Scientific and practical technomagic. Eugene Shamala

Scientific and practical technomagic - Eugene Shamala

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ientific and practical technomagic

      Eugene Shamala

      © Eugene Shamala, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0059-3776-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      In the economic, technical and, in general, in the scientific community, the question of the ways of developing our civilization is now being rather vigorously discussed. On various discussion platforms, this question sounds something like this: “What technological order awaits our civilization? The industrial order is over. Now the post-industrial one is coming and developing, but it, it seems, also, in all scenarios, will not last long.”

      And there are already quite a few futurological pictures of the development of our society. This is a “digital concentration camp” and a rating system like in China, and the economy of consumption according to Schwab, and the worlds of dominant corporations. There are also worlds in which the future is like the past – all on horseback, on flying dragons, with bows and swords – such, like, “battle of thrones”. Sheer horror!

      I have my own version of the development and formation of the technological way of earth civilization – this is a techno-magical and techno-spiritual way of development.

      This way of life arises as a result of the natural development of science and technology, of course, if this process is not interfered with. If you don’t interfere, then such a branch of science as “Etherdynamics” arises and develops, which, based on knowledge about the Ether, inevitably leads to the emergence and development of etherodynamic technologies, to the development of new views and understandings of the structure of the planetary system, star system, galaxy, universe.

      And then all this, unambiguously, leads to an understanding of the existence and role of the Creativity – to the existence of the Creator, to the existence of his creative energies of various directions and purposes. To understanding the Place of these Energies in the creative process, about their physical location. And then, without a doubt, people will definitely learn to establish a connection with these Creative Energies, first with the help of technical devices, and then as a final, already without the use of “technological crutches”, but only using the capabilities, abilities and skills of their own organism.

      And thus, the ethereal-dynamic, or techno-magic, mode is transformed into the Techno-spiritual mode.

      Ether-dynamic, techno-magical, techno-spiritual technologies, these technologies are quite simple. There is nothing particularly difficult there. In any case, at the first, primitive, stage of their development.

      But nevertheless, information about these technologies is kept “with seven seals”, and should get to civilization only when this civilization reaches a certain level of development. Like how we are now. We are now well developed. In all senses. We are ready for it.

      But there are situations when information enters civilization earlier than it should. And then there is a distortion in development. And this has already happened, and it is with our civilization.

      Somewhere, a little over 1000 years ago, our civilization got knowledge that should not have got to it. I think that for some reason, Prometheus passed this knowledge to us. For this he was later punished. And it started…

      Without the elementary development of science and technology, people have learned to fly with the help of anti-gravity technologies. People have learned to replicate (copy) any objects in any quantities. People have learned to build magnificent buildings using the creative energies of the Co-Creators. People have learned to live long and not get sick. People have learned to cut megaliths and move them. Yes, we learned a lot.

      It would seem – great! The beauty! But you know the little people – their curiosity is boundless. And once someone tried to connect the incompatible. Squeeze the unimaginable…

      People learned to combine various, at first, objects with the help of techno-magical technologies, and then they began to connect living beings.

      This is how animal people turned out – centaurs, minotaurs, cynocephals, pegasi, griffins, etc. Co-creators-curators watched. So what? In principle, the Creator did not reject, – it was interesting to observe what this would lead to. And at first everything was fine. We wanted the best, but it turned out, as always.

      People let’s experiment and the tower was completely torn off. Absolutely terrible chimeras have gone. All these dragons, but with many heads, man-serpents, man-crocodiles. All sorts of reptiles turned out, and then they got to the insects.

      That’s it… And you thought where all these reptilians, insectoids and other indecency come from. The Creator and his team – they created only man. And it turned out okay. But all this rest – these are already people who have tried.

      In short, a monstrous imbalance has arisen in knowledge and technology. I had to take immediate action. I had to clean everything up and create a new world, the same as the old one was before all this. This 1000-year-long stage was moved 1000 years ago. We know this period as the “ancient world”. And it’s not ancient at all. Otherwise, how would the buildings have survived for 2000 years? Yes, and European ruin artists captured the ruins of this civilization perfectly. All the old cities of the world are similar in their Victorian style. What about Roman law? How it passed through allegedly 2000 years, and was not lost in the dark ages.

      In general, I had to urgently call in “crisis managers” – Satan and his team. Duck, and how many years have they fucked up? A couple of hundred years, that’s for sure. 18—19 centuries – the centuries of the destruction of the old world and the “implantation” of the new. Whole pieces of history had to be pulled out along with the planetary ribbon and transferred. All artifacts of history were thrown into the past. Antarctica was flooded with water and frozen. Cities were covered with soil. This was necessary in order to stop the dome generators operating around the world. The soil was taken here on Earth. The whole Earth is pitted with quarries similar to the Grand Canyon.

      They did a great job. Yes, we live in a world created by Satan. So what? Previously, the social structure was based on collectivism, communality, catholicity. And all over the world, the Slavs “kept the maza”! The whole world was under the Slavs! Now individualism is at the forefront. Personal growth, as they say. It’s not bad too. But there is a nuance – individualism gives rise to slavery and exploitation, wars and concentration camps. And it’s all just to satisfy the ambitions of a few people.

      All this is very carefully hidden from people. Satan brought the Anglo-Saxons to power and taught them how to create a financial and trading system.

      And so we and they will never agree.

      And now we have again come to that from which we were torn off. We have already come by the right path, the right and natural way – by the progressive nature of our development.

      We will gradually, step by step, remove all the “seals”, reveal all the secrets, look behind the canvas with the “painted hearth” and enter this secret door, whose name is etherodynamics or, in other words, technomagic.

      Wand of Hermes. Device. Principle of operation

      The Rod of Hermes is a technical device made of matter, but working with an intangible substance, with the building material of matter, with the elements that make up the Space-Time Grid, with that proto-substance that we timidly, but already called ether, with its components, which we call graviton and phonon.

      If a lot of people thought about the ether, wrote, talked, talked a lot, and a lot when, then about the forms of its dynamics, about its place in the universe, about the universe itself, about the synergistic structure of man, from society, and even about the beginning of Creation – about it is not enough where and, few people told.

      And so, in order to fill this gap, one of the Co-Creators (who called himself O’Jan) sent a teaching called “Kalagiya” to Earth. The teaching came in Russian, which means for the Russians. The Teaching was transmitted in a channel way, through the Prophet. The Prophet Alexander Naumkin accepted the teaching.

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