Essentials of the California Verbal Learning Test. Thomas J. Farrer

Essentials of the California Verbal Learning Test - Thomas J. Farrer

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      Series Editors, Alan S. Kaufman and Nadeen L. Kaufman

       Essentials of 16PF® Assessment

      by Heather E. P. Cattell and James M. Schuerger

       Essentials of Adaptive Behavior Assessment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

      by Celine A. Saulnier and Cheryl Klaiman

       Essentials of ADHD Assessment for Children and Adolescents

      by Elizabeth P. Sparrow and Drew Erhardt

       Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties

      by David A. Kilpatrick

       Essentials of Assessment Report Writing, Second Edition

      by W. Joel Schneider, Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Nancy Mather, Nadeen L. Kaufman, and Alan S. Kaufman

       Essentials of Assessment with Brief Intelligence Tests

      by Susan R. Homack and Cecil R. Reynolds

       Essentials of Autism Spectrum Disorders Evaluation and Assessment

      by Celine A. Saulnier and Pamela E. Ventola

       Essentials of Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II Assessment

      by Maureen M. Black and Kathleen Matula

       Essentials of Behavioral Assessment

      by Michael C. Ramsay, Cecil R. Reynolds, and R. W. Kamphaus

       Essentials of Career Interest Assessment

      by Jeffrey P. Prince and Lisa J. Heiser

       Essentials of CAS2 Assessment

      by Jack A. Naglieri and Tulio M. Otero

       Essentials of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Second Edition

      by Linda Wilmshurst

       Essentials of Cognitive Assessment with KAIT and Other Kaufman Measures

      by Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Debra Y. Broadbooks, and Alan S. Kaufman

       Essentials of Conners Behavior Assessments™

      by Elizabeth P. Sparrow

       Essentials of Creativity Assessment

      by James C. Kaufman, Jonathan A. Plucker, and John Baer

       Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment, Third Edition

      by Dawn P. Flanagan, Samuel O. Ortiz, and Vincent C. Alfonso

       Essentials of DAS-II® Assessment

      by Ron Dumont, John O. Willis, and Colin D. Elliott

       Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention

      by Nancy Mather and Barbara J. Wendling

       Essentials of Evidence-Based Academic Interventions

      by Barbara J. Wendling and Nancy Mather

       Essentials of Executive Functions Assessment

      by George McCloskey and Lisa A. Perkins

       Essentials of Forensic Psychological Assessment, Second Edition

      by Marc J. Ackerman

       Essentials of Gifted Assessment

      by Steven I. Pfeiffer

       Essentials of IDEA for Assessment Professionals

      by Guy McBride, Ron Dumont, and John O. Willis

       Essentials of Individual Achievement Assessment

      by Douglas K. Smith

       Essentials of Intellectual Disability Assessment and Identification

      by Alan W. Brue and Linda Wilmshurst

       Essentials of KABC-II Assessment

      by Alan S. Kaufman, Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, and Nadeen L. Kaufman

       Essentials of KTEA™- 3 and WIAT® -III Assessment

      by Kristina C. Breaux and Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger

       Essentials of MCMI®- IV Assessment

      by Seth D. Grossman and Blaise Amendolace

       Essentials of Millon™ Inventories Assessment, Third Edition

      by Stephen Strack

       Essentials of MMPI-A™ Assessment

      by Robert P. Archer and Radhika Krishnamurthy

       Essentials of MMPI-2® Assessment, Second Edition

      by David S. Nichols

       Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Assessment, Second Edition

      by Naomi L. Quenk

       Essentials of NEPSY®- II Assessment

      by Sally L. Kemp and Marit Korkman


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