Злой рок. Политика катастроф. Ниал (Нил) Фергюсон

Злой рок. Политика катастроф - Ниал (Нил) Фергюсон

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      Peter Turchin, «Arise ‘Cliodynamics’» Nature 454 (2008), pp. 34–35.


      Peter Turchin, Ages of Discord: A Structural-Demographic Analysis of American History (Chaplin, CT: Beresta Books, 2016), p. 11.


      Peter Turchin et al., «Quantitative Historical Analysis Uncovers a Single Dimension of Complexity That Structures Global Variation in Human Social Organization», PNAS 115, no. 2 (2018), pp. E144 – E151.


      Jaeweon Shin et al., «Scale and Information-Processing Thresholds in Holocene Social Evolution», Nature Communications 11, no. 2394 (2020), pp. 1–8, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-16035-9.


      Shin, «Scale and Information-Processing Thresholds», p. 7.


      Turchin and Nefedov, Secular Cycles.


      Turchin, Ages of Discord, pp. 243f. См. также: Peter Turchin, «Dynamics of Political Instability in the United States, 1780–2010», Journal of Peace Research 49, no. 4 (July 2012), p. 12. См. также: Laura Spinney, «History as Science», Nature, August 2, 2012.


      Turchin, Ages of Discord, pp. 72ff., 86ff., 91, 93, 104ff., 109f., 201–239.


      Turchin, Ages of Discord, fig. 6.1.


      Ray Dalio, «The Changing World Order: Introduction», Principles (blog), https://www.principles.com/the-order/#introduction.


      Dalio, «Changing World Order.»


      Michael Sheetz, «Ray Dalio Says ‘Cash Is Trash’ and Advises Investors Hold a Global, Diversified Portfolio», CNBC, January 21, 2020, https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/21/ray-cash-is-trash-as-everybody-market.html.


      Andrea Saltelli et al., «Five Ways to Ensure That Models Serve Society: A Manifesto», Nature, June 24, 2020. См. также: D. Sarewitz, R. A. Pielke, and R. Byerly, Prediction: Science, Decision Making, and the Future of Nature (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2000).


      Джаред Даймонд. Коллапс. Почему одни общества приходят к процветанию, а другие – к гибели / Пер. О. Жаден, А. Михайловой, И. Николаева. М., 2016.


      Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fall or Survive (London: Penguin, 2011), p. 11.


      Джаред Даймонд. Указ. соч.


      Diamond, Collapse, p. 509.


      Джаред Даймонд. Указ. соч.


      Diamond, Collapse, pp. 118f.


      Benny Peiser, «From Genocide to Ecocide: The Rape of Rapa Nui», Energy and Environment 16, nos. 3–4 (2005); Terry L. Hunt and Carl P. Lipo, «Late Colonization of Easter Island», Science, March 9, 2006; Hunt and Lipo, The Statues That Walked: Unraveling the Mystery of Easter Island (Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint Press, 2012). Ответ Даймонда: Mark Lynas, «The Myths of Easter Island – Jared Diamond Responds», September 22, 2011, Mark Lynas (blog), https://www.marklynas.org/2011/09/the-responds/. См. также: Paul Bahn and John Flenley, «Rats, Men – or Dead Ducks?» Current World Archaeology 49 (2017), pp. 8f.


      Catrine Jarman, «The Truth About Easter Island», The Conversation, October 12, 2017, https://theconversation.com/the-its-85563.


      Джаред Даймонд. Кризис. Каков механизм преодоления кризиса? / Пер. В. Желнинова. М., 2020.


      Jared Diamond, Upheaval: How Nations Cope with Crisis and Change (London: Allen Lane, 2019).


      David Mamet, «The Code and the Key», National Review, May 14, 2020, https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2020/06/01/the-the-key/.


      Эсхил. Трагедии / Пер. Вяч. Иванова. М., 1989.


      Aeschylus, Agamemnon, in The Oresteia, trans. Ian Johnston (Arlington, VA: Richer Resources, 2007), loc. 599, Kindle. [На русском языке: Эсхил. Трагедии / Пер. Вяч. Иванова. М., Наука, 1989. С. 105.]


      Aeschylus, Agamemnon, loc. 599, 617. [На русском языке: Эсхил. Трагедии / Пер. Вяч. Иванова. М., Наука, 1989. С. 106–107.]


      Эсхил. Указ. соч.


      Aeschylus, Agamemnon, loc. 689. [На русском языке: Эсхил. Трагедии / Пер. Вяч. Иванова. М., Наука, 1989. С. 111.]


      Aeschylus, Agamemnon, loc. 727, 748.


      Там же.


      Aeschylus, The Libation Bearers, in The Oresteia, trans. Ian Johnston (Arlington, VA: Richer Resources, 2007), loc. 1074, Kindle. [На русском языке: Эсхил. Трагедии / Пер. Вяч. Иванова. М., Наука, 1989. С. 133.]


      Эсхил. Указ. соч.


      Aeschylus, The Kindly Ones, in The Oresteia,

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