All sciences. №8, 2022. International Scientific Journal. Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

All sciences. №8, 2022. International Scientific Journal - Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev

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theory of synchrotron radiation, developed in the early 40s and well confirmed experimentally, indicated an inevitable increase in radiation losses with energy, which could not be compensated for by the relatively small accelerating field of the betatron. Thus, in the early 40s, an outwardly dead-end situation developed: it seemed that resonant methods had reached their ceiling associated with relativistic effects, and non-resonant ones faced insurmountable technical difficulties. At the same time, the transition to the energy range of the order of hundreds of MeV was necessary due to the emergence of a new branch of science – elementary particle physics and the requirements for the generation of recently discovered mesons, when the rest energy of the μ-meson is 106 MeV, and the π-meson is as much as 140 MeV. A new qualitative stage in the history of accelerators is associated with the name of V. I. Veksler, who then worked at the Lebedev FIAN.

      Used literature

      1. Aliyev I. H., Sharofutdinov F. M. The use of accelerators and the phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy to generate electrical energy. The Electron project. Monograph. Publishing solutions. Ridero. 2021. – 594 p.

      2. Aliyev I. H. Software modeling of nuclear reaction phenomena based on the technology of creating a set of data using a system of algorithms in C++. The Core-COMPUTER project. Monograph. Publishing solutions. Ridero. 2022. – 156 p.

      3. Aliev I. H. New parameters for nuclear reactions to be carried out on an accelerator of charged particles of the LCC-EPD-300 type. The Electron project. Monograph. Publishing solutions. Ridero. 2022. – 498 p

      . 4. Aliyev I. H., Karimov Sh. B., Karimov B. H., Yuldoshaliev D. K. Development of aerator technology based on alternative energy sources Aerator project. Monograph. Publishing solutions. Ridero. 2022. – 141 p.

      5. Aliyev I. H., Burnashev M. A. Ingential mathematics. Publishing solutions. Ridero. 2022. – 149 p.

      6. Karimov B. H., Mirzamakhmudov T. M. Electronics asoslari. Study guide. Publishing solutions. Ridero. 2022. – 184 p.

      7. I. B. Issinsky. Introduction to the physics of charged particle accelerators. A course of lectures. Edited by Ph.D. A. B. Kuznetsov. UNC-2012-52. Dubna. 2012.

      8. M. Vasiliev, K. Stanyukovich. Into the depths of the inexhaustible. Atomizdat. 1975.

      9. P. T. Astashenkov. The feat of Academician Kurchatov. Knowledge. Moscow. 1979.

      10. A. A. Borovoy. How particles are registered. The science. 1981.

      11. V. N. Dubrovsky, Ya. A. Smorodinsky, E. L. Surkov. The relativistic world. The science. 1984.

      12. M. E. Levinstein, G. S. Simin. Barriers. The science. 1987.

      13. L. A. Ashkinazi. A vacuum for science. The science. 1987.



      UDC 377

      Otajonov Salim Madrakhimovich

      Doctor of Physical Sciences, head and professor of the Department "technological education" of the physics and Technical Faculty of Fergana State University

      Fergana State University, Fergana, Uzbekistan

      Annotatsiya. Umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktablarida texnologiya darslari maktabda eng o’zoq vaqt o’tiladigan o’quv fanlaridan biri hisoblanadi. Texnologiya o’qituvchi rahbarligida o’quvchilar tomonidan bajariladigan aqliy va jismoniy harakatlar – mehnat faoliyati jarayonidan iborat bo’lib, yakuniy natijada ularning mehnat qurollari, vositalari va jarayonlari haqida bilimlarini hamda ma’lum sohadagi ishlab chiqarish mehnatini bajarish uchun zarur amaliy ko’nikma va malakalarini egallashlariga, ongli ravishda kasb tanlashga hamda jamiyat va shaxs farovonligi yo’lida mehnat faoliyatiga qo’shilishlariga imkon beruvchi shaxsiy sifatlarini va tafakkurlarini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan o’quv fanidir.

      Kalit so’zlar: innovatsiya, texnologiya, yangi metodlar, xarakteristika.

      Аннотация. В общеобразовательных школах уроки технологии являются одним из самых важных предметов обучения в школе. Технология состоит из умственных и физических действий, выполняемых учащимися под руководством учителя – процесса трудовой деятельности, который в конечном итоге приводит к приобретению ими знаний об орудиях, средствах и процессах труда, а также практических навыков и умений, необходимых для выполнения производственного труда в определенной области, приобретению личностных качеств, позволяющих им осознанно выбирать профессию и включаться в трудовую деятельность на благо общества и личности. и является учебной дисциплиной, направленной на развитие мышления.

      Ключевые слова: инновация, технология, новые методы, характеристика.

      Annotation. In general secondary schools, technology classes are one of the academic disciplines in which the most time is spent at school. Technology consists in the process of mental and physical actions – labor activity performed by students under the guidance of a teacher, the final result of which is an educational discipline aimed at developing their personal qualities and thinking, which allows them to acquire knowledge about the tools, tools and processes of labor, as well as the necessary practical skills and abilities to perform

      Keywords: innovation, technology, new techniques, characteristics.

      This science is of particular importance in the activities of students and in school life, as it is taught in schools of general secondary education for a short period, that is, within the period from the first to the last grade. In this case, the lessons of technology science are organized in three stages, the purpose of which is to develop students correctly from the physical side, introduce them to the world and people of Labor, weapons and deeds of Labor, the main production areas and professions, to create labor skills related to the use of work tools, making simple items, to consciously There are specific tasks that are set before each of the above stages.

      In particular, in the technology lessons of grades 1-4 at Stage 1, students are given the role of labor in the life of people, the simplest labor practices and tools of work, the first skills related to their use. By making, making simple objects, toys with the help of Labor tools such as needles, scissors, knives from materials such as paper, glue, gauze, thread, plasticine, initial labor skills are formed in them.

      Stage 2 classes consist of technology classes in Grades 5-7. Technology classes at this stage are organized in the areas of technology and design (technologies for processing wood, plast-masses and metals, electrotechnical and soldering work), service service (technology of cooking and gas treatment, Sewing Production) and generalization. These are the most important manifestations of production and are used in almost all industries. Therefore, in these classes in Grades 5-7, students are given initial general knowledge of materials such as wood, plastic, polymer, metal, aerating, which are the main links of production,

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