Soul in law. А. A. Petrowa

Soul in law - А. A. Petrowa

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of relatives, include relatives, not only genetic, but also a soul-mate and a relative himself. The transfer of wealth between relatives is facilitated and not taxed, to their children – people love to help.

      I couldn’t help but write about Achaton. Lasted 15 years. It would seem that it was built once, it is necessary to live, but… What pushed it to be consigned to oblivion? The same thing that pushed to build. Some kind of nonsense happens. Read about it, you will understand what I am writing about, it is on Wikipedia and other open sources.

      14. Terra-formation

      Terra formation. The project of terraforming Mars is being discussed. I’m far from there. But it’s a good thing. And when arranging life in another Galaxy, the developments will be useful. In general, to promote science is a business.

      Now about the Earth. Have you seen the Great Wall of China? So, in some places it protects from sand deposits, there were many walls and were built at different times. They still love to build. You noticed in early history that knowledge comes from somewhere and is periodically lost. Therefore, I admit that the part that protects from the desert and could be built for the purpose of protection from the desert, but this has been forgotten or not talked about.

      We really live in one of the Interglacial periods, it is believed that in the coldest, by 2 degrees C. That is, now it is melting, then the glacier may again come. Where are we going to live? So, I propose having solved the pressing problems, take up the construction of the Great Desert Walls. Through the deserts of Africa, Europe, Asia and artificially create a fertile layer. Plant trees, may begin to use for agriculture. In a natural way, humus – a fertile layer of soil can be created, but at a rate of 1 cm per 100 years. And this is clearly not about the Sahara. There, the rain evaporates before it falls.

      Why not a green wall? Plantings need to be looked after and they will simply be covered with sand. And if we then start plowing fields in our planted forests, desertification will begin again. Well, protective forest belts are of course necessary, but 12 km wide, and then the same amount may be required. The Chinese are busy with it now. And they take care. Here it is even elementary to construct winds on a relief globe and calculate whether these walls will help? And we need to arrange the walls so that they help and protect our young plantings, or maybe artificial mountains?

      In America, they conducted an experiment, unloaded orange peels on poor soils and… the land was enriched. Imagine how much fertilizer must be introduced into the Sahara so that something grows there. And how do you make it rain? Study the climate of the past. And so add humus and plant meadow grasses, along with the designed tree strips and… dry. And as we eliminate the desert, it will become suitable for agriculture. Here is the scale. And you say Mars will bloom in 70 years. Of course, maybe they definitely need to be dealt with. But the desert must be eliminated by common efforts.

      We need fertilizer here. Where are we going to live? Of course, desertification must be fought, but the Chinese invented a way to make formic acid from carbon dioxide, and then they thought, “Why do we need so much formic acid?” and found a way to make methane from carbon dioxide, and fill cars with methane. So, provided that the world government will control the level of carbon dioxide in the air and, if necessary, will turn on and off plants that remove excess carbon dioxide, we will not see warming, no glaciers – we will not see. And warming and cooling depend on the level of greenhouse gases, but it is also considered from ocean currents, but the Chinese are not asleep either. Control is needed here, since it is believed that if the level of carbon dioxide is too low, then the glaciers close the ocean, thereby contributing to even greater cooling, and until some volcano or asteroid reverses the process, the Earth will continue to be covered with ice. And we can produce carbon dioxide. Now, how to develop it even more to learn? Suddenly, after 2% in the Sahara, it will rain without our participation? – This is probably the definition of the optimal temperature.

      Russia benefits from global warming: a 25% increase in yields, the promotion of southern crops to the north, how can the president work according to double standards? He probably thinks about the global. Will the Chinese invent cold-resistant crops for us? And we will deliver our tangerine peels to deserts. So I came up with and sit admiring myself.

      But if the Earth does not undertake to regulate the amount of greenhouse gases? I wonder if people live with us or will we be flooded too? Then Mars needs to be taken seriously. We will soon be able to get there.

      15. Paradoxes of time

      We solve the problem with the paradoxes of time. If I go down from the future (about the guy from the movie “Back to the Future”) and my mother falls in love with me? Is this possible in real life? 1st: I know that she is my mother. 2nd: why did I go there? 3rd: why didn’t my mother tell me anything before the trip? 4th: what kind of arbitrariness? How can you jump back and forth so thoughtlessly and not tell anyone? If I can travel in time, then I have a “whole” future ahead of me in order to think and consider the situation. And if I got there, the fact of falling into the past must be registered, an unregistered individual came from somewhere, therefore, rescuers will follow me to return me to my time. And if mom falls in love with me and never marries dad??? They are married, that’s a given.

      If I go back in time and kill my grandfather. What a question? So that’s how it was. And he died before he could conceive my dad? You are sure? I don’t see any paradoxes. There is an error in the data. There are no such situations and cannot be. Now, if I’m here, in the present, I live with my grandfather and I’ll go down and kill him. So they didn’t let me kill a young grandfather, but they let me down the grandfather’s corpse from the future, previously pumped up with gels, gypsum, so that he looked younger or a grandfather’s doll. But I’m still a criminal, if they let me down… it means they know. And if I did it myself, it means I have been to this place many times. Why did he kill?

      What happens if I meet myself with myself? And it depends on whether I like my reflection in the mirror or not. If you like it, then I will consider that I met a nice person. 2 physical bodies meet every day, even if they are genetically homogeneous, this does not cause any cataclysms, etc. And this meeting is natural, since it does not contradict the laws of physics. And if it had contradicted, then the meeting would not have taken place, due to impossibility.

      Is it possible to interfere in the past? My answer is yes. But this should be an official intervention, preventing crime, repopulating the planet, repopulating souls, humanitarian aid, and not the opposite, a trip to kill grandpa. If I still went to lower the grandfather’s corpse, having previously rejuvenated it, then I should have prevented this act of murder by informing the law enforcement agencies about it, which prevented the murder of the young grandfather, and did I kill the grandfather’s doll or what? And at this end of time, there is a lot of time, and in the past there are moments, moments, moments.

      Next, we decide something more decent.

      Reality, by our return, as in the films, will not change. If we went into the past, then we have already been there, entered into history. But if we decide to help, to the past, what’s wrong with that? By providing humanitarian assistance to the past, we receive a healthier human race. We preserve the human race and recognize ourselves as human beings. How did you get down? on the sly, like criminals, filled the hangars and fled, so as not to be caught. And how did you know? Maybe from memory, maybe fixed. But for us today’s Earthlings, feeding is a priority, and only then humanitarian aid is a thing of the past. But if there is an opportunity, to give mom a handkerchief and apples, which are in excess, this does not contradict the laws of morality. That is, it should be a global solution, perhaps my question will be answered in 100 years, and I will get an answer to it in the present. From the future you can see the correctness of the decision. It turns out I can get an instruction or a theoretical optimization.

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