Isotopic Constraints on Earth System Processes. Группа авторов

Isotopic Constraints on Earth System Processes - Группа авторов

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Knight et al. (2009) for silicon. The black curved lines through the data are Rayleigh fractionation trajectories calculated as described in the text.

      1.6.4. Evidence of Evaporation in Natural CAIs from Chondritic Meteorites

Schematic illustration of the comparison of the correlation of the silicon and magnesium isotopic fractionation of vacuum evaporation residues using data from Richter et al.

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Silicate Melts Isotopes β Reference
CaO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 48Ca – 40Ca 0.05, 0.1 Richter et al., 1999
CaO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 76Ge – 70Ge < 0.025 Richter et al., 1999
Rhyolite‐basalt 44Ca – 40Ca 0.05 Richter et al., 2003
Rhyolite‐basalt 7Li – 6Li 0.215 Richter et al., 2003
Rhyolite‐basalt 26Mg – 24Mg 0.05 Richter et al., 2008
Rhyolite‐basalt 56Fe – 54Fe 0.03 Richter et al., 2009b
Rhyolite‐basalt 44Ca – 40Ca 0.035 Watkins et al., 2009
Rhyolite‐Ugandite 44Ca – 40Ca 0.035 Watkins et al., 2009
Albite‐anorthite 44Ca – 40Ca 0.021