Tibetan singing bowls: a natural method of recovery. Viktor Ogui

Tibetan singing bowls: a natural method of recovery - Viktor Ogui

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have been good results in cases of TSB with gynecological problems, men’s and women’s reproductive disorders, violation of men’s potency.


      All contraindications for physiotherapy!!!

      About Tibetan singing bowls

      Tibetan singing bowls – it is primarily a vibration, which is the sound in it’s turn. Sound is energy. The energy transforms form into matter, that is because “in the beginning was the word.” Myths about the creation of the world in all religions in one or another form describe the emergence of Sound (vibration) as a fundamental principle of all things.

      Sound (vibration) exists everywhere and in everything: singing of birds, the rustle of the snow, the crackling logs, rattling of jackhammer. Even if we close our ears, we will hear the sound of the heart. Sound is a vibration. A vibration is characterized by a certain length of the wave.

      Sound can not only be heard, but also can be seen. For example, a flat plate, on which something loose and light is spilled, a plate with sand. The dynamic of musical center is put under it. And you can see the intricate patterns that will emerge from the sand. Sound or word can kill, but also it may have creative power. For example, mantrotherapy in Tibetan medicine. The sound should be harmonious or it will be cacophony. We listen not only by ears, but by body – by every cell.

      Rhythm, melody, harmony, timbre, tone, vibration, power and volume – all these are characteristics of the sound.

      Myths and Realities of the Tibetan singing bowls

      Legends about the appearance of Tibetan singing bowls

      The Chinese believed that spirits lived in the products of bronze, for example, swords and vessels. (A. Heuser, Singing Bowls. Exercises for a personal harmony M., “Dilya”, 2005 p.46). Until now, there is no information about the exact purpose of such products. Maybe they were used as a vessel for food, sacrificial vessel, ritual or music.

      Description of the symbolic construction of the orchestra in a Tibetan temple is represented in the book Rudy Jansen. (Singing Bowls. Practical guidance on the use / Tr. from English. – SPb.: Publisher “Dilya”, 2009, p. 18–19).

      Retreat practice with Tibetan singing bowls, the Himalayas, the plateau of the cave of Milarepa, 4032m

      Legend of meteorites. According to this legend, Tibetan singing bowls existed and were used in the practice of the monks in Tibet, but their properties were missing something. And then the monks appealed to the supreme beings and gods to help them. In response to their request meteor rain was sent down to the Earth, which allowed to include meteoric iron in the standard alloy, from which the bowls were made. Since then, the bowls began to possess unique properties.

      The legend about the wandering blacksmiths. The legend says that in Tibet lived blacksmiths who were creating Tibetan singing bowls directly on the request of one who asked them to make it. They could forge a bowl for every need – from economic to spiritual. These blacksmiths lived near the deposits, where all necessary for the alloy of a certain quality was. And they hammered the bowls directly on the stones of Tibet. And when the ore or the alloy were ending in this place, they went on to look for new deposits. They were not just the blacksmiths, but blacksmiths who were performing specific spiritual practices. In those days it was impossible to find a new mine ore required for the production of Tibetan singing bowls without such practices, and without communication with higher powers.

      Practice with Tibetan singing bowls, the Himalayas, the cave of Milarepa, 4215m

      Tibetan singing bowls in the modern world

      I can say with confidence that today Tibetan singing bowls are not only a musical instrument but a completely real thins that can affect on a human or an animal, and they have some scientifically determinable physical and mechanical properties.

      Research, conducted by my students in physically oriented therapy and bioenergy, confirmed this. As an example, the personal experience in using Tibetan singing bowls in combination with classical therapeutic massage, I noted a huge reduction of the acute period of ischialgia and lumbodynia and increasing the duration of remission periods in my patients.

      Nowadays, this clinical research has not been conducted because of the high price of it.

      Singing Bowl, Japan, 2015

      In 2014, we conducted a research expedition with the intention to find answers to many questions about the practice of Tibetan singing bowls in the Himalayas to Mount Annapurna 3 and to the cave of Milarepa, to the mystical Mount Kailash and in the sacred lakes Manasarovar and Rakshastal, in the ancient complex of caves Sunducki and Pandora and in the cave Koshkulakskaya in Khakassia and in the reserve “Pillars” in Krasnoyarsk.

      In 2015, we plan the research expeditions to Bhutan, and to the forbidden kingdom of Mustang. It’s known that traditions of Tantric (Tibetan) Buddhism are still in safe in Bhutan and Ladakh. Unlike Tibet, these countries and regions avoided the influence of China. And as a consequence of such a Cultural Revolution, as a result of which in the Tibetan China a huge number of the cultural values and also the bearers of traditions had been destroyed.

      Today it is very difficult to find a real bearer of the traditions of spiritual or healing practices with Tibetan singing bowls. This is because over the time they physically become less and less. In addition, only few can keep line tradition clean and pass it to next generations. And even more, integrating or bringing in these practices something of your own, that means to take to yourself the responsibility to carry it into the world! That is because of the probability of errors and lack of understanding or feeling is very big.

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