Забавные ситуации для коммуникации. Юлия Шибаева

Забавные ситуации для коммуникации - Юлия Шибаева

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do you mean?

      – I mean, if it’s sunny, we are having a picnic!

      – Awesome! I really want you to invite me!

      – Ok, but if I’m not mistaken you had an argument with Linda and she’s going to be there.

      – I don’t care, really. By the way, is she still single?


      what a pity – как жаль

      will (not) be able to – (не) смогу

      looking forward to – с нетерпением ожидать

      in comparison with – по сравнению с

      I have already made up my mind – я уже решил

      it’s high time – давно пора

      I didn’t catch – я не расслышал

      Are you listening to me? – Ты меня слушаешь?


      –What a pity, we will not be able to travel to Europe this summer.

      –How come? I was looking forward to this trip!

      –You see, in comparison with last year the prices are doubled.

      –I have already made up my mind what dresses to take…

      –Are you listening to me?

      –I have already chosen a hotel…

      –It’s high time you find a job, dear!

      –Sorry, I didn’t catch!?


      Have you heard? – Ты слышал?

      Well done! – Молодец!

      I used to – я раньше

      don’t make me laugh – не смешите меня

      What makes you think so? – Почему вы так думаете?

      I really doubt it – я сомневаюсь


      –Have you heard that Pete bought a Ford?

      –Well done! I used to have the same, it’s worth buying!

      –Don’t make me laugh! It’s a disaster!

      –What makes you think so?

      –The thing is, it is YOUR Ford and it has changed 5 owners after you.

      –Really? And it is still moving? The best wheels ever!

      –Well, I really doubt it.


      he’s going to – он собирается

      the sooner, the better – чем раньше, тем лучше

      easier said than done – легче сказать, чем сделать

      up to you – тебе решать

      if you want my opinion – если хочешь знать мое мнение


      –How is your son? Has he finished school already?

      –Yes, and he’s going to enter some university. However, he can’t make up his mind where to study.

      –It’s obvious! He must go to Oxford! The sooner, the better!

      –Easier said than done! His exams results are disaster?

      –Up to you. But if you want my opinion, money can solve this problem!


      I’m sick and tired of – я устал от

      calm down and take it easy –успокойся и не воспринимай все так серьезно

      It’s impossible! – Это невозможно!

      pay attention to – обращать внимание на

      if I were you, I would… – на твоем месте я бы…

      the thing is… – дело в том, что…


      – I’m sick and tired of my boss. I’m going to take a day off or I’ll kill her.

      – What’s the matter? Calm down and take it easy!

      – She is always nervous and displeased with everything. It’s impossible!

      – If I were you, I would not pay attention to her. You must relax and drink a couple of beers in the evening.

      – The thing is…my boss is my wife!

      – It’s high time to change your job! Or your wife!


      Right? – Правильно?

      it’s really worth visiting – действительно стоит посетить

      if you don’t mind – если Вы не против

      it’s not my business – это не мое дело

      it is too expensive – это слишком дорого

      Are you kidding? – Вы шутите?


      – I heard you visited France. Right?

      – Yes, actually. It’s really worth visiting.

      – And how much was it, if you don’t mind me asking?

      – It’s not a secret. About 5000 euro. And the hotel was nice.

      – Are you kidding? How long were you there?

      – For a week. Why?

      – It’s not my business, but I guess, it is too expensive!


      how long does it take you to – сколько у тебя уходит времени

      I have to – я должен

      by the way – кстати

      what about – что по поводу

      I wonder – интересно…

      cope with, manage – справляться

      hardly – едва

      I am really exhausted – я очень устал


      – How long does it take you to get your children to school?

      – About 20 minutes. Then I have to pick them up after school and take them to music and art school. By the way, what about your son? Does he attend any extras?

      – I wonder, how you can cope with three kids. I hardly manage with one. Yes, he attends a sport section.

      – If you want my opinion, the more kids, the better.

      – I doubt it. I am really exhausted.


      it seems to me – мне кажется

      to get acquainted – знакомиться

      let me introduce myself – позвольте представиться


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