Английские времена на все времена. Тренажер. Анна Угланова

Английские времена на все времена. Тренажер - Анна Угланова

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___________________ raining today.

      2. The children _______________ playing in their room.

      3. Carrie _______________ listening to the news right now.

      4. I _______________ having breakfast.

      ПРАВОПИСАНИЕ окончания -ing:

      К большинству инфинитивов прибавляется окончание -ing:

      eat → eating; play → playing

      Если инфинитив оканчивается на -e, то мы эту -e убираем:

      move → moving; face → facing

      Если в конце глагола стоит гласная + согласная и на этот слог падает ударение, то конечная согласная удваивается:

      preFER → preferring; RUB → rubbing


      COver → covering; reMEMber → remembering

      Если в конце глагола стоит гласная + L, то пишем LL независимо от ударения:

      control → controlling; travel → travelling2


      die → dying; lie → lying

      7. Write the -ing forms.

      work → _________________; write → ______________________;

      read → __________________; carry → _____________________;

      sleep → _________________; go → ________________________;

      leave → _________________; take → _______________________.

      8. Write as in the example.

      I am watching TV.

      Am I watching TV?

      I’m not watching TV.

      1. She is translating this text now.



      2. You are having lunch.



      3. They are listening to their director.



      4. We are waiting for Helen.



      5. It is raining.



      9. Complete the sentences.

      1. Mark and Jane (to sit) __________________________________________ in a café now.

      2. It (not to snow) _________________________________________________ outdoors now.

      3. We (to wait) ____________________________________________________ for our teacher at school.

      4. The girls (to argue) _____________________________________________ about what presents to buy for their Mum.

      5. I (to watch) _____________________________________________________ the children playing in the garden.

      10. Fill in with Present Simple or Present Continuous.

      – Hi, Mum!

      – Hello, Anna. Where _____________________________________________________ (you, call) from?

      – I ________________________________ (be) at work at the moment. My boss _____________________________________________ (have) lunch with his wife now. He __________________________________ (often, take) her to lunch on Tuesdays.

      – Well, why _______________________________________________________ (you, phone)?

      – No, I just want you to know that I _____________________________ (come) home next Friday.

      – What time ______________________________________________________ (your bus, arrive)?

      – It ______________________ (leave) at 16.00 and ____________________ (arrive) at 17.00.

      – See you on Friday then.

      11. Underline the correct item.

      1. Do you enjoy/Are you enjoying this party?

      2. You haven’t said a word all the evening. What are you thinking/do you think about?

      3. He has/is having a tabby cat.

      4. I don’t know/am not knowing where she keeps the money.

      5. Sarah is German. She is coming/comes from Germany.

      6. Leo listens/is listening to the music in his room.

      7. If you don’t read/aren’t reading that magazine, I’d like to see it.

      8. Chrissy weighs/is weighing 70 kilos.


      They have been singing for an hour.

      Present Perfect Continuous (Настоящее совершенное продолженное/длительное) употребляется для того, чтобы подчеркнуть, что действие началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем, то есть УЖЕ ДЛИТСЯ КАКОЕ-ТО ВРЕМЯ (for some time, since some time):

      I’ve been waiting for you for an hour. Я жду тебя уже час.

      Pres. Perf. Continuous состоит ИЗ ТРЁХ ЧАСТЕЙ!

      have или has

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American English spelling is traveling