Когда падали стены… Переустройство мира после 1989 года. Кристина Шпор

Когда падали стены… Переустройство мира после 1989 года - Кристина Шпор

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выдержки из записи переговоров между Михаилом Горбачевым и Радживом Ганди 15.7.1989 AGF DAWC, А также: Горбачев. Собр. соч. Т. 15. С. 257, 262–264.


      Заметка Владимира Лукина относительно советско-китайских отношений: 22.8.1989 GARF f. 10026 op. 4 d. 2870 l. 75-78 DAWC.


      John Tagliabue ‘Poland Flirts with Pluralism Today’ NYT 4.6.1989.


      О польских «полу-конкурентных выборах» см.: Marjorie Castle. Triggering Communism’s Collapse: Perceptions and Power in Poland’s Transition Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. Ch. 6. См. также: Tagliabue ‘Poland’ NYT 4.6.1989.


      Timothy Garton Ash. ‘Revolution in Poland and Hungary’ London Review of Books (hereafter LRB) 17.8.1989. Ср. idem: The Magic Lantern. Pp. 25–46, особенно p. 32.


      Kristof. ‘Troops Attack and Crush Beij ing Protest’.


      John Daniszewski. ‘Communist Party Declares Solidarity Landslide Winner’. AP 5.6.1989; John Tagliabue. ‘Stunning Vote Casts Poles into Uncharted Waters’ NYT 6.6. 1989.


      Garton Ash. The Magic Lantern P. 32.


      Tyler Marshall ‘Russian Troops Remain in Ex-Satellite States – Military: Of an estimated 600,000 in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s, only about 113,000 haven’t gone home’ LAT 1.4.1993.


      Andrei Grachev Gorbachev’s Gamble: Soviet Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War Polity 2008 P. 172.


      Ibid. pp. 171–172.


      См.: Geir Lundestad ‘Empire by Invitation? The United States and Western Europe 1945–52’. Journal of Peace Research 23, 3 (1986). Pp. 263–277; idem ‘”Empire by Invitation” in the American Century’. Diplomatic History 23, 2 (Spring 1999). Pp. 189–217; idem, Empire by Integration: The United States and European Integration, 1945–1997 Oxford UP, 1997; and John Lewis Gaddis. We Now Know. Clarendon Press, 1997. Pp. 284–286.


      К числу полезных обзорных работ относятся: Geoffrey Swain & Nigel Swain. Eastern Europe since 1945. Macmillan, 1993; Judy Batt. East Central Europe from Reform to Transformation Pinter 1991.


      О прогнозах специалистов в области международных отношений или, скорее, об отсутствии у них таковых см.: George Lawson et al. (eds) The Global 1989: Continuity and Change in World Politics Cambridge UP, 2010, introduction esp. p. 4; или Michael Cox ‘Why Did We Get the End of the Cold War Wrong?’ The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 11, 2 (2009) pp. 161–176; John Lewis Gaddis. ‘International Relations Theory and the End of the Cold War’. International Security 17, 3 (1992-3) pp. 5–58. О том, каковы были аналитические выводы ЦРУ, см., например: Gerald K. Haines & Robert E. Leggett (eds). CIA’s Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947–1991. Ross & Perry, 2001; Benjamin B. Fischer & Gerald K. Haines (eds). At Cold War’s End: US Intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1989–1991 Ross & Perry 2001/


      Andrzej Paczkowski The Spring Will Be Ours: Poland and the Poles from Occupation to Freedom Pennsylvania UP 2003.


      Andrej Paczkowski & Malcolm Byrne (eds). From Solidarity to Martial Law: The Polish Crisis of 1980–1981 – A Documentary History CEU Press, 2007 pp. 4–5; Marcin Zaremba ‘Karol Wojtyla the Pope: Complications for Comrades of the Polish United Workers’ Party’ CWH 5, 3 (2005) pp. 317–336.


      Детальное изучение событий 1980–1981 гг. см. у: Timonthy Garton Ash The Polish Revolution: Solidarity Yale UP, 2002; Paczkowski & Byrne (eds) From Solidarity to Martial Law.


      John Tagliabue ‘Thousands at Gdansk Shipyard Join Polish Strike’ NYT 3.5.1988; см. также: Grzegorz W. Kolodko ‘Polish Hyperinflation and Stabilization 1989–1990’ Economic Journal on Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (1/1991) pp. 9–36.


      Andrew A. Michta. Red Eagle: The Army in Polish Politics, 1944–1989. Hoover Institution Press, 1990. P. 200; Taubman. Gorbachev. Pp. 480–483; Paula Butturini. ‘Polish Strike “Broke the Barrier of Fear”: Militant Steelworkers Sense Victory’. CT 18.9.1989.


      О переговорах за круглым столом в Польше см.: Wiktor Osyatinski. ‘The Round-Table Talks in Poland’ in Jon Elster (ed.) Round-Table Talks and the Breakdown of Communism. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1996.


      John Tagliabue. ‘Appeal by Walesa Fails to Resolve All Polish Strikes’ NYT 2.9.1988.


      Castle. Triggering Communism’s Collapse. P. 47.


      Garton Ash. The Magic Lantern. P. 14.


      Rudolf L. Tökés. Hungary’s Negotiated Revolution: Economic Reform, Social Change and Political Succession. Cambridge UP, 1996, ch. 6.


      Bridget Kendall. The Cold War: A New Oral History of Life between East and West. BBC Books, 2017. P. 180. О наследии 1956 года см.: Karen Dawisha. Eastern Europe, Gorbachev and Reform: The Great Challenge. Cambridge UP, 1990. Pp. 136–139.


      Odd Arne Westad. The Cold War: A World History. Penguin Books, 2017. Pp. 202–206. О «контрреволюции» или народном восстании см. также: ‘Minutes of the Meeting of the HSWP CC Political Committee’ 31.1.1989, printed in Cold War International History Bulletin Issue 12/13 (section by Békés & Melinda Kalmár Csaba, ‘The Political Transition in Hungary’) doc. 1 pp. 73–75 CWIHP.



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