Surface Displacement Measurement from Remote Sensing Images. Olivier Cavalie

Surface Displacement Measurement from Remote Sensing Images - Olivier Cavalie

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9 Anthropogenic Activity: Monitoring Surface-Motion Consequences of Human Activities with Spaceborne InSAR 9.1. Introduction 9.2. Characteristics of subsidence/uplift phenomena associated with human activity 9.3. Application examples: urban underground activities 9.4. Applications in mineral resources extractive activities 9.5. Conclusion 9.6. Acknowledgments 9.7. References

      16  10 Measuring Kinematics of Slow-Moving Landslides from Satellite Images 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Image correlation applied to satellite optical images 10.3. Offset tracking of SAR images applied to landslides 10.4. InSAR for landslide studies 10.5. Conclusion 10.6. References

      17  11 Remote Sensing of Glacier Motion 11.1. Introduction 11.2. What is glacier motion? 11.3. Measuring glacier displacement from satellite data 11.4. What can we learn from glacier displacement? 11.5. Perspectives and future directions 11.6. Acknowledgments 11.7. References

      18  12 New Applications of Spaceborne Optical Image Cross-Correlation: Digital Elevation Models of Volcanic Clouds and Shallow Bathymetry from Space 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Digital elevation models of volcanic ash clouds 12.3. Shallow bathymetry: measuring wave characteristics from space 12.4. Concluding remarks 12.5. Acknowledgments 12.6. References

      19  List of Authors

      20  Index

      21  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1. Main orbital parameters for some sun-synchronous SAR missionsTable 1.2. Main orbital parameters for some sun-synchronous optical missionsTable 1.3. Allocated frequencies and bandwidths for active SAR civil sensors in ...Table 1.4. Examples of satellite missions and B/H ratiosTable 1.5. Description of spectral bandsTable 1.6. Past mission characteristics and parametersTable 1.7. Past mission instrument characteristicsTable 1.8. Mission characteristics and parameters (1/2)Table 1.9. Mission characteristics and parameters (2/2)Table 1.10. Instrument characteristics (1/2)Table 1.11. Instrument characteristics (2/2)Table 1.12. Future mission characteristics and parametersTable 1.13. Future instrument characteristics

      2 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Main DInSAR software packages

      3 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Overview of PS and PSDS time-series software packages

      4 Chapter 7Table 7.1. Summary of pros and cons of InSAR and optical correlation

      5 Chapter 8Table 8.1. Techniques for measuring surface displacement and topographic changes...

      6 Chapter 11Table 11.1. Summary of pros | and cons | of the different methods. For a color v...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Relevant SAR missions and associated frequency bands (future mission...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. A toy example of the basic 2D template matching. A windowV centered ...Figure 2.2. In the noisy data region, two geometric deformations are shown as a ...Figure 2.3. The impact of the regularization term in equation [2.22] on the solu...Figure 2.4. Sensor orientation in 3D space. (X, Y, Z)w and (X, Y, Z)c are the re...Figure 2.5. Epipolar lineep as a projection of a bundleBp via the epipolar plane...Figure 2.6. An image pair in the original geometry (bottom) and rectified to the...Figure 2.7. The effect of unmodeled sensor errors on image matching. The left im...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. SAR imaging geometry compared to the imaging geometry of a simple op...Figure 3.2. Look-and-flight directions (black and red arrows) for SAR acquisitio...Figure 3.3. Sampling of the topography in slant-range coordinates. The x-axis in...Figure 3.4. (a) Great Aletsch Glacier (Switzerland) imaged in the slant-range ge...Figure 3.5. The scattering amplitude and phase of a coherent target is independe...Figure 3.6. Radar image of a glacier (left side) flowing around a rock ridge (ri...Figure 3.7. The slant-range spectrum of the single-look-complex amplitude image ...Figure 3.8. Top row: phase φ and intensity I (color; brightness) of reference an...Figure 3.9. Top row: linearly scaled

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