Torah. The Pentateuch of Moses in weekly chapters, in poetic form. Sergiusz Mangiejewski

Torah. The Pentateuch of Moses in weekly chapters, in poetic form - Sergiusz Mangiejewski

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any longer.

      The story of the Flood belongs to a period of time long ago,

      This story adds to the portrait of mankind.

      The rainbow was chosen to symbolise the union between G-d and mankind,

      as a sign of G-d’s favour after the Flood.

      For before G-d, people always appear as His children,

      The rainbow is a reminder of our duty to the Creator