Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus. Дамир Хаматулин

Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus - Дамир Хаматулин

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– " ciel ":

      1-54 …Le mobil signe a son endroict si in gere,

      Aux deux egaux & d'inclination.

      1-55 Soubz l'opposite cl imat Babylonique,

      Grande ser a de sang effusion:

      Que terre & mer, air , ciel sera inique…

      And below is the connection of the "sky" with the "star" – " estoile ":

      2-43 Durant l' estoile chevelue apparente,

      Les trois grans princes seront fait ennemis:

      Frappes du ciel , paix terre tremulente…

      In quatrain 7-36 – the last sky of the first cycle of the "Prophecies". This is the age – " aage " – "heaven":

      7-35 D' auoir _ esleu , trompes seront en l' aage :

      _ Guyere auec eulx ne vouldra demourer ,

      Deceu sera par ceulx de son language .

      -36 Dieu le ciel tout le diuin verbe a` l'vnde…

      And everything that happens is “not good” – “ bien ”:

      1-46 … Grand feu du ciel en trois nuictz tumbera:

      Cause aduiendra bien stupende & mirande,

      Bien peu apres la terre tremblera.

      " neither To trouble " – "malefice":

      1-22 La gresle & glace fera grand malefice .

      1-23 Au mois troisiesme se leuant le Soleil,

      Sanglier, Liepard, au champ Mars pour combatre:

      Liepard laisse, au ciel extend son oeil,

      Vn Aigle autour du Soleil voit s'esbatre.

      In the last quatrain given here – the first case of the Centurian sky. It also contains an “eagle” – “ Aigle ”, this is the second answer to the question: “why is the sky the city of Plankus?”


      It 's time to go back to my previous entries. I liked then quatrains with numerals.

      In quatrain 3-48, the Author sets two tasks at once.

      3-48 Sept cens captifz estaches rudiment,

      Pour la moitie meurtrir, donne' le sort: Le proche espoir viendra si promptement, Mais non si tost qu'vne quinziesme mort.

      Seven hundred prisoners, bound roughly,

      Fate gave half to die:

      Close hope arrives so quickly

      But not so soon as the fifteenth death.

      Seven hundred – « sept cens " – Nostradamus tied together and reported it openly. The condition when both of these words are in one quatrain is fulfilled six times in the first cycle of the "Prophecies" (1-49, 3-48, 3-56, 3-77, 6-2 and 6-54), and in all cases they stand together, i.e. “bound”, and in quatrain 3-56 their future fate is revealed, i.e. the number – "six" – " six " – such pairs.

      3-56 …Depuis six cens & sept

      And it is in this quatrain that half of such pairs are recruited, i.e. three, as indicated in 3-48.

      The third and fourth lines pose a different problem. The word " espoir " – "hope" – first appears in the Centuries in quatrain 2-25, the fifteenth "death" – " mort ( e )", in the singular ( vne Quinziesme mort ) are also found in this quatrain.

      In part, the quatrain already considered here also contains its task. All in the same fourth line:

      -56 Depuis six cens & sept .

      From this point, until the end of the seventh century, several words " part , par ( t ) s " are found: in 3-59, 3-99 ( deux parts ), 4-35, 4-80 ( quinze pars and part ), 5-11, 6-13 and 6-95. Given that " deux parts " and " quinze pars " means "two parts" and "fifteen parts" respectively, making 23 parts.


      The competitive struggle that develops in the Nostradamus universe called "Prophecies" is clearly manifested in quatrain 3-59, which describes the duel between blood and death.

      3-59 Barbare empire par le tiers usurpe',

      La plus grand part de son sang mettra a` mort: Par mort senile par luy le quart frappe', Pour peur que sang, par le sang ne soit mort.

      The barbarian empire is usurped by the third,

      A very large part of his blood will be put to death:

      Due to the death of an senile from him, the fourth is broken,

      Because of the fear that blood for blood is not death.

      Three times in this quatrain the words " sang " – "blood" and " mort " – "death" are mentioned. The second line promises that "blood" (with its current value in this quatrain equal to 30) will be put to "death" (this word has a rank of 32), which will happen in the fourth line of this quatrain. “Blood” will get rank 32, but “blood for “blood” is no longer “death”. “Death for the same period retired and became the 34th.

      The first line promises to catch up with death in three steps, the third line gives another "death" and promises to catch up with it in four steps. That is why already in the next quatrain 3-60 one more "blood" appears.


      And then came the moment when I first discovered the mystery of capital letters in the Centuries. For me it was then a turning point, but at first I did not attach much importance to this. Below are my old posts about this event.

      In the next quatrain, which will be discussed here, the question of how problems with large dates are solved in Centuries, and about another encryption method.

       3-77 Le tiers climat soubz Aries comprins,

      L'an mil sept cens vingt & sept en Octobre: Le roy de Perse par ceulx d'Egipte prins: Conflit, mort, perte: a` la croix grand oprobe.

      The third climate is contained under Aries,

      In the year one thousand seven hundred and seven, in October:

      The king of Persia is captured by those from Egypt:

      Conflict, death, loss: the cross is a great shame.

      The problem of the first line is solved non-standard and extremely interesting. Yes, previously the entire inhabited Earth was divided into climates, so the phrase “third climate” is not surprising. Surprisingly, there are two words “climate” in the Centuries. Isn't it, in this case, a secret third? You should also pay attention to the word " Aries ". It is present only four times in the texts. And this is what I found in one of these cases: " CLIMAT ".

      6-35 Pres de Rion, & proche a' blanche laine,

      Aries , T

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