Reinvention of businesses. Natural Intelligence technology. Alexander Blinkov

Reinvention of businesses. Natural Intelligence technology - Alexander Blinkov

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drew attention to the fact that the Act of Creation had not ended at all. The world continues to change and develop! There is always something new in the world. Something that didn’t exist before. Quantity turns into a new quality. The new order denies the old constructions. The laws of the emergence of the new were formulated by him in the form of the laws of dialectics in the book Science of Logic.

      And what does Thermodynamics say about Arising? After all, this is all a direct and obvious violation of the Second Law: a new order is emerging, chaos is decreasing, disequilibrium is increasing, entropy is clearly decreasing! In fact, not quite so: physicists say that the emergence of new forms of complexity, orderliness is also an increase in entropy. What does it mean? A gas cloud in interstellar space, condensing under the influence of gravitational forces, «seems to be more ordered than scattered. But this is not the case, because in a scattered cloud the velocities of the molecules are all orderly small, while when compressed, the velocities of the molecules increase. The cloud compresses in physical space, but scatters in phase – and this is more significant,» explains Carlo Rovelli, one of the authors of the Theory of loop gravity.

      We are not going to dive into the subtleties of physical theories. Let the rise of order be the increase of disorder. Let, according to physics, the emergence of vortices in a gas and liquid, the appearance of living nature, the development of social forms – this is all" self-structured disordering.» We are interested in the very fact of the Emergence of the New.

      The most common phenomena of self-organization – the spontaneous emergence of a new order – boiling water, the emergence of atmospheric vortices. From the point of view of Dynamics, which explains the behavior of an object on the basis of the interaction of its parts, it is impossible to find a reason that would force the molecules of a liquid or gas to change their behavior abruptly. At the particle level, nothing new happened, no new force was added, no one interfered with the atmosphere with a giant ladle, and a typhoon vortex appeared in the system. Or does Maxwell’s demon still exist? But this is unlikely.

      Does this mean that some more physics is needed? Or is it no longer physics?

      So far, physics is modern thermodynamics, which studies the processes occurring in open, complex, non-linear systems – active or passive, located far from the equilibrium position. A new, far from complete physical doctrine, called non-equilibrium thermodynamics, describes the processes of spontaneous appearance of ordered structures in various highly non-equilibrium open systems, i.e., self-organization processes.

      A great contribution was made by Ilya Romanovich Prigogine (1917 – 2003), a Belgian scientist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977 for his work in the field of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. His works are widely known: «From Being To Becoming» and with Isabelle Stengers «Order out of Chaos: Man’s new dialogue with nature».

      It is the categories of Emerging, Arising, Becoming, New Quality that will be the central point for us, entrepreneurs, because the conditions of constant competition make us be very attentive to innovations. Whether in technology, or in the organization of affairs – how and why does something original appear that did not exist before?

      The wisdom we need

      For us, such terms of non-equilibrium thermodynamics as a qualitative transition, state bifurcations, self-organization are important. Because both technological revolutions and the birth of new business models are just examples of these phenomena.

      «BIFURCATION (from Latin bifurcus „forked“) is all kinds of qualitative rearrangements or metamorphoses of various objects when the parameters on which they depend change.»

      This word will be our most commonly used term. So, let’s dwell on understanding it. The main content of the term bifurcation lies in two important points:

      First. These are phenomena when something qualitative happens, fundamentally different from what has been so far – up to the point of bifurcation. Separation of the state of an object into before and after.

      The water was calm, but now boiled and seething.

      The microphone was silent and suddenly «beeped» so that everyone clutched their ears.

      Mobile phones in a short period «buried» landline communications.

      Second. When further development can take place in fundamentally different ways, when at a certain point – the same bifurcation point, there is a separation of possible trajectories. For example, the phenomenon of bifurcation in hydrology: in Russia in the Far East there is the river Delkyu, from which several channels depart about 180 km from the source, gathering into a river that flows through the rivers Kuidusun and Indigirka into the Arctic Ocean. The other part of the river below the bifurcation zone flows into the Okhota, that is, it carries its waters to the Pacific Ocean. This means that two particles of one drop of water from a glacier may end up, for reasons beyond their control, in two different oceans of the planet! (The author of these lines, by the way, visited this interesting point on a hike along the Suntar- Khayat ridge.)

      The guiding star of our entire future path will be the question: water molecules, okay, nothing depends on them. For them, it’s a coincidence. What about people in their business? We are «thinking molecules» in the social fluid. Can we act consciously and independently determine what route the fate of our cause will draw? Will our project end up in an arctic ocean without hopes, or in a warm one, full of life and prospects?

      Is this exactly what promises us to reveal the secrets of a qualitative transformation in our affairs? Maybe!

      The modern view of the structure of science is to recognize the equal complementary position of Dynamics and Thermodynamics.

      The ray of the laws of Thermodynamics is directed from the higher systems of nature towards the ray of the laws of Dynamics.

      In the area of systems, which man has been looking at since time immemorial as objects of his influences, there are three main postulates, which physicists called the Beginnings of thermodynamics. Closer to the tip of the beam, that is, where there are systems over which a person no longer has power as over a gas or liquid in a vessel, at least because he himself is a particle of them – these are biological or social objects, there are patterns of non-equilibrium systems. And in the very tip of the second ray, one can assume the existence of still undiscovered fundamental laws of the balance conservation, which should unite all nested systems – both galaxies, and cyclones, and life forms. However, the laws of the highest level could be discerned only by one who is at the very tip of the beam – who can look down on everything in any of its complexity, who is above everything – that is, the Almighty. Science is still very far from such heights. Even the existence of alien life forms is still only a hypothesis.

      Fig. 2. Two rays of the laws of nature

      Let’s not anger the gods and make serious scientists laugh, let’s descend from metaphysical heights to our sinful Earth. What is important for our mundane concerns, we could learn? It seems that we have groped for a part of physics that deals with the emergence of the New in any of its incarnations! We hope that innovations in business that are of interest to us may also be in the area of attention of this physics.

      To summarize: the behavior and structure of any object of nature is thus determined not only by the laws of Dynamics, that is, from below the axis of complexity – from the inside, but also by the laws of Thermodynamics, from the opposite end of the axis, if you like – from above.

      Theories belonging to the first ray – Dynamics, as we have already noted, constitute Special Knowledge. A person who understands the intricacies of phenomena, in their nature is called Specialist. Knowledge of the laws of the second ray – Thermodynamics, allows a person to see the important reasons for the behavior of any systems, regardless

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