he made up his mind to get away from it all.
20. To look at it from a new perspective – to see a situation from a new point of view
Увидеть ситуацию под другим углом
What might look like a threat could also be an opportunity if looked at from a new perspective.
21. To be game – willing to do things that are new, difficult, or that involve risks
Быть готовым на все
I’m game for whatever you want to do this weekend.
22. To assign tasks – to delegate tasks
Ставить задачи
I’ve been assigned the task of looking after the new students.
23. To figure out – to calculate an amount of something (for example tax/ overhead costs) /To solve, to find an answer
Понимать, решать, находить выход
Looking back on it, I still can’t figure out what went wrong.
24. Perk – a special advantage or benefit, in addition to the money you are paid, that you are given because of your job
The salary is not great, but the perks make up for it.
A few useful tips on how to motivate employees
It goes without saying that there has never been a one-size-fits-all way on how to motivate your employees, but we can share with you our ideas and provide you with some useful phrases to help you cope with the problems of motivation in your team.
1. Show recognition and appreciation
It’s fine that you say THANK YOU, but it is not enough. What you need is to implement a robust employee recognition program, which will definitely have a much greater impact on your employees. Remember: an employee, whose performance is little appreciated, is an unmotivated employee, who will lose all enthusiasm very soon.
2. Celebrate Milestones
Whether it’s a birthday, work anniversary, or project completion, celebrating significant events is a great way to keep employees feeling motivated and valued
3. Encourage Professional Development
It’s very important to create a special working environment where being professional is a top priority. Remember: when you offer professional development and learning opportunities to your employees, you get rid of boredom and stale thinking. Nothing saps an employee’s motivation like the feeling that she’s stuck in a dead-end job.
4. Encourage bonding outside of working place
Provide your employees with opportunities to bond outside of the workplace, helping them get to know each other a bit more and build trust in the team.
5. Reward your best employees with experience perks
Arrange cooking festivals, paint nights, wine tasting, massages, parachute jumping and so on to provide your top employees with an opportunity to do something they enjoy as a direct result of their hard work.
6. Practice Transparency
A lack of transparency can destroy the trust and credibility that you’ve worked so hard to maintain in your team. Only by being put in the picture will your employees feel being a significant part of sth really great
7. Break big goals into more manageable chunks
Even if everyone on your team looks forward to tackling a huge new project, when the time comes to get to work, motivation can start fading because in reality it will seem too aspirational to imagine completing it.
8. Give Your Team a free hand
Nobody enjoys being micromanaged. We all want to feel in control of our time and energy, so giving your team a free hand will demonstrate your trust, which will boost motivation
9. Gamify your most important tasks
Try turning work into a game, introducing elements of gameplay to your team’s most important tasks.
10. Introduce champion friendly competition
Competition can be a great motivator but if you let it get out of hand, conflict will rise as you see morale and teamwork deteriorate. Avoid pitting your employees against each other.
11. Lead with vision
Employees need to know that all their efforts are driving towards something, it is where vision comes in. Make a visual reminder of your company’s roadmap with cut out words, phrases, and images that express the destination you have in sight for the business. Encourage team members to add to it, which will give them a sense of ownership and help ingrain the vision into their daily activities
There are some expressions to help you go in this direction:
• You know what you need to do. Do I need to spell it out for you?
• I expect a lot from you, but I also expect a lot from myself.
• I set the bar reasonably high, so just do the best you can.
• I don’t expect you to become a workaholic, but you need to do your best
• I’d like to go over some goals for this quarter. Are you game?
• Everyone just needs to carry their own weight; the rest will work itself out.
• Please let me know what you’d like to do; I want everyone to be happy.
• I’d like to talk about assigning individual tasks. Everyone should let me know their preferences.
• I think this would be right up your alley. What do you think?
• I think you’d be the best person to handle this particular job.
• I will delegate some tasks, but feel free to let me know if something doesn’t suit you.
• Everyone has a specific task to accomplish; if one fails, we all fail.
• It ultimately comes down to this: I delegate, you do it, we all win.
• Your assignments are fixed and nonnegotiable.
• We consider working here the highest reward of all.
• We’re very proud of your dedication and hard work. Keep it up.
• I knew I could count on you.
• Have I told you lately how valuable you are to this company?
• Our