Kevin McCloud’s 43 Principles of Home: Enjoying Life in the 21st Century. Kevin McCloud
with your possessions, your home and your street are the starting point for a new, more interesting way of experiencing the world and that the end result of that can be a significant reduction in your individual environmental impact.
It can mean more choice and more interesting choice as well. Let me give you an example, a real hot potato of an example. My company, Hab, is a development business. We build homes in partnership with housing associations—the organizations who provide social housing—and we try to make our developments as ecological, enjoyable and socially progressive as possible. Hab stands for Happiness, Architecture, Beauty. It does not stand for Hummers, Audis and BMWs; which means, in pursuit of a way of life that is resource meagre and low carbon, we encourage residents to reduce their car use. We only provide one and a half parking spaces for each dwelling, which doesn’t go down well with a lot of people. But in exchange for the one privation of one liberty—the right to park an unlimited number of vehicles wherever they want—residents get appealing alternatives including a car club and an intranet advising them of offers to share car journeys. The choice is limited in one way and enlarged in another. The emphasis is shifted from the personal and acquisitive to the communal and shared. That’s what I mean by New Materialism (or One Planet Living, if you like; I don’t mind): offering more choice, set in a different framework of choice.
That framework is composed of the ecological, environmental and social goals that many organizations and people are now working towards, from the social workers of Dharavi in India to the government of California, from the directors of Ecotricity in the UK to housing cooperatives the world over. You can figure out your own goals by reading a couple of books, the newspapers, the odd website and then getting confused. Or you can look at the framework developed by BioRegional and WWF: One Planet Living.
This framework comprises 10 goals, which reach far beyond governments’ focus on carbon dioxide emissions, extend into every part of our lives and are based on an analysis of how we consume the world’s resources. They’re also very easy to understand: put simply, we have only one planet to support us, yet if everyone on the globe consumed as much and as fast as we do in the West, we’d need three planets to support us. Three planets of aluminium, forests, fish and fuel. But we have only one. There is no Planet B.
In the spirit of Brundtland, One Planet Living sets zero carbon as an objective and the great challenge of reducing our consumption of raw materials as another. It identifies waste, transport and food as problems. And it places mankind at the centre of its approach as not just the enemy of the environment but also part of that environment. We are not simply the problem; we ourselves are the victims. It is our species’ happy survival that is at stake. So we also need to be the solution. Through technological advance, science, culture change and inventiveness, human energy might just solve the environmental and population problems we face.
Here are the One Planet Living objectives:
1. Zero carbon
Making buildings more energy efficient and delivering all energy with renewable technologies.
2. Zero waste
Reducing waste, reusing where possible, and ultimately sending zero waste to landfill.
3. Sustainable transport
Encouraging low carbon modes of transport to reduce emissions, reducing the need to travel.
4. Sustainable materials
Using sustainable products that have a low embodied energy.
5. Local and sustainable food
Choosing low impact, local, seasonal and organic diets and reducing food waste.
6. Sustainable water
Using water more efficiently in buildings and in the products we buy; tackling local flooding and water course pollution.
7. Natural habitats and wildlife
Protecting and expanding old habitats and creating new space for wildlife.
All as you would expect really. (You have to forgive the repetition of the word ‘sustainable’. BioRegional’s words, not mine.) Except the list then goes on to talk about aspects of our lives that are much more qualitative and which introduce a human element as well.
8. Cultural heritage
Reviving local identity and wisdom; support for, and participation in, the arts.
9. Equity, fair trade and local economy
Inclusive, empowering workplaces with equitable pay; support for local communities and fair trade.
And, almost my favourite:
10. Health and happiness
Encouraging active, sociable, meaningful lives to promote good health and well being.4
One Planet Living takes 10 areas of our lives where we can creatively change what we do and where those decisions aren’t necessarily restrictive but offer opportunities for an increase in the quality of our lives. If you’re put off by the idea of change, I can reassure you that change means incorporating affordable, meaningful strategies into your life, strategies like deciding to buy food seasonally, growing your own, cutting down on your travel, retrofitting your home to be more comfortable and better insulated. The kinds of changes that can be made even more easily if you live in a sustainable and ecological development—like those that my company, Hab, is building. This book, among other things, explores those strategies. This book puts human beings at the centre.
A few years ago, I wrote a preamble to the Little Book of One Planet Living, by Paul King and Pooran Desai,5 in which I wrote:
If, like me, you despair of ever rising from the shallow mire of materialism, stop reading your credit card bills and instead read this enjoyable book… a rallying cry for the reintroduction of some ideas that we haven’t cherished for decades, perhaps centuries. Ideas like respect and value for how we treat the material world around us, both man-made and natural. Which is why, among the guidelines about how to save water with aerated taps or reduce your holiday carbon footprint, there are also sections about buying Fairtrade goods and buying local or regional produce. Things you can do that go beyond the basic ecomantra of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ and which are part of a wider ethical position that respects not just the planet and its ecosystems but human energy and human systems too. These ideas aren’t radical; they haven’t got greasy unwashed hair. They’re just sensible and thoughtful and expedient. And in practice they can make our lives more rewarding and satisfying. More civilized.
It was that volume that started me off on the journey to write this one. I hope my book will help you value the material world in a different, fuller way. I hope that as you read it, you’ll begin to wonder where it was made, who by and how much paper, ink, solvent, glue, machine maintenance, shipping, packaging, handling and energy it took to make it; how much time, effort and care were spent by the dozens of people who were involved with it. And I hope that, as well as awakening your curiosity, it will give you the tools for minimizing our detrimental impact on the environment and on other human beings: the tools of wasting less (or wasting nothing), saving fuel energy, exploiting what we have to hand, respecting craftsmanship, reusing the resources and made things that we already have, and sharing them more.
This book is a collection of four stories, narratives that are part fictional and part autobiographical. Each forms the spine to the four parts of the book and from each spring a number of smaller, more factual chapters. Threading