Properties for Design of Composite Structures. Neil McCartney
m Baseline Over a squared EndFraction comma"/>(4.128)
and on subtraction that
The substitution of (4.129) into (4.128) then leads to
From (4.127) it follows on addition that
and on subtraction that
The substitution of (4.132) into (4.131) then leads to
It now follows from (4.129) and (4.132) that
and from (4.130), (4.133) and (4.134) that
As Cf=0, it follows from (4.115)–(4.117) that the stress and strain fields are uniform within the fibre. From (4.133) and (4.134)
On substituting (4.136) into (4.137) to eliminate Dm, it can be shown that