Царь Московии. Мэри Пикс
connu sous les noms de Grishka Otrepief, Samozvanetz, Rastriga ou Ljedmitri. Imprime a Amsterdam en 1606. Reimprime en 1839. – Moscou: Inst. Lazareff; The report of the Bloudie and Terrible Massacre in the City of Mosco, with the Fearefull and Tragicall end of Demetrius the last Duke, before him raining at this present. – London, 1607.
Brereton, Henry. Newes of the Present Miseries of Rushia, occasioned by the Late Warre in that Countrey, Commenced between Sigismond now King of Poland, Charles Late King of Swethland, Demetrius, the Last of that Name, Emperour of Rushia, Together with the Memorable occurrences or our owne Nationall Forces, English and Scottes under the Pay of the now King of Swethland. – London, 1614.
A brief history of Moscovia and of other lessknown Countries lying eastward of Russia as far Cathay. Gather from the writings of several eyewitness. By John Milton. London, 1682.
The present state of Russia, in a letter to a friend at London, written by an eminent person residing at the Great Tsars court at Mosco for the space of nine years. By Samuel Collins. – London, 1671.
The Russian imposter, or The history of Muskovy, under the usurpation of Boris and the imposture of Demetrius, late emperors of Muskovy. By Sir Roger Manley. Published 1674 by Printed by J.C. for Thomas Basset … in London, 1674.
В сочинении Р. Мэнли можно встретить Borsmanno и Arisko Otropeja. Не исключено, что именно этим источником и воспользовалась Пикс.
Нарежный В.Т. Димитрий Самозванец. Трагедия в пяти действиях. 1800 года. – М., в тип. Н. Степанова при Импер. театре, 1830. – С.87.
См.: Русская литература. Век XVIII. Трагедия. – М.: Художественная литература, 1991. – С. 213–266.
Смусина М.Л. Трагедия А.А. Ржевского «Подложный Смердий» и общественно-политическая борьба 1770-х годов //XVIII век. Сб. 11. – Л.: Наука, 1976. – С.228.