Jesus and Christ. Artur Zadikyan
might happen if we were to purposefully act in one way or another.
– So what do you want to see here?
– Let's see what's going on here first. Although it's not what's happening here that we want to examine. We are analyzing a chain of events… like a chain reaction of cause and effect.
– How about a simpler one?
– We want to influence events now and here so that they will be reflected in a momentous way for mankind. We want to change some of the events surrounding the execution of Christ.
– What do you want to change? – Ruthra asked warily.
– We want him not to accept the Latin culture, the Hellenic worldview. We want it, his worldview, to remain in the orthodox Jewish understanding, then there will be no need to proclaim the Islamic religious doctrine.
– Not quite sure what worldview has to do with execution, and yet, what do you want to get instead? What do you want to replace it with? Rutra scratched his beard, looking at the rabbi intently, then looked out into the valley and said meaningfully: – So that's the key to our problem. What's your idea?
– We want to replace it with Buddhism, which carries more neutral tenets. There will be no such antagonism between Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
– Okay, what's going to happen here now?
– There was such a story, which, by the way, we want to use as an example of recklessness, stupidity and senseless principles. Exactly as an example of following senseless principles, which someone once proclaimed among the people due to his lack of education, impudence, cunning and deceit… and now people die or kill each other just to prove their senseless principles.
– Like what? And can we keep it simple and… human.
The Rabbi thought silently for a moment, then sighed and nodded in response.
– Here is the story," he began, "a mother and her seven sons were imprisoned because they would not leave their Jewish faith. By order of the king, they were beaten, tortured and tormented, demanding that they perform Hellenic rites, but neither the mother nor the children were willing to change their faith. When the king demanded that they eat pork, the oldest son declared, "We would rather be killed than break the law of our ancestors!" The king ordered the boy's tongue, hands and feet to be cut off and thrown into a boiling cauldron in front of his mother and brothers. But the brothers were not afraid, they too refused to comply with Antiochus' demands. They were all painfully executed. When the six brothers had already been executed and the turn came to the youngest, the king said to the boy's mother: "Persuade at least this son to obey me and thus save his life!" After such a suggestion the heroic mother said to her son: "Do not fear this villain and die willingly, as your brothers died, for God and our faith!" The boy was immediately executed, and afterward, so was the mother. Such were the actions of the Syrians, and they were the invaders at that time, the Hellenes of Syria…
– I'm sorry," Rutra interrupted him, "could you please explain how this story relates to our previous discussion?
– For that, you have to listen. Human history takes many intricate turns. So, such atrocities have broken many, but they have also spurred many to rebellion and resistance. And most importantly for our story, one of the leaders of the struggle was the great grandfather of our Mairam. This is the name of one of our goddesses, the most important woman. We consider her a prototype of Mary from the Gospel… or vice versa. And you need to know this story to understand what genes she carried within her and what environment influenced her worldview. Although many speak of her meek character, she was actually a rebel at heart, and in life had a fiery, impulsive temper that often threw her into anger and rage. She was also willful, narcissistic, and adventurous.
– That's quite a personality you're studying. What happened next?
– It would be good to know the backstory first.
– I take it it's supposed to be the same here. Or rather, this world is identically parallel. So it's supposed to be the same as yours?
– Yes. And I take it it's the same as yours.
– Hell, yeah.
– You use that expression too," the "Bedouin" smiled, "so, what's the chronology there?
– Actually, what happened there," Ruthra paused a little, "was that somewhere around 167 B.C., Antiochus' decrees led to the Maccabees' revolt. They fought a guerrilla war, which was successful – in 164 B.C. they liberated Jerusalem and the Temple. This day is celebrated as the consecration of the second Temple – the Feast of Hanukkah. The revolt lasted at least twenty years, and in 140 B.C. the independence of Judea was proclaimed. But not for long on the historical scale they enjoyed their freedom. Did they enjoy it? They fought such brutal wars among themselves that Pompey's legionaries, who came in 63, were more a salvation than a punishment.
– At this time, as far as I know, Pompey's armies captured Israel. This was the beginning of Roman rule.
– Yeah. It wasn't very interesting. But after 23 years began the reign of Herod the Great, which lasted until the 4th year of our era.
– Well, yes. It was during the reign of this king that the major events took place.
– I wouldn't say Birthright yes, the beating of babies yes, but in 4 AD he was gone and in 6 AD Judea becomes a Roman province.
– We are more interested in the event of 28 A.D., namely the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate.
– Why the 28th?
– We were also initially based on the texts, but when we checked the genetics, we came to this conclusion. And checking in parallel worlds confirmed our research.
– Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean, genealogy?
– Yes, yes. Your assumptions are correct.
– Did you find Christ's tomb?
Ruthra never determined which character was in front of him. The interlocutor was a bit shorter, so ducking his head, Ruthra looked incredulously and surprised at the face of a man who might have been a fairly significant historical character with an ISKIN from another world inside him.
– Our grave," the Rabbi said simply, as if it were an ordinary event, while nodding in affirmation.
The two men looked at each other meaningfully. After a pause, Ruthra asked:
– What else was there in this world?
– After we were killed?
– Was it murder?
– What's your point?
– While you're at it, show me the actual weather.
– What?
– You don't use that kind of language?
– Oh, I see. No. We say show me the true time.
– And here?
– There's more ancient expressions. They all take oaths on every occasion.
– So what's the aftermath?
– For us, probably nothing of interest. We need to find the system that is in place at the time when the Council of Nicaea took place. This is the first meeting of Christian leaders when the religion was already fairly established and spreading. It will decide there whether Jesus is recognized as God. In the meantime, in 41-44 A.D. the restoration of the Jewish kingdom under the rule of King Agrippa is coming. In 66-73 AD, the Great Revolt, the famous Jewish War against the power of Rome. In 66 AD, the liberation of Judea from the Romans. In 67-68 AD – suppression of rebellion in most parts of the country by Vespasian. In 70 AD – the capture of Jerusalem and the destruction of the second Temple. In 73 AD – the suicide of the defenders of the fortress of Masada. The suppression of the Great Revolt. The end of the Second Temple era. These events are very momentous, so they should be taken into account.
– Okay. What are we doing now?
– Let's follow "our" mommy.