Psalms Through the Centuries, Volume 3. Susan Gillingham
7 Preface
9 BOOK THREE: PSALMS 73–89 Remembering, Human and DivinePsalms 73–83: The Asaphite Collection: ‘How Long, O Lord?’Psalms 73–77: ‘Has God Forgotten to be Gracious?’Psalm 73: A Didactic Psalm about the ImpiousPsalm 74: A Communal Lament about Ongoing ExilePsalm 75: God’s Abode is in Zion (i)Psalm 76: God’s Abode is in Zion (ii)Psalm 77: An Individual Lament about Ongoing ExilePsalms 78–83: ‘Will You be Angry Forever?’Psalm 78: A Didactic Psalm about God’s Judgement on His PeoplePsalm 79: A Communal Lament about Ongoing Exile (i)Psalm 80: A Communal Lament about Ongoing Exile (ii)Psalm 81: God’s Abode is in Zion (i)Psalm 82: God’s Abode is in Zion (ii)Psalm 83: An Individual Lament about Ongoing ExilePsalms 84–89: The Korahite Collection: ‘Will God Remember Zion?’Psalms 84–88: ‘Restore us Again, O Lord!’Psalm 84: Longing for the TemplePsalm 85: Praying for National DeliverancePsalm 86: In Memory of DavidPsalm 87: God is King in ZionPsalm 88: A Psalm of Complaint and InstructionPsalm 89: Remembering the Covenant with David
10 BOOK FOUR: PSALMS 90–106 Human Transience and the Everlasting GodPsalms 90–92: God as RefugePsalm 90: Lamenting Human TransiencePsalm 91: God’s Promise of ProtectionPsalm 92: A Thanksgiving Song for the SabbathPsalms 93–94, 95–100: God as KingPsalm 93: God’s Kingship is for EverPsalm 94: God Will Come to Judge the Nations of the EarthPsalm 95: God’s People are Called upon to Acknowledge God as KingPsalm 96: ‘Sing to the Lord a New Song’ (i)Psalm 97: God Reigns in Zion (i)Psalm 98: ‘Sing to the Lord a New Song’ (ii)Psalm 99: God Reigns in Zion (ii)Psalm 100: The Whole Earth is Called upon to Acknowledge God as KingPsalms 101–103: God as DefenderPsalm 101: David: The Model ServantPsalm 102: A Penitential Prayer of a Suffering ServantPsalm 103: God’s Compassion is EverlastingPsalms 104–106: God as Creator and RedeemerPsalm 104: A Hymn to God as CreatorPsalm 105: A Thanksgiving Song: God as Redeemer in Israel’s History (i)Psalm 106: A Lament: God as Redeemer in Israel’s History (ii)
11 BOOK FIVE: PSALMS 107–151 Envisaging Restoration: The Divine Plan in HistoryPsalm 107: God as Redeemer in Israel’s History (iii)Psalms 108–110: A Trilogy of Psalms Concerning DavidPsalm 108: A Composite Psalm of RemembrancePsalm 109: Living with AbusePsalm 110: A Psalm about Abraham, David, the Messiah and ChristPsalms 111–112: Two Acrostic PsalmsPsalm 111: An Acrostic Psalm Concerning the Righteousness of GodPsalm 112: An Acrostic Psalm Concerning Human RighteousnessPsalms 113–118: A Liturgical Collection (i)Psalm 113: God Elevates the PoorPsalm 114: A Passover PsalmPsalm 115: A Liturgy: The Lifelessness of Idols and the Life-Giving GodPsalm 116: The Fate of the Dead and the Cup of SalvationPsalm 117: Brief Praise with Abundant ImplicationsPsalm 118: A Psalm with Many VoicesPsalm 119: Reflections on the Formation of CharacterPsalms 120–134: A Liturgical Collection (ii)Psalms 120–124: Arrival at ZionPsalm 120: A Song from the DiasporaPsalm 121: A Song of JourneyingPsalm 122: A Song of ArrivalPsalm 123: A Song Praying for MercyPsalm 124: A Song about National DeliverancePsalms 125–129: Blessings from ZionPsalm 125: A Song