All sciences. №1, 2022. International Scientific Journal. Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev
physics, as well as quantum physics, took place for a significant 5 years. The name of resonant nuclear reactions was given to these systems in January 2022 by Karimov Bokhodir Khoshimovich and appeared for the first time in this research.
Due to the fact that the relevance of resonant nuclear reactions quickly follows from the above, it remains to prove the relevance of the fact that a charged particle accelerator, a special type of LCA (Linear Cyclotron Accelerator), its class EPD-20, is necessary for the implementation of these nuclear reactions, it follows from the parameters that proton and deuterium beams are beams in it the Electron project with an energy of up to 20 MeV. Due to the fact that the energy must be selected, for example, for a conventional nuclear lithium-6 bombardment reaction with the release of two alpha particles, it is necessary to have a proton with an energy of 1.613245483 MeV, and only in this case it will be assumed that the final energy of the proton, after passing the Coulomb barrier at the nuclear radius, will be 0.25 eV, thanks to what does a proton become, what is called “thermal” and the effective cross-section of this nuclear reaction is already measured in huge units – kBn.
But today there is no LCC class accelerator on the whole planet, not to mention a detailed type of accelerators, having a common LCA-EPD-20 encoding, which could give a proton energy equal to 2,312691131 MeV for the first resonant nuclear reaction during the implementation of the Electron project, 1,978142789 MeV for the second resonant energy, 1,613245483 MeV for the third and 4.457595117 MeV for the fourth reaction, not because this energy is not achievable, by no means, this energy is scanty in accelerator physics, since modern particle accelerators appear with energies in GeV and TeV. The reason for the difficulty of achieving such results is precisely accuracy, accelerators can impart energy of 1 MeV, 1.5 MeV or 2 MeV, that is, specific values whose accuracy does not exceed 1 or 2 orders of magnitude, and as can be seen from calculations in an early monograph, much greater accuracy is needed to carry out these resonant nuclear reactions, which and it will be provided in the new LCA-EPD-20 accelerator of the Electron project.
Bibliographic list
1. Aliev I. H., Sharafutdinov F. M. The use of accelerators and the phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy to generate electrical energy. The Electron Project: A monograph. Publishing solutions. Reader, 2021. – 594 p.
2. Aliev I. H. New parameters for nuclear reactions to be carried out on an accelerator of charged particles of the LCC-EP-300 type. The Electron Project: A monograph. Publishing solutions. Reader, 2022. – 498 p.
3. Aliyev I. H. Software modeling of nuclear reaction phenomena based on technologies for creating a set of data using a system of algorithms in C++. The Core-COMPUTER project: A monograph. Publishing solutions. Reader, 2022. – 156 p.
Zhalolov Botirali Rustamovich, owner of the Malaysian company “Clipper Energy”, candidate in the field of economic sciences
Ferghana State University, Uzbekistan; Electron Organization, Slipper Energy, Malaysia
Annotation. More than once it was mentioned about the project known as “Electron”, which was aimed at carrying out resonant nuclear reactions and obtaining energy from them. Speaking about the novelty of this project, along with a lot of points, which in this case are only partially given, it is important to clarify the fact that the feature of the accelerator being created for the research laboratory under the LCC-EPD-20 Electron project is accuracy. It is the ability to give duants a certain voltage, that when passing through the slits of the electric field, where the beam is accelerated, it is accelerated only by a certain number, which is only a part of the final energy.
Keywords: Electron project, accelerator for giving resonant energy, resonant nuclear reactions, physical and mathematical modeling.
Аннотация. Не раз упоминалось о проекте, известный под названием “Электрон”, который был направлен на осуществление резонансных ядерных реакций и получение из них энергии. Говоря о новизне этого проекта, наряду с множеством пунктов, которые в данном случае приводятся лишь частично, важно уточнить тот факт, что особенностью ускорителя, создаваемого для научно-исследовательской лаборатории при проекте “Электрон” ЛЦУ-ЭПД-20 является точность. Именно возможность придавать дуантам определённое напряжение, что при проходе через щели электрического поля, где и осуществляется ускорение пучка, ускоряется только на некоторое число, которая является лишь частью конечной энергии.
Ключевые слова: проект “Электрон”, ускоритель для придачи резонансной энергии, резонансные ядерные реакции, физико-математическое моделирование.
Of course, each study has its own results and stages of implementation, and the results of the ongoing research on the Electron project (Fig. 1) are published in scientific articles in the international journals “Exact Science”, “Young Scientist” and some others.
But of course, such a voluminous work would simply be impossible to describe in one general scientific work, this would lead to the fact that it would have titanic dimensions. Therefore, the general text is divided into several separate works, among which two works are already available. Speaking of these monographs, it is worth starting from those already published to date:
1. Aliev I. H., Sharofutdinov F. M. The use of accelerators and the phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy to generate electrical energy. The Electron project is the first monograph published in this class and described the method of calculating and analyzing resonant nuclear reactions, while using high currents and power, only a superficial calculation of the consumption system was given, and at the end the first calculation mechanisms are given, but even though the study was mainly theoretical, it was this work sets all the necessary and used in the mechanism of the mathematical apparatus of the system;
2. Aliyev I. H. Software modeling of nuclear reaction phenomena based on the technology of creating a set of data using a system of algorithms in C++. The Core-Computer project is the second monograph that already describes the simplest model of a calculation system with resonant nuclear reactions, but already using C++ programming languages, which creates the opportunity to work at the simplest level, and then the transition to a more complex degree of work, at the same time showing the mathematical apparatus of resonant nuclear reactions;
3. New parameters for nuclear reactions to be carried out on a charged particle accelerator of the LCA-EPD-300 type. The Electron project – monograph is aimed at deriving the necessary data on resonant nuclear reactions, where integer data are as close as possible to real ones, much attention should be paid to lowering the current and approaching the actual values, which led to the fact that in the monograph, according to the general scheme, a station generating