The fourth president. Vladimir Baranchikov
expressed himself in Polish, and exclusively within the bounds of decency, as he later insisted and noted in the police report:
– Kurva takes two!
This exclamation testified that Vasily Petrovich had touched the Truth, it was somewhere nearby, very close…
Seeing a column of smoke in the reading room and a man speaking in a foreign language with a pistol in his hand, the bespectacled snake (as described by citizen Lomakin in an interview with the investigator) called a fire carriage and a police squad. We are decent people, and we will not relish further details of all the drinking and misunderstandings that happened to our hero this ill-fated evening. Well, yes, he hindered the capture and detention, well, he waved off and touched two, but he didn’t see what was in the uniform, so it wasn’t out of malice! In a warm conversation, sitting on a government stool, Vasily asked to treat this with understanding, referred to his academic status and knowledge of foreign languages, and a certificate from a psychiatric clinic saved him from serious problems. After all, what was fifteen days compared to the discovery he had made in the library?
A closed opening? It sounds like nonsense at first glance, but let’s figure it out in a simple way, on our fingers. Discovery, in a nutshell – the fundamental knowledge of previously unknown consequences of the laws of nature. For example, physicists have established the phenomenon that when exposed to electromagnetic forces, the velocity of a certain elementary particle accelerates by some amount. The example, of course, is conditional. And now these scientists are publishing an article in a scientific journal about a new pattern, proving its validity and repeatability. On this basis, the authorized state institute, after conducting special checks for compliance with the criteria, including novelty, issues scientists a document recognizing this pattern as a discovery, describes its essence, authors and the date of its establishment (priority). Imagine, however, that scientists have made a discovery, but they do not want to, and cannot, report it to the whole world – in particular, in the field of nuclear technology or weapons of mass destruction. Then they send their materials to the same national agency to recognize the regularity as a discovery, but make it inaccessible to an indefinite circle of people, that is, secret. In this case, all materials, including the decision to recognize the discovery, are also secret (or top secret, but this is not essential). Thus, this discovery is unknown to all other scientists of the world and is closed, unknown information for them. And such cases have taken place in practice. Here’s a closed discovery for you: a linguistic paradox, as Academician Lomakin would say, like a coronavirus.
Chapter 3. Beauty Plastic Clinic
Moscow, June 17, 2020, Wednesday. A young brown-haired woman in a business gray suit with a brown vintage Lakestone bag entered the building at 16 Miklukho-Maklaya Street, the office of the famous Beauty Plastic plastic surgery clinic, and proceeded to the reception desk. The receptionist, a personable middle-aged lady, Galina Sergeevna, as it followed from the badge on her robe, after a polite greeting on duty, inquired about the purpose of the visit.
– I have an appointment with Dr. Dekanosidze for 12 o’clock, – the brown-haired woman coldly informed.
– Wait a minute, I’ll clarify now.
The administrator logged into the computer schedule of appointments and found the appropriate line.
– Yes, hello again, Elena Nikolaevna, – she smiled professionally at the cute visitor with big gray eyes. – Irakli Davidovich is waiting for you in his office. Please, this way – she gestured to the door at the end of the corridor. As if on the runway, Elena Nikolaevna with a bag over her shoulder floated with an elegant, athletic gait on the marble floor. Galina Sergeevna watched her go-once she was like that…
Irakli Davidovich Dekanosidze, the owner and scientific director of the Beauty Plastic clinic, at the age of fifty-two, undoubtedly achieved success as a businessman and recognition as a scientist. Born in Moscow, his mother is Russian, graduated from the First Medical State University named after Sechenov and already in his twenties began to build his career. After completing his residency, on the advice of his supervisor, he began to specialize in cosmetology and plastic surgery. Rapidly developing his business, he found a unique niche in this highly competitive business, protected from the attacks of various «brothers» by reputable people from Georgia who settled in the capital, earned a well-deserved image of a talented surgeon among clients – businessmen, artists, officials and, of course, their wives. He had seen a lot of women in his lifetime; not having the appearance of Alain Delon, Irakli, and over the years, Irakli Davidovich, attracted many ladies with his bright image, so different from the already tired husbands and lovers of the local spill: a burning brunette, sharp facial features and pitch-black, burning eyes. But the main thing that the weaker sex felt at first sight, at the subconscious level – financial success and intelligence. He conquered women’s hearts with his unshakable confidence, low voice, the pressure of a hungry male and gentle manner. The ladies were destined to drink all this cocktail with Irakli as their relationship developed. His youth was passing away, but over the years his scientific weight grew as a specialist who mentored young medical staff, sometimes as a qualified manager, sometimes as the owner of the company; he did not exclude friendly relations, but more often they grew into closer ones. In other words, women for Irakli Davidovich were not an end in themselves, and even more so an object of sporting interest, but a natural, harmonious part of his personal life. Having secured a decent financial well-being, Irakli did not become a fan of the «golden calf», moreover, his clinic conducted a course of charitable operations that provided him with unshakable authority not only in the medical community, but also in power circles. Curiously, he lived in the center of Moscow in a large apartment with a retired mother full of worries about her only son, whom she raised alone almost all her life and still hoped that someday her Irakli would marry and introduce her to his chosen one.
Mr. Dekanosidze was sitting in a comfortable chair behind an empty work desk, his strong muscular surgeon’s hands resting freely on the polished tabletop. To his left is a pedestal with a large monitor, a beautiful writing device, pieces of paper and a cool smartphone. The walls of the office are hung with certificates, diplomas, awards of the company and its owner – Elena Nikolaevna immediately appreciated it, sitting in the chair opposite after the traditional greetings and invitations of the owner to the conversation. Irakli Davidovich rarely received guests himself, usually the visitors were consulted by specialized surgeons who led the patients along a technological chain developed over the years: consultation, diagnosis, treatment regimen, preparation of surgery and its conduct, rehabilitation. The financial side was determined at the initial admission and was legally fixed by the contract for the provision of medical services. Beauty Plastic Clinic valued its reputation, all current issues were solved by the deputy director of the clinic, whom the business owner trusted unconditionally as a friend, a medical professional, and as a commercial director. It was more reasonable and effective to educate good specialists and decent people without interfering in details and without imposing your opinion – in this Irakli was scrupulous and principled. Freedom from routine allowed him to look into the future, go to foreign medical centers, study their technologies, equipment and experience, and, as a result, be successful. Therefore, today’s consultation was a rare event for him, figuratively speaking, a curtsy to a beautiful lady. He no longer even remembered who asked him for an audience – either from the Moscow government, or from the Department of the Ministry of Health. And what’s the difference?
Careful study of each other, politely concealed by the parties, began after the first phrases. The ease of movements and the pose of the visitor in the chair – a straight back, a high-raised head with a slight arrogance in the gaze of huge, almost transparent eyes – were immediately appreciated by the owner of the office and testified to confident manners and good athletic form. A white silk blouse of excellent cut (brand Brunello Cucinelli – we will add) was gently combined with the tone of the clothes, creating a harmonious appearance, indicating a well-developed sense of taste and financial well-being. A minimum