Urban and suburban transport intelligent management. Textbook. Vadim Shmal

Urban and suburban transport intelligent management. Textbook - Vadim Shmal

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control of traffic light operating modes and the organization of a «green wave» on a section of the road network based on operational data on the structure and capacity of traffic flows. A feature of the application of the «smart traffic light» is the optimal change in the time of the phases of its switching.

      Special attention is paid to the organization of prompt and unhindered movement of emergency services to the destination, depending on the current traffic situation, the branching of the road network, the construction of the most rational route, the priority of the movement of these services in the organization of traffic light regulation.

      The use of communication between traffic lights reduces fuel consumption and emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air.

      Thus, the introduction of IoT technologies in the automotive industry allows you to reduce congestion at intersections, total travel time, save fuel, reduce emissions of harmful substances from motor transport, reduce the time of emergency services to their destination, organize parking. [72] Road safety system

      In the event of an accident, the necessary information about the vehicle, including its exact coordinates, the time of the accident, damage data is automatically transmitted to the server center of the monitoring system and will allow for prompt notification and response of the involved services. [46]

      Another direction of IoT implementation is warning about potential dangers on the road and timely detection of deviations of vehicle parameters from regulatory values in order to prevent the occurrence of road accidents and carry out appropriate measures to manage a dangerous failure.

      The use of IoT is also aimed at increasing the active safety of cars through the use of intelligent transport systems in operation:

      – registration of vehicle movement parameters;

      – registration of parameters of road accidents;

      – lane departure warnings (LDWS);

      – tire air pressure monitoring;

      – monitoring of the driver’s condition.

      Thus, work is underway to build an IoT ecosystem to improve road safety. In addition to intelligent brake control support, an important factor is monitoring the condition of car tires online, since uneven wear and changes in the parameters of the interaction of wheels with the road surface depend on the actual tire pressure.

      The construction of a cloud system will ensure that information about a significant deviation in temperature and tire pressure level from the standards is received on the vehicle’s on-board computer or on the owner’s phone, as well as on the traffic police network resources, in order to identify inconsistencies in their operating modes and promptly take measures to eliminate this incident. Recommendations on the time of the next maintenance are also formed.

      Today, many companies are working on projects for the intellectualization of cars. Tesla, Honda, KAMAZ and other automakers have fully autonomous vehicles in the form of concepts and models ready for production.

      Along with the development of fully autonomous vehicles, automakers are working on improving driver assistance systems (ADAS) that use V2X and 5G technologies to communicate with other road users.

      These include machine learning and big data, the use of sensor information and automation. The idea is that intelligent machines are better than humans at receiving, analyzing and transmitting data. Manufacturers can identify inefficiencies and problems of new models earlier and quickly find solutions to eliminate them. Self-driving cars

      An actual trend in recent years is the introduction of autonomous driving technology to improve the efficiency and safety of traffic [46]

      Already today, there is a «Connected cars» technology that allows a car to have a permanent bidirectional connection with other devices and machines. It should be noted right away that an increase in the number of such machines will improve the interaction between them.

      To date, the following systems of intelligent interaction of objects of the transport process and the environment are distinguished:

      V2I (Vehicle to Infrastructure (markings, traffic lights, road signs, etc.)): this type collects information about the infrastructure around the car, about changes in environmental conditions, about safety, etc.;

      V2V (Vehicle to vehicle): this type, in turn, collects information and is exchanged by means of wireless technologies with the nearest machines to reduce accidents;

      V2C (Vehicle to cloud): allows you to share information with the cloud and use information from other areas related to the cloud, for example, with a smart home;

      V2P (Vehicle to people or Vehicle to pedestrian): exchanges information with pedestrians, allows you to increase mobility and reduce accidents on the roads;

      V2X (Vehicle to Everything): exchanges information with all vehicles and infrastructure, includes cars, highways, planes, etc.

      – V2D (Vehicle to device);

      – I2I (infrastructure-to-infrastructure, interaction between different infrastructure elements).

      Prospects for using IoT in combination with unmanned vehicles:

      – smart home management. When plotting a route to the user’s home, an unmanned vehicle can send a signal to the home equipment to perform certain actions, as well as control the garage door, which will automatically park the unmanned vehicle, and much more;

      – route estimation. The car, using IoT technologies, can estimate the route (elevation difference, traffic congestion), thereby optimizing its further movement;

      – automatic payment. A simple but convenient way to pay for parking, toll roads, and more;

      – reduction of accidents on the roads. The computer responsible for driving the car will be able to automatically receive information about possible concentrations of people in certain areas and take the necessary measures.

      Depending on the frequency and specifics of trips, artificial intelligence will be able to predict, for example, the need for a technical inspection or the need to replace tires.

      1.2.3 Application of IoT in the aviation industry

      As noted in, the use of IoT for dynamic tracking and compensation of turbulent flows on the surface of aircraft is actively developing to improve the efficiency of aircraft design and reduce fuel consumption.

      To overcome the difficulties of measuring at high speeds of modern aircraft, engineering solutions are being developed for the placement of dense networks of sensors and actuators for accurate registration, the formation of turbulent flows and the development of control actions aimed at countering their effects.

      The usual air transport control towers are being replaced by intelligent systems based on receiving data from high-precision video cameras of a new generation. It also allows you to adjust the schemes of operation of ground transport of airports, planning of passenger terminals.

      1.2.4 Internet of Things in marine environment monitoring

      The issues of monitoring the marine environment are currently receiving close attention due to the importance of climate change issues. It is worth noting that traditional marine monitoring systems take a lot of time, and the collected data have a low resolution. The Internet of Things plays an important role in this area. Compared to wireless sensor networks (WSN), IoT has much more powerful data processing capabilities, providing intelligent object management.

      The scope of marine environment monitoring based on IoT include: 1) ocean sounding and monitoring; 2) water quality monitoring; 3) coral reef monitoring; 4) offshore or deep-sea fisheries monitoring.

      Sensor nodes are used to determine and monitor environmental parameters

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