Apocalyptic Time Jump: Girl vs Clone. Max Marshall

Apocalyptic Time Jump: Girl vs Clone - Max Marshall

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team, don’t we? —

      Patrick nodded enthusiastically.

      – The best team ever!

      Chapter 3: The Clone Girl

      The day had started like any other for Karina. She woke up to the gentle chirping of birds outside her window, stretched lazily in her bed, and finally dragged herself out to join her family for breakfast. Little did she know that today would be anything but ordinary.

      After a hearty breakfast with her family, Karina decided to retreat to her room for some quiet time. As she settled onto her bed with her favorite book, she heard a strange noise coming from the corner of her room. Frowning in confusion, she set her book aside and approached the source of the sound.

      To her utter amazement, a shimmering portal had appeared out of thin air, swirling with colorful lights like a magical whirlpool. Karina’s eyes widened in wonder as she cautiously approached the mysterious portal, her heart pounding with excitement and curiosity.

      Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, a figure flew out of the portal and tumbled onto her bedroom floor in a heap. Karina gasped in surprise, taking a step back as she stared at the unexpected visitor.

      The figure slowly rose to its feet, brushing off its clothes with a bewildered expression. Karina blinked in disbelief as she realized that the newcomer was a girl who looked exactly like her – from the blonde hair to the sparkling blue eyes.

      – Who… who are you? – Karina stammered, her mind racing with a million questions.

      The girl straightened up and flashed Karina a bright smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. – I’m Arina, – she declared, her voice tinged with excitement. – And I’m you… well, sort of.-

      Karina’s jaw dropped in astonishment as she tried to process this revelation. A clone of herself? From the future? It all seemed too incredible to believe.

      As she gazed at the girl who called herself Arina, Karina couldn’t help but notice the striking similarities between them. From their identical features to their shared love for adventure, it was as if they were two halves of the same whole.

      – Wow, – Karina breathed, her mind whirling with possibilities.

      – This is… unbelievable.-

      Arina grinned mischievously, her eyes dancing with excitement.

      – Tell me about it! But trust me, it’s a lot more fun on this side of the portal.

      Chapter 4: Communicating with your Clone

      Karina and her clone, Arina, settled into Karina’s cozy bedroom, they found themselves immersed in a conversation that flowed effortlessly between them. They sat cross-legged on Karina’s bed, their eyes bright with curiosity as they exchanged stories about their lives.

      – So, tell me about your world, Arina, – Karina said, her voice filled with fascination.

      Arina smiled, eager to share her experiences with her newfound friend.

      – Well, where do I even begin? In my world, everything is so different. We have flying cars and towering skyscrapers that stretch up to the clouds. And the technology… oh, you wouldn’t believe the things we can do with it! —

      Karina listened intently, her imagination soaring as Arina painted a vivid picture of her futuristic world. She was amazed by the incredible advancements and innovations that Arina described, each one more fantastical than the last.

      – Wow, that sounds incredible! – Karina exclaimed, her eyes shining with wonder.

      – I can’t even imagine what it must be like to live in a world like that.

      Arina nodded enthusiastically.

      – It definitely has its perks, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are challenges too, just like in your world.-

      Curious to learn more about Karina’s world, Arina turned the conversation back to her friend. – What about you, Karina? What’s your world like? —

      Karina paused, reflecting on her own experiences in their quaint little town.

      – Well, in my world, things are a lot simpler. We don’t have flying cars or fancy gadgets, but we have something even better – a strong sense of community and family. Everyone knows each other, and we all look out for one another. It may not be as exciting as your world, but it’s filled with love and laughter, and that’s what matters most to me.-

      As they continued to chat, Karina and Arina discovered that despite the differences in their worlds, they shared many common interests and values. They laughed at the same jokes, bonded over their favorite books and movies, and even found similarities in their hopes and dreams for the future.

      Chapter 5: The Clone gets used to reality

      Arina found herself growing more and more accustomed to life in Karina’s world. She marveled at the simple pleasures of everyday life – the chirping of birds in the morning, the scent of freshly baked cookies wafting through the house, the laughter of children playing in the streets.

      With each passing day, Arina became more integrated into Karina’s life, gradually learning the ins and outs of her world. She spent time with Karina’s friends, joining in their games and conversations with ease. She helped Karina’s parents with household chores, lending a hand in the kitchen or the garden whenever she could.

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