact bone—I. Effects of stress amplitude, temperature and density. Journal of Biomechanics, 9, 27–34.

      5 Dong, R., Wu, J., Xu, X., Welcome, D., & Krajnak, K. (2021). A Review of Hand–Arm Vibration Studies Conducted by US NIOSH since 2000. Vibration, 4, 482–528.

      6 Gallagher, S., & Heberger, J. (2013). Examining the interaction of force and repetition on musculoskeletal disorder risk: A systematic literature review. Human Factors, 14, 108–124.

      7 Gallagher, S., Marras, W., Litsky, A., Burr, D., Landoll, J., & Matkovic, V. (2007). A Comparison of fatigue failure responses of old versus middle‐aged lumbar motion segments in simulated flexed lifting. Spine, 32, 1832–1839.

      8 Gallagher, S., & Schall, J. M. (2017). Musculoskeletal disorders as a fatigue failure process: Evidence, implications and research needs. Ergonomics, 60, 255–269.

      9 Gallagher, S., Schall, M., Jr., Sesek, R., & Huangfu, R. (2018). An upper extremity risk assessment tool based on material fatigue failure theory: The distal upper extremity tool (DUET). Human Factors, 60, 1146–1162.

      10 Gallagher, S., Sesek, R., Schall, M., Jr., & Huangfu, R. (2017). Development and validation of an easy‐to‐use risk assessment tool for cumulative low back loading: The Lifting Fatigue Failure Tool (LiFFT). Applied Ergonomics, 63, 142–150.

      11 Gosain, A., & DiPietro, L. (2004). Aging and wound healing. World Journal of Surgery, 28, 321–326.

      12 Guo, S., & DiPietro, L. (2010). Factors affecting wound healing. Journal of Dental Research, 89, 219–229.

      13 Kiecolt‐Glaser, J., Marucha, P., Malarkey, W., Mercado, A., & Glaser, R. (1995). Slowing of wound healing by psychological stress. Lancet, 346, 1194–1196.

      14 Kumar, S. (2001). Theories of musculoskeletal injury causation. Ergonomics, 44, 17–47.

      15 Ma, C., Gu, J., Charles, L., Andrew, M., Dong, R., & Burchfiel, C. (2018). Work‐related upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders in the United States: 2006, 2009, and 2014 National Health Interview Survey. Work, 60, 623–634.

      16 Matsuishi, M., & Endo, T. (1968). Fatigue of metals subjected to varying stress. Paper presented to the Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fukuoka, Japan: Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers.

      17 McEwan, B. (1998). Stress, adaptation, and disease: Allostasis and allostatic load. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 840, 33–44.

      18 Mehdizadeh, A., Vinel, A., Hu, Q., Schall, M., Jr., Gallagher, S., & Sesek, R. (2020). Job rotation and work‐related musculoskeletal disorders: A fatigue‐failure perspective. Ergonomics, 63, 461–476.

      19 Miner, M. A. (1945). Cumulative damage in fatigue. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 16, A159–A164.

      20 Moore, J., & Garg, A. (1995). The strain index: A proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 56, 443–458.

      21 Nash, J. C. (1966). Fatigue of self‐healing structure: A generalized theory of fatigue failure. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

      22 Palmgren, A. (1924). Die Lebebsdaue rvon Kugellagern. Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, 68, 339–341.

      23 Potvin, J., Ciriello, V., Snook, S., Maynard, W., & Brogmus, G. (2021). The Liberty Mutual manual materials handling (LM‐MMH) equations. Ergonomics.

      24 Radwin, R. G. (2011, September). Automated video exposure assessment of repetitive motion. In Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting (Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 995–996). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

      25 Rankine, W. (1843). On the causes of the unexpected breakage of the journals of railway axles, and on the means of preventing such accidents by observing the law of continuity in their construction. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of the Institution of Civil Engineers (pp. 105–107). London: Institution of Civil Engineers.

      26 Rempel, D. (2018). 1631c Recent changes to the ACGIH hand activity level TLV. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 75(Suppl 2), A258–A258.

      27 Schechtman, H., & Bader, D. (1997). In vitro fatigue of human tendons. Journal of Biomechanics, 829–835.

      28 Snook, S. (1978). The design of manual handling tasks. Ergonomics, 21, 963–985.

      29 Snook, S., & Ciriello, V. (1991). The design of manual handling tasks: Revised tables of maximum acceptable weights and forces. Ergonomics, 34, 1197–1213.

      30 Stephens, R., Fatemi, A., Stephens, R., & Fuchs, H. (2001). Metal fatigue in engineering (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

      31 Sun, H., Andarawis‐Puri, N., Li, Y., Fung, D., Lee, J., Wang, V., … Flatow, E. L. (2010). Cycle‐dependent matric remodeling gene expression response in fatigue‐loaded rat patellar tendons. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 28, 1380–1386.

      32 Thornton, G., Schwab, T., & Oxland, T. R. (2007). Cyclic loading causes faster rupture and strain rate than static loading in medial collateral ligament at high stress. Clinical Biomechanics, 22, 932–940.

      33 United States Bone and Joint Initiative. (2021, January). The burden of musculoskeletal diseases in the United States (BMUS), (3rd ed.), 2014. Rosemont, IL. Retrieved from

      34 Waters, T., Putz‐Anderson, V., Garg, A., & Fine, L. (1993). Revised NIOSH equation for the design and evaluation of manual lifting tasks. Ergonomics, 36, 749–776.

      35 Weightman, B., Chappell, D., & Jenkins, E. (1978). A second study of tensile fatigue properties of human articular cartilage. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 37, 58–63.

      36 Wright, J., Carroll, L., Sham, T.‐L., Lybeck, N., & Wright, R. (2016). Determination of the creep–fatigue interaction diagram for alloy 617. Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP2016) (p. 10). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: EPRI 2016 Creep Fatigue Workshop In Collaboration with ASME PVP.

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