about Restoration (i)Psalm 126: A Song about Restoration (ii)Psalm 127: A Song about Security in the Home (i)Psalm 128: A Song about Security in the Home (ii)Psalm 129: A Song about Restoration (iii)Psalms 130–134: Departing from ZionPsalm 130: A Song from the Depths: The Soul and God (i)Psalm 131: A Song of Childlike Trust: The Soul and God (ii)Psalm 132: A Song of the Temple and the MessiahPsalm 133: ‘Hinneh Ma Tov’: A Song about Unity in ZionPsalm 134: ‘Hinneh Baraku’: A Song of Blessing from ZionPsalms 135–137: A Trilogy of Psalms Concerning RestorationPsalm 135: Praise of the Uniqueness of the LordPsalm 136: Thanksgiving for the Kindness of the LordPsalm 137: To Sing or Not to Sing? Waiting for Justice from GodPsalms 138–145: A Final Davidic PsalterPsalm 138: In Praise of God before Gods, Kings and AngelsPsalm 139: Knowing and Being Known by GodPsalm 140: Poisoned TonguesPsalm 141: Guarding the Tongue. An Evening PrayerPsalm 142: Prayer for Deliverance. Another Evening PrayerPsalm 143: God’s Righteousness and Human UnrighteousnessPsalm 144: Of Giants and UnicornsPsalm 145: A Song of Praise at the Beginning of the End of the PsalterPsalms 146–151: The End of the PsalterPsalms 146–150: The Final HallelPsalm 146: Praise for God’s Sovereignty and His Provision for All PeoplePsalm 147: Praise for God’s Sovereignty and His Provision for IsraelPsalm 148: Praise Has Cosmic ImplicationsPsalm 149: Praise Has Political ImplicationsPsalm 150: Praise in MusicPsalm 151: Supernumerary: In Remembrance of David
12 Appendix: Psalms Numbering Table
14 References
16 Psalms Index
18 Plates
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 3Figure 1 Jesus Walking on the...Figure 2 ‘But he, being full of...Figure 3 Michael Jessing, Ps. 80:8–9....Figure 4 Interpretation of singing of Psalm...Figure 5 Interpretation of singing of Psalm...Figure 6 Roger Wagner, Ps. 89:44–45:...
2 Chapter 4Figure 7 Michael Jessing: An Ecological...
3 Chapter 5Figure 8 Interpretation of singing...Figure 9 Arthur Wragg, ‘But the earth...Figure 10 Arthur Wragg, ‘Wherewithal shall...Figure 11 R. B. Benn, ‘I lift my...Figure 12 Arthur Wragg, ‘Unto thee lift...Figure 13 Interpretation of singing...Figure 14 Arthur Wragg, ‘How long shall...Figure 15 R. B. Benn ‘Let my prayer ...Figure 16 Arthur Wragg, ‘I cried unto...Figure 17 A Liturgical Score of the...Figure 18 Arthur Wragg, ‘Put not...Figure 19 The unexpected introduction...
4 PlatePlate 1 Psalm 74: ‘God works...Plate 2 Psalm 78: David and the Unicorn...Plate 3 Psalm 81 (Latin 80) as the Sixth...Plate 4 Psalm 84: A Figure points to Jerusalem...Plate 5 Psalm 85: ‘Mercy and Truth...Plate 6 Psalm 91: Christ tramples...Plate 7 Psalm 95: Calls to Praise on a...Plate 8 Psalm 98:1: Illuminated Initial...Plate 9 Psalm 100 Reversed: The Ku Klux...Plate 10 Psalm 102:6: The Pelican Feeds...Plate 11 Psalm 107: Psalms Book V Frontispiece...Plate 12 Psalm 107: YHWH the Provider according...Plate 13 Psalm 107: God’s Deliverance from...Plate 14 Psalm 109: Illustrated Initial...Plate 15 Psalm 110: Christ at the Right...Plate 16 Psalm 110:1 Illustrated Initial...Plate 17 Psalm 113: A Synagogue Scene...Plates 18 Psalm 114: The Parting of...Plate 20 Psalm 117: A Vespers Psalm:...Plate 21