Scientific and practical technomagic. Eugene Shamala

Scientific and practical technomagic - Eugene Shamala

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everything. You can move mountains. In short, study and study for many more years.

      I constantly refer to this doctrine – and this is normal, it corresponds to today’s realities and accurately describes and answers the necessary questions posed.

      Wands of Hermes, several varieties. But in its classic form it looks like this

      Here and now we will consider the Rod, which I call “gravitational” – the Gravitational Rod.

      The Rod of Hermes is a technical device that allows you to redistribute the density of the gravitons field in space, thereby changing the direction of the gravitational force in the local area.

      At the heart of the principle of operation of the device of the Wand is a phenomenon similar to the phenomenon that we call a gas tornado. This is what a gas tornado looks like:

      But the dynamics of gas in the atmosphere and the dynamics of aether are different phenomena, and they are similar only in the first approximation. With a more careful approach, differences appear, which then become more and more significant, and, ultimately, in general, any similarity disappears. Only a resemblance remains.

      Therefore, let’s start with how “Kalagiya describes the forms of energy movement. This is written in the 21st chapter of the First Section of the Kalagiya:

      “one. It has already been said: “The energy potential will correspond to the degree of its compaction. Condensation of energy is carried out by forcing it into one place, with the application of torque.

      3. Rotation has two forms of motion – centripetal and centrifugal.

      10. Any viable construction is achieved by the movement of a rotating spiral of energy. Condensation of energy, that is, its injection, is carried out in the same way. In general, any life is built by the movement of a rotating spiral: be it energy or a substance that is composed of energy.

      If the centripetal movement of the incoming energy directs the Fire to one place, namely to the Channel of the Movement of Fire, which achieves the discharge of the density of Time and the compaction of Matter (Space) by this Fire, then the centrifugal movement of the incoming energy directs the Fire into radial radiation from the Center of its movement, which achieves the injection of density Time and rarefaction of Matter (Space).

      11. Thus, during the centripetal movement of energy, Matter (Space) becomes denser, and the density of Time is discharged in the Center of the Movement of Fire. In the Circle of Influence of Energy in this case the Matter (Space) is discharged, and the density of Time is pumped up; beyond the Circle of Influence of Energy Matter (Space) is condensed, and the density of Time is discharged.

      12. During the centrifugal movement of energy, Matter (Space) is discharged, and the density of Time is pumped up in the Center of Fire Movement. In the Circle of Influence of Energy in this case the Matter (Space) is condensed, and the density of Time is discharged; beyond the Circumference of Influence of Energy, Matter (Space) is discharged, and the density of Time is pumped up.”

      To obtain anti-gravity effects, the Centrifugal type of rotation of Energy is used. So once again:

      “During the centrifugal movement of energy, Matter (Space) is discharged, and the density of Time is pumped up in the Center of Fire Movement. In the Circle of Influence of Energy in this case the Matter (Space) is condensed, and the density of Time is discharged; beyond the Circumference of Influence of Energy, Matter (Space) is discharged, and the density of Time is pumped up.”

      Ideally, this formula describes an energy torus consisting of two tori inserted into each other.

      In this torus, “Kalagiya distinguishes three zones – the Center of the movement of Fire, the Circle of Energy Influence, and beyond the Circle of Energy influence.

      In other words, these are the central channel, the inner torus and the outer torus. This composite torus has charge signs corresponding to the density parameters of the Elements that make up the Space-Time Grid.

      In the figure you can see where this torus has pluses, and where are the minuses. Therefore, the central channel and the center itself, the focus, where the energy diverges radially, is charged with a minus. The inner torus, also known as the Circle of Influence of Energy, is charged with a plus. And the outer surface, which is, as it were, a continuation of the central channel, is charged with a minus. We will supply the energy for the launch both to the Central Channel and to the Circle of Energy Influence. The outer surface receives energy from the center.

      Why is there a minus, but here is a plus – don’t ask – this is the result of experiments and research.

      Now a very important point. Each zone of the energy torus consists of two components – either Space is condensed, and Time is discharged, or Time is condensed, and Space is discharged. And each configuration has its own charge sign.

      Space becomes denser, and Time is discharged – this is a plus.

      Time is compacted, and Space is discharged – this is a minus.

      Then let us clarify that the discharged Time is charged with plus, the condensed Space is charged with plus.

      Condensed Time is charged with a minus, Discharged Space is charged with a minus.

      We got two pluses and two minuses. Let’s clarify and look at the graphics of the energy tori pattern. To the compacted minus of Time we will add a rarefied minus of Space, and to the compacted plus of Space we will add a rarefied minus of Time.

      Gravitons are responsible for Time, and phonons are responsible for Space.

      Then, if we condense gravitons, this is a minus. Discharging phonons is also a minus.

      And vice versa: we discharge gravitons – this is a plus. We condense phonons – this is also a plus.

      And now we come to a very important fact – it turns out that the charge by its nature is not one. There is a graviton charge, and there is a phonon charge.

      Then you need to give an approximate formulation of the concept of charge. A charge is a change in the density of the ethereal field in some point local area of the Space in the direction of decreasing or increasing from some initial, “zero” level of this value.

      The ethereal field, ether consists of two components, two components of its ethereal substance – gravitons and phonons.

      Gravitons and phonons in the first, most primitive definition are energy carriers. Gravitons are carriers of kinetic energy. Phonons are carriers of thermal energy.

      Gravitons are responsible for the manifestation of all types of mechanical energy. Including the pressure gradient in the graviton field creates the formation of conditions for such a phenomenon as gravity. Any manifestation of mechanical force can be described as the impact of high-frequency pulses of graviton substance

      Graviton is a particle of toroidal shape, filled with energy, which looks like pure Light, like Radiance, like Radiance

      The phonon is responsible for the manifestation of all types of thermal energy. All thermodynamics is phonons.

      Phonons are filled with energy that looks like Fire and is felt by the senses as a manifestation of a phenomenon called Temperature.

      The form of a phonon is the same as that of a graviton – it is a torus, but filled with Fire.

      Both the phonon and the graviton

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