Magical Dubai. Liya Shadat

Magical Dubai - Liya Shadat

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cal Dubai

      Liya Shadat

      © Liya Shadat, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0060-7882-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Liya Shadat presents – «Magical Dubai»

      Magical Dubai!

      – stories of women

      – people from CIS countries who came to this country in the late 90s and early 2000s… All the stories are based on real events, about women serving different terms of imprisonment in the city of Dubai.

      Readers: it will be interesting for those who have been or want to visit Dubai!

      Content of the book :

      1 -… Work «Lying under the bed»

      2 -… Brother and sister went to Hajj

      3 -… Triangle: The maid, her boyfriend, the injured mistress

      4 -… «Working hotel» and women’s pads

      5 -… Farida and her bitter life lessons

      6 -… The poet Rukhi

      7 -… Valentina

      1 ..............The work of «Lying under the bed»

      …Dubai, Dubai… What is not in it! And the highest building in the world _ Burj Khalifa, and bulk islands and countless hotels and amusement parks, huge malls and all kinds of exhibitions…

      Galloping construction on an international scale never ceases to amaze with its themes. It seems that he just left the Emirates for half a year, returned, and everything is already new here. The night streets of Dubai have also changed. Now you don ’t often see walking "nocturnal" butterflies in negligees, most of them come from Azerbaijan, Armenia and Uzbekistan. In the early 90s, the so—called" priestesses of love» loved to parade around Nasser Square. Here you could hear whatever speech you want. Armenian and Azerbaijani women shared not only clients, but also the ill-fated Nagorno-Karabakh. Everything was in motion. Fists, obscene insults in two languages. Especially passions were heated further after midnight.

      Not earning or being rejected by tired tourists, they began to take out all the resentment and anger on each other. They cursed the presidents of their countries who brought the inhabitants to poverty, scolded the Arabs and greedy tourists who rejected their «love». It should be noted that women of all ages were engaged in the oldest profession. Starting from 16 and above. Older women did not disdain anything. Many of them showed their foresight in this way.

      Walking alone through the alleys of Nasser Square, we turned into Mushit Bazaar, where numerous merchants ' shops were hidden and where tourists and shoppers walked in crowds. Noticing the «victim», they unobtrusively tried to impose their «services». Like, I live alone, I suffer hardships, there are a lot of hungry children at home, there is no husband. If you don ’t mind, you can spend the night at my place. There is a bath, I will do a massage, then more. Exhausted tourists simply waved them off. But there was another contingent – these are elderly Arabs, mostly visitors from neighboring countries such as Kuwait, Qatar or Oman.

      It is no secret that in many Arab countries professing Islam, prostitution is punished very severely. But not in Dubai! A country whose well – being is built mainly on the extraction and sale of oil. and also tourism, does not disdain anything. Therefore, many Arabs from neighboring countries come to the UAE for shopping and entertainment. If shopping gives pleasure to many, then trips to the «priestesses of love" sometimes bring only «upsets».

      Nazakat, originally from Baku, while in Dubai, over the past 8—10 years, «earned" a place to live and was able to open 2 beauty salons. According to her, before the collapse of the Union, she worked in the local city executive committee as a secretary. She had a husband – a long – distance sailing captain, 3 children. Lived happily ever after. Perestroika broke out, everything changed overnight. Yes, and the pension arrived in time. The husband died, the children got married. But it was necessary to raise the youngest son. The training has become paid. Then a younger neighbor came to the rescue. I often went to Emsirats, In Dubai I had my own store selling ready – made clothes.

      She invited Nazakat to her place of work, to wash the store. She agreed, After all, 500 bucks a month. Upon arrival in the Emirates, I lived well. Cleaning, cooking. But at the end of the month, the hostess billed for accommodation, rent and all that stuff. There was little money left. Nazakyat was depressed. A" kind – hearted" neighbor once said, if you want, come home, if not, I have another job for you. Nazakyat asked which one? She grinned back :

      _ do you think I have that much money from the store?_ How should I know?_ Nazakyat answered. I ’ve heard women come to Dubai, work as prostitutes and earn not bad. But you ’re always in the store. At night at home. Sometimes you go out with your friend somewhere. _ In general, listen, "the neighbor interrupted her impatiently. _ You are a calm woman, you don ’t talk much. I need a partner. All that we earn is in half.

      _this is how?, – Nazakat was surprised

      Your job is to lie silently under the bed and when I give you the dough, quickly crawl out and leave.

      _ Why under the bed,? – Nazakyat was horrified

      _ Because I ’ll be on the bed, you ’re already out in circulation. Well, you know what I mean. Nazakat ’s face stretched out, her eyes dimmed. Only now did she understand what it was about.

      _ Look, I agree, let ’s get started quickly, – her neighbor hurried her. _ No, I ’ll look for someone else. Nazakyat almost cried from humiliation. She, a respected woman and mother of adult children, will have to descend to such humiliation as listening to the oohs and sighs of copulating couples, and even become a thief. Cursing President Aliyev, the world economy and the "ruthless" Allah in every way, she reluctantly agreed. At this time, the devil quickly took possession of her curious mind and she began to ask her neighbor in a businesslike way what amounts customers can have, how much they pay.

      «In different ways, "she quickly replied. – Sometimes, it ’s generally naked, but you don ’t lose anything in this case. I was patient.

      _ And can I plug my ears with cotton wool, -asked Nazakyat.

      «Yes, even with a diaper,» the" partner» snapped. That was settled. That same evening, she brought Nazakat to the shooting apartment. It turned out to be one small room, the property of which was a bed, which is called «king size», it was located in the middle, there was a high – backed chair next to it, on which, as it was supposed, the client had to hang his clothes.

      And also a chair in which he could sit down and catch his breath after an «unforgettable" massage. Nazakyat walked around the bed in a businesslike way, looked down and was surprised that the place under it was quite high and spacious.

      «I chose this one on purpose, "the hostess explained. _ So don ’t worry. The main thing is to lie down and keep quiet. When you see the hand, you will quickly take the money and wait for the signal to leave.

      _I understand, "Nazakyat sighed. – But why do you need to do this? I ’ve heard the Arabs pay good money.

      The "good" money ran out for me a long time ago, and even more so for you. Give them only youngsters, virgins and models. And for the most part they are all perverts. They love the «troika». Europeans are drunks and drug addicts. He will give a hundred bucks – he will torment for an hour. He can ’t finish, it stinks – it ’s creepy. They also tear up plastics. and they cost money.

      – Listen, and if he wants to check his pockets, or go to the shower?

      – And where do you see a shower here? – the neighbor retorted. – everything is calculated. After the massage, they usually fall asleep, only some want sex. The street is full of policemen. – I jump out of bed, look out the window and say that a policeman can come in at any minute and check the documents. You know, prostitution is prohibited here. But the most important thing is that if they catch you with a man, then they put him in jail too. They know that. Therefore, they

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