Managing Medical and Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma. Группа авторов
href="#ulink_1fd7765f-7ce3-58e5-92f0-78ccc2747b27">36.1 Introduction 36.2 Clinical approach to face presentation 36.3 Summary 36.4 Further reading CHAPTER 37: Breech delivery and external cephalic version 37.1 Introduction 37.2 External cephalic version 37.3 Vaginal breech delivery 37.4 Failure to deliver 37.5 Medicolegal matters 37.6 Summary 37.7 Further reading CHAPTER 38: Twin pregnancy 38.1 Introduction 38.2 Clinical approach to a twin pregnancy 38.3 Intrapartum management of vaginal twin deliveries 38.4 Communication and team working 38.5 Summary 38.6 Further reading CHAPTER 39: Complex perineal and anal sphincter trauma 39.1 Introduction 39.2 Assessment of perineal trauma 39.3 Repair of trauma 39.4 Training 39.5 Summary 39.6 Further reading CHAPTER 40: Symphysiotomy and destructive procedures 40.1 Introduction 40.2 Symphysiotomy 40.3 Destructive procedures 40.4 Summary 40.5 Further reading CHAPTER 41: Anaesthetic complications in obstetrics 41.1 Introduction 41.2 Difficult intubation 41.3 Regional blocks (epidural and spinal anaesthesia and analgesia) 41.4 Complications of regional anaesthesia 41.5 Complications due to local anaesthetic drugs 41.6 Serious immediate complications of local anaesthetic drugs 41.7 Complications of opioids 41.8 Complications of technique 41.9 Neurological damage 41.10 Effects of complications on the fetus 41.11 Summary 41.12 Further reading CHAPTER 42: Triage 42.1 Introduction 42.2 Assessment of the pregnant woman 42.3 Scenarios 42.4 Summary 42.5 Further reading CHAPTER 43: Transfer 43.1 Introduction 43.2 ACCEPT approach 43.3 Common coordination problems 43.4 Summary 43.5 Further reading CHAPTER 44: Consent matters 44.1 Introduction 44.2 Sufficient information 44.3 Capacity 44.4 Voluntarily given consent 44.5 Who can obtain consent? 44.6 Summary 44.7 Further reading
21 References and further reading
22 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Number of maternal deaths from obstetric injury, 1952–1954Table 2.2 Estimated maternal mortality rates by ethnic group, England 2016–...Table 2.3 The changes in direct deaths reported to the CEMDs, 1952–2018Table 2.4 The rise in indirect deaths: maternal deaths notified to the CEMD...Table 2.5 Causes of maternal deaths worldwide
2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Types of errorsTable 4.2 Elements of communication
3 Chapter