Assistant’s Path In Russia: A Guide For The Profession. A book for and about Personal Assistants. Christina A. Maslova

Assistant’s Path In Russia: A Guide For The Profession. A book for and about Personal Assistants - Christina A. Maslova

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there is no difference what kind of manager you work with. Either you suit to each other, or you do not.

      There is a difference in mentality between the Russian leader and a foreigner; there are differences between the Russian company and the western one – in management principles, in policies, procedures, etc.; there is a difference between the quality ratio in assignments – more business or personal; or both.

      But for the assistant, if it matters, then only during the choice of the company and the direction in which he or she wants to work.

      All other stereotypes you can throw boldly in the trash because, as a rule, they do not stand the test of time and experience.

      After all, the essence of the assistant’s work is that we must make the life of another person easier. And this is very difficult. It is important to do everything as if you were doing it for yourself.

      And in this, by the way, there is a definite plus. Because such an approach inevitably leaves an impact not only on the quality of work, but also on the quality of life in general. You learn when to and when not to do things differently. And this cannot but cause rejoicing, because everything changes for better.

      Just a simple example: my first article about our job was published in 2013, and since then I have written at least ten more. And with all my texts I check as I do with my articles – scrupulously and very attentively.

      I should admit that before that I didn’t pay so much attention to how I write. And now colleagues sometimes even take offense at me, but I pay attention to every comma and space, and it does not matter to me to whom the letter goes – to the colleague who sits next to him, or the business partner of the head – they all receive my top-quality work.

      I want to say that it was worth changing the approach to how I write, and the quality has changed. And this is very important. Your approach to work will directly affect the quality of your performance of your duties.

      Michael Hyatt in one of his notes wrote that «an executive assistant is an extension of the executive he or she works for».

      Without this connection, there will not be a tandem in working. And success, too.

      Because nothing helps to achieve the result so effectively as the team of like-minded people who work for it.

      And choosing this profession, you choose the path when you become the «extension» of your leader. You are concerned with everything that happens in the company, if you are an assistant to the President; you are concerned with everything that happens in the department, if you are an assistant to the person who leads it. You choose the same pace of work as your leader.

      And if we talk about the prospects for the career development for the assistant in the company, then knowing, understanding and delving into what is happening around you, you can choose a direction that is interesting for you. Of course, keeping in mind that you really need all this.

      Once I was asked why the profession of assistant is attractive for me. I will tell you:

      I like being in the middle of things, but not in the spotlight. I love people, but I hate crowd. And I prefer to keep silence while others speak.

      This is all reflected in my work.

      I feel comfortable that I can stand in the shadow while being in the epicenter. After all, for example, I hate to speak; I just fall into a stupor in public. Over time, I had to fight with this fear, but nonetheless, it was there.

      In fact, in any job it’s important to understand what suits you best. Understand your needs. We all do something somewhere and not always because of money. I can be wrong, and, of course, financial stability is important as nothing else.

      But your whole life will be one big piece of shit if you wake up every morning and feel totally unhappy because you have to go somewhere you don’t like or enjoy. I want to say that you can be the best only if you feel great where you are.

      Because there is nothing more stupid then to work where you don’t like; live with someone whom you don’t love and are engaged in what you don’t like to do.

      Life is too short to afford that kind of luxury.

      Haruki Murakami told once that «profession should be the act of love initially, but not a marriage of convenience».

      I am firmly convinced that it is possible to become a real professional only if you are doing business that you love.

      The profession of the assistant is interesting.

      Do not think that this is the way to nowhere. This is far from reality. I know colleagues who have been working in this field for many years, with the opportunity to be developed in another area. But, as a rule, they simply combine the assistant’s job with other interesting projects.

      Sometimes colleagues complain that their friends or relatives around them do not understand why they chose the profession of an assistant. Like, this is not serious; it’s some kind of incomprehensible work, etc.

      I will not even try to persuade that sort of people, because in order to judge – one must take and try. And it’s still a big question – will it work out or not?

      Therefore, if you are comfortable where you are and if you like it, then this is the main great thing.

      Everything always depends on you, on your wishes and ability to understand what you really need.

      How it all began

      My career started as a receptionist in a foreign bank, whilst I was a student at university.

      The fact that most of our stream went to work almost from the second year is the merit of our teachers and the dean of the faculty.

      We were immediately told that theoretical knowledge is good, but we will use only thirty percent of them, and without experience, even the most brilliant graduate with a red diploma will not be needed much.

      Alas, the laws of business are severe: besides knowledge, experience and practice are valued.

      Since I studied English from the first class of a specialized school with in-depth study of Foreign Languages, at the time of admission to the university I could practically communicate freely at the everyday level. As it turned out, in order to sit at the reception desk, answer calls and meet guests, my level of English was quite enough, and I was hired.

      This first job I still consider as fundamental in my career.

      It was where I learned what systematicity and organization mean and how important it is for normal work.

      Every person had their place. We worked in tandem with a second secretary, and this was my first experience of teamwork.

      In addition to us, the administrative department had an office manager, an inner courier, coffee-ladies, drivers, department assistants. And, of course, an assistant to the President of the bank! Back then this position seemed to me something beyond the reach and unattainable!

      Sometimes we combined the functions of a secretary and an internal courier. And then one of us worked full day at the reception, the second one shuttled round the offices with correspondence. And if the working day was on Friday, then those who worked elsewhere in the building on this day could afford to come in jeans!

      This rule has permanently settled in my head, and wherever I work, I know that jeans and T-shirts I can afford only on Friday. And then, if there are no important meetings. But then, Friday’s metamorphosis concerned everyone, from the President to the drivers. It was especially fun to watch after the Department of Information Technology. All week, respectable young men who came to the office in suits and ties, turned into boys in colorful

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