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      This series provides theoretically ambitious but accessible volumes devoted to the major fields and subfields within communication and media studies. Each volume provides experienced scholars and teachers with a convenient and comprehensive overview of the latest trends and critical directions, while grounding and orientating students with a broad range of specially commissioned chapters.


      The Handbook of Applied Communication Research, edited by H. Dan O’Hair and Mary John O’Hair

      The Handbook of Public Sector Communication, edited by Vilma Luoma-aho and Maria-Jose Canel

      The Handbook of European Communication History, edited by Klaus Arnold, Paschal Preston, and Susanne Kinnebrock

      The Handbook of Magazine Studies, edited by Miglena Sternadori and Tim Holmes

      The Handbook of Rhetoric and Organizations, edited by Øyvind Ihlen and Robert L. Heath

      The Handbook of Communication Engagement, edited by Kim A. Johnston and Maureen Taylor

      The Handbook of Financial Communication and Investor Relations, edited by Alexander V. Laskin

      The Handbook of Global Media Research, edited by Ingrid Volkmer

      The Handbook of Global Online Journalism, edited by Eugenia Siapera and Andreas Veglis

      The Handbook of Media and Mass Communication Theory, edited by Robert S. Fortner and P. Mark Fackler

      The Handbook of Psychology of Communication Technology, edited by S. Shyam Sundar

      The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research, edited by Andreas Schwarz, Matthew W. Seeger, and Claudia Auer


      The Handbook of Peer Production, edited by Mathieu O’Neil, Christian Pentzold,and Sophie Toupin

      The Handbook of Listening, edited by Deborah Worthington and Graham Bodie

      Seeking Universality, Equality, Freedom and Dignity

      Edited by

      Loreto Corredoira

      Complutense University of Madrid Madrid, Spain

      Ignacio Bel Mallén

      Complutense University of Madrid Madrid, Spain

      Rodrigo Cetina Presuel

      Harvard University Cambridge, USA

      © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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      The right of Loreto Corredoira, Rodrigo Cetina Presuel, and Ignacio Bel Mallén to be identified as the authors of the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with law.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Corredoira y Alfonso, Loreto, editor, author. | Bel Mallen, Ignacio, editor, author. | Cetina Presuel, Rodrigo, editor, author.

      Title: The Handbook of communication rights, law, and ethics : seeking universality, equality, freedom and dignity / edited by Loreto Corredoira, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Ignacio Bel Mallén, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Rodrigo Cetina Presuel, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.

      Description: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, 2021. | Series: Handbooks in communication and media | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Contents: Freedom as the essential basis of communication rights / Ignacio Bel Mallén -- Human dignity : a revolutionary principle in a cosmopolitan society / Javier Gomá -- Communication rights in an internet-based society : why is the principle of universality so important? / Loreto Corredoira -- Communication rights in the United Nations system : from declarations to soft law / Leopoldo Abad -- Universality vs. standardization : the privatization of communication rights on social media / Rodrigo Cetina-Presuel -- U.S. and international communication rights frameworks and the pursuit of global consensus / Erik Ugland -- Communication rights and their messages : news, opinions, ideas and advertising / Ignacio Bel Mallén -- Subjects of communication rights : a special study of minors / María Isabel Serrano Maíllo -- News : objectivity and truth / Justino Sinova -- Journalists, confidentiality and sources / Lorenzo Cotino Hueso -- Addressing the risks of harms caused by disinformation : European vs American approaches to testing the limits of dignity and freedom of expression online / Divina Frau-Meigs -- The law and ethics of journalism in a changing world : new professional realities and challenges for communication professionals / Fernando Gutiérrez Atala -- Data protection as a limit to communication rights. A general vision of European data protection / José Martínez Soria -- Regulation of internet intermediaries and communication rights / Joan Barata -- Imperiling community memory : the European right to be Forgotten’s tampering of search engine results / Krystie Byrum -- The crime of historical denialism as a limit to freedom of expression : a European glance German / Manuel Teruel -- Hate speech in the United States and abroad : finding common ground / Chris Demaske -- Political communication and electoral campaigns in Europe

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