Загадочные сторис. Mystery Stories. Sergio Magos

Загадочные сторис. Mystery Stories - Sergio Magos

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показаться неловкой. "Это моя остановка", – тихо сказала Вика, взглянув на него. Парень понимающе кивнул, но ничего не сказал, пока она вставала и собирала свои вещи. Виктория обернулась к нему в последний раз, ощущая странную смесь сожаления и предвкушения.

      Не говоря больше ни слова, Вика вышла из вагона метро на платформу. Воздух был прохладным и освежающим, что было приятным контрастом с духотой поезда. Она оглянулась через плечо, надеясь увидеть Егора, идущего за ней, но двери вагона закрылись прежде, чем она успела что–либо заметить.

      Вздохнув, девушка начала идти к своему дому, а сердце ее бешено колотилось от встречи с Егором. Воспоминания об их коротком общении пронеслись в ее сознании, как в кино, каждая деталь была более яркой и манящей, чем предыдущая. Вика не могла не задаваться вопросом, увидит ли она его снова и продолжат ли они свое мимолетное знакомство, которая, казалось, зародилось между ними.

      Обогнув угол и подойдя к своему дому, она заметила Егора, который стоял на тротуаре и смотрел на нее. Только что отъехало такси… Выражение его лица было непонятным, но в глазах Егора была несомненная искра, которая заставила ее сердце забиться. Не раздумывая, Вика ускорила шаг, пока не оказалась перед ним.

      "Привет, Егор", – сказала она голосом, едва превышающим шепот. "Я не могла не спросить… а как ты здесь?" Он улыбнулся, его зубы белели на фоне загорелой кожи. "Да я здесь живу", – ответил он. "Все никак не мог подойти к тебе и познакомиться. Забыл даже когда выходить. Меня как переклинило", – парень покраснел. Похоже ему очень трудно далось это признание.

      "Вика, а можно проводить тебя до парадной?" – взмолился парень.

      "Пошли, чаю попьем!" – решительно сказала Виктория.

      Не говоря больше ни слова, они вместе шагнули вперед, в новую жизнь…

      A look that changed fate

      The guy was sitting in one of the seats, eyes closed and deep in thought. He was about her age, maybe a year or two older. He had short brown hair and strong-willed facial features that gave him confidence. His body language suggested that he wasn't interested in anyone or anything around him at the moment. She cast a brief glance at him and then turned away, feeling a little awkward about her presence in the empty subway car.

      The girl decided to sit across from him, a few seats away, and pulled out her phone to check the time. It seemed that the carriage was moving slower than usual, and she began to doubt whether she would be able to get to her stop on time. Looking up, the girl noticed that the guy was watching her. Their eyes met for a moment, and she felt a strange mixture of fear and curiosity bubbling in her veins.

      The guy smiled at her and the girl felt her heart racing. He gestured for her to come closer, indicating the empty seat next to him. Her hesitation was obvious, but something about the way the guy looked at her made her feel safe. Standing up slowly, she walked over to him and carefully sat down in the seat next to him. Their legs were close together and goosebumps ran all over her body.

      “Hi, I'm Egor,” he said, extending his hand in greeting. She smiled and shook it firmly: “And I'm Vika.” They exchanged a few more pleasantries and then went back into their own thoughts. But now there was an unspoken understanding between them, a connection neither of them could explain. As the carriage rushed through the dark tunnels beneath the city, Vika wondered what else might happen between them…

      When the carriage stopped at her station, the girl hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to leave Egor, but she didn't want to seem awkward either. “This is my stop,” Vika said quietly, glancing at him. The guy nodded understandingly, but didn't say anything as she got up and gathered her things. Victoria turned to him one last time, feeling a strange mixture of regret and anticipation.

      Without another word, Vika stepped out of the subway car onto the platform. The air was cool and refreshing, which was a nice contrast to the stuffiness of the train. She looked over her shoulder, hoping to see Egor following her, but the carriage doors closed before she could see anything.

      Sighing, the girl started walking toward her house, her heart racing from seeing Yegor. Memories of their brief interaction flashed through her mind like a movie, each detail more vivid and tantalizing than the last. Vika couldn't help but wonder if she would see him again and if they would continue their fleeting acquaintance, which seemed to have originated between them.

      As she rounded the corner and approached her house, she noticed Yegor standing on the sidewalk, staring at her. A cab had just pulled away… The expression on his face was incomprehensible, but there was an undeniable spark in Egor's eyes that made her heart race. Without thinking, Vika quickened her step until she was in front of him.

      “Hi, Egor,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper. “I couldn't help but ask… how are you here?” He smiled, his teeth white against his tanned skin. “Yeah I live here,” he replied. “Still haven't

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