Справочник Жаркова по проектированию и программированию искусственного интеллекта. Том 6: Программирование на Visual Basic искусственного интеллекта. Продолжение 2. Валерий Алексеевич Жарков

Справочник Жаркова по проектированию и программированию искусственного интеллекта. Том 6: Программирование на Visual Basic искусственного интеллекта. Продолжение 2 - Валерий Алексеевич Жарков

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– _

      (DDTime.width + 2) * 9, lblTime.Height / 2)

      AddHandler lblScore.Paint, AddressOf LabelScore_Paint


      AddHandler lblTime.Paint, AddressOf LabelTime_Paint


      For i = 0 To 2

      prePic(i) = New PictureBox

      prePic(i).SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage

      prePic(i).Size = New Size(16, 16)

      prePic(i).Visible = False


      AddHandler prePic(i).Click, AddressOf PrePic_Click





      End If

      lblNameShow.Text = playerName

      If playerName.Length > 8 Then

      lblNameShow.Text += " "

      tmr1.Enabled = True

      End If

      tmr2.Enabled = True

      DDScore.number = plScore


      DDTime.number = plTime



      End Sub

      Private Sub FindSol(ByVal i As Integer)

      If MPBoxes(i).Tag <> "" Or MPBoxes(i).Tag = "Here" Then



      MPBoxes(i).Tag = "Here"

      End If

      Select Case TestABox(i)

      Case 1



      Case 2



      Case 3



      Case 4



      Case 5

      FindSol(i + 1)

      FindSol(i + 9)

      FindSol(i – 1)

      Case 6

      FindSol(i – 9)

      FindSol(i – 1)

      FindSol(i + 9)

      Case 7

      FindSol(i – 1)

      FindSol(i – 9)

      FindSol(i + 1)

      Case 8

      FindSol(i – 9)

      FindSol(i + 1)

      FindSol(i + 9)

      Case Else

      FindSol(i – 9)

      FindSol(i + 9)

      FindSol(i + 1)

      FindSol(i – 1)

      End Select

      End Sub

      Private Sub ResetAllTag()

      For Each Pic As MotionPic In MPBoxes

      If Pic.Tag = "Here" Then

      Pic.Tag = ""

      End If


      End Sub

      Private Function TestABox(ByVal val As Integer)

      Select Case val

      Case 0 : Return 1

      Case 8 : Return 2

      Case 80 : Return 3

      Case 72 : Return 4

      Case 1 To 7 : Return 5

      Case 73 To 79 : Return 7

      Case 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71 : Return 6

      Case 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63 : Return 8

      Case Else : Return 0

      End Select

      End Function

      'Serious trouble happened – think more

      Private Function GiveThreeBalls() As Boolean

      If ThreeBI(1) = -1 Then 'Review for Game over

      Return False


      For i As Integer = 0 To 2

      If ThreeBI(i) = -1 Then

      Exit For


      If MPBoxes(ThreeBP(i)).MPState = BallState. _

      NO_BALL And ThreeBP(i) <> posMoveTo Then



      End If

      End If


      End If



      Return True

      End Function

      Private Function IsFullBoard() As Boolean

      Dim i As Integer

      For Each Pic As PictureBox In MPBoxes

      If MPBoxes(i).MPState <> BallState.NO_BALL Then

      i += 1

      End If


      If i = 81 Then

      Return True


      Return False

      End If

      End Function

      Private Sub RandomThreeBalls()

      Dim ArrL As New ArrayList

      Dim i As Integer

      Dim pos As Integer

      Dim ind As Integer

      For i = 0 To 80

      If MPBoxes(i).MPState = BallState.NO_BALL Or _

      MPBoxes(i).MPState = BallState.DESTROYING_BALL Then


      End If


      For i = 0 To IIf(ArrL.Count > 2, 2, ArrL.Count – 1)

      pos = Rand.Next(0, ArrL.Count)

      pos = CInt(ArrL(pos))


      ThreeBP(i) = pos

      ind = Rand.Next(0, 12)

      ind = (ind \ 2) * 2

      ThreeBI(i) = ind


      For j As Integer = i To 2

      ThreeBI(j) = -1

      ThreeBP(j) = -1


      End Sub

      '#Region "Check for Calculate Score"

      Private Function CheckHor(ByVal pos As Integer) As Integer

      Dim type As Integer = MPBoxes(pos).MPIndex

      Dim i As Integer = (pos \ 9) * 9

      Dim count As Integer

      Dim startpos As Integer = i


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