The Kid’s Bank Robbery. Max Marshall

The Kid’s Bank Robbery - Max Marshall

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to him, their faces lighting up with curiosity as they eagerly leaned in to hear what Jack had to say.

      – What was it, Jack? Tell us! – Tony, Jack’s closest friend, exclaimed, his eyes wide with anticipation.

      – It was the coolest action movie ever! – Jack exclaimed, his voice tinged with enthusiasm.

      – There were bank robbers and explosions and getaway cars – it was like nothing I’ve ever seen before!

      His classmates listened intently as Jack regaled them with tales of daring heists and narrow escapes, his words painting vivid pictures of adventure and excitement.

      – And you know what? – Jack continued, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

      – I’ve decided that I want to be a bank robber too! It looks like so much fun, and think about all the riches we could get!

      His friends exchanged puzzled glances, unsure whether Jack was being serious or simply caught up in the thrill of the moment.

      – Jack, are you sure about this? – Alex, another friend chimed in, his brow furrowed with concern.

      – Robbing banks is illegal, you know. And dangerous!

      But Jack waved off his friend’s worries with a dismissive wave of his hand, his mind already racing with plans and possibilities.

      – Don’t worry, guys! It’ll be easy – just like in the movies! – Jack exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

      – We’ll be heroes, just like the ones on TV!

      As Jack’s words hung in the air, a sense of unease settled over the classroom, the reality of Jack’s wild idea sinking in as the bell rang, signaling the start of another day of school.

      Chapter 4: Children’s Group

      After school, Jack couldn’t shake off the excitement that had gripped him since watching the action-packed movie. He knew he needed allies if he was going to bring his grand plan of becoming a bank robber to life. With determination pulsing through his veins, he sought out his two closest friends, Tony and Alex, to share his daring idea.

      – Hey, guys, I have something important to talk to you about, – Jack said, his voice brimming with excitement as he approached Tony and Alex during recess.

      Tony, a spirited boy with a mischievous glint in his eye, and Alex, a blond-haired boy known for his cautious nature, turned to Jack, their curiosity piqued by his serious tone.

      – What’s up, Jack? – Tony asked, leaning in eagerly.

      – Yeah, spill it, Jack. You’ve got us all curious now, – Alex chimed in, his blue eyes filled with intrigue.

      Jack took a deep breath, steeling himself for their reaction before blurting out his plan in a rush of words.

      – I want us to be a group of bank robbers, – Jack declared, his voice tinged with excitement.

      Tony’s eyes widened with excitement, his grin widening as he leaned in closer.

      – Are you serious, Jack? That sounds epic!

      Alex, on the other hand, looked hesitant, his brow furrowing with concern.

      – I don’t know, Jack. Robbing banks? That sounds dangerous.

      But Jack was undeterred, his enthusiasm bubbling over as he painted a picture of the thrilling adventures that awaited them.

      – Think about it, guys! We’ll be like the heroes in the movies, pulling off daring heists and outsmarting the authorities. It’ll be the adventure of a lifetime! – Jack exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

      Tony nodded eagerly, caught up in the excitement of Jack’s vision.

      – I’m in, Jack! Let’s do this!

      Alex hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between his two friends before finally relenting with a resigned sigh.

      – Alright, count me in too. But we have to be careful, okay? We can’t let anyone get hurt.

      With their alliance forged and their minds set on their daring quest, Jack, Tony, and Alex clasped hands in a solemn vow to become the greatest bank robbers the world had ever seen.

      Chapter 5: Preparing for a Robbery

      With their decision made to embark on the daring adventure of becoming bank robbers, Jack, Tony, and Alex gathered in Jack’s backyard, huddled together in earnest discussion. The warm sun beat down on them, casting a golden glow over their eager faces as they plotted their next move.

      – So, what’s the plan, Jack? – Tony asked eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement.

      Jack, taking on the role of the fearless leader, leaned forward, his mind already racing with possibilities.

      – First things first, we need to figure out what we’ll need to pull off a successful robbery.

      Alex, ever the voice of reason, furrowed his brow in thought.

      – We’ll need disguises, weapons, a getaway vehicle… —

      Jack nodded in agreement, impressed by Alex’s practical thinking.

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