Сборник текстов и упражнений в формате ОГЭ для 5-х классов. Анна Медведева

Сборник текстов и упражнений в формате ОГЭ для 5-х классов - Анна Медведева

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      Образец задания и письма:

      …I’ve got a large family. I love my parents and I often visit my relatives. Is your family large? Do you often spend time together? What are your parents like?

      Dear Kate,

      Thanks for your e-mail message. I was glad to hear from you again.

      In your message you ask me about my family. It isn’t large. There’re only three of us. My parents have to work a lot but we often spend time together. We always go out at the weekend. I like spending time with my parents. They are great. My dad is really active and adventurous. He’s got lots of ideas where we can go. As for my mum, she’s caring and helpful. I always take her advice.

      That’s all for now. Write back soon.

      Best wishes,



      I would like to tell you about my family. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Dan. I’m eleven. My birthday is on 2nd April. I’m from London. I’ve got curly dark hair and brown eyes just like my father. I’m sociable and a little bit talkative. I like reading books and listening to music. Besides, I can play football and basketball.

      My family is great. There are three people in my family. My mum’s name is Mary. She is an economist. My mum is attractive. She has got straight fair hair and blue eyes. She likes travelling and gardening. She is friendly and kind. My father’s name is James. He is a journalist. My dad is good-looking with short dark hair and brown eyes. He is into playing tennis. He is hard-working, serious and responsible.

      I spend a lot of time with my family. We often walk in the park or go to the cinema together. Sometimes we stay in, play board games or watch TV. By the way, my dad teaches me to play tennis. It’s really amazing. I like spending time with my family because I love them very much.

      My family is very important to me. My parents teach me to be kind and honest. We always support each other. When I get into trouble, my family help me and cheer me up. My parents believe in me and I’m sure they love me very much.

      That’s all I wanted to tell you about my family.

      Learn the vocabulary:

      just like – совсем как; вылитый

      sociable – общительный

      a little bit talkative – немного болтливый

      besides – кроме того

      attractive – привлекательный

      to be into – увлекаться

      hard-working – трудолюбивый, работящий

      responsible – ответственный

      to stay in – оставаться дома

      to play board games – играть в настольные игры

      by the way – кстати, между прочим

      amazing – потрясающий, поразительный

      honest – честный

      to support each other – поддерживать друг друга

      to get into trouble – попасть в беду, нажить неприятности

      to cheer up – подбадривать

      to believe in somebody – верить в кого-либо


      Task 1. Write the words below in the correct column.

      sociable curly friendly daughter serious mother blonde hard-working straight attractive responsible sister good-looking kind grandfather fair cousin parents

      Family: _______________________________________________________________

      Appearance: _________________________________________________________

      Personality: _________________________________________________________

      Task 2. Read the clues and quess the relatives.

      – My father’s mother is my __________________.

      – My parents’ parents are my ____________________.

      – We have one child. She is our ____________________.

      – Bill’s father and my father are brothers. Bill is my ____________.

      – Peter is my son. Diana is my daughter. They are my __________.

      – Susan and I have the same parents. She is my _______________.

      – My mother’s father is my _____________________.

      – My son has got two children. They are my ___________________.

      – She is married to Jim. He is her _____________________.

      – Jack is Bob’s uncke. Bob is Jack’s ______________________.

      – My daughter’s daughter is my ______________________.

      – Sue is Tim’s mother. Tim is Sue’s ____________________.

      – Jim is Jane’s uncle. Jane is Jim’s ____________________.

      – I am Susan’s son. She is my ____________________.

      – He is my father’s brother. He is my ____________________.

      – Tom is married to Carol. She is his ___________________.

      – My parents are called Jim and Mary. Jim is my ______________.

      – Rachel is my mother’s sister. She is my __________________.

      – My daughter’s son is my ___________________.

      – Paul and I have the same parents. He is my __________________.

      Task 3. Translate from Russian into English.

      – У меня короткие вьющиеся волосы и зеленые глаза как у дедушки.

      – Мой брат увлекается музыкой и танцами.

      – Моя бабушка очень добрая, но немного болтливая.

      – Мой папа учит меня рисовать по выходным дням.

      – Моя мама увлекается садоводством.

      – Мы часто остаемся дома и играем в настольные игры.

      – Моя сестра очень ответственная

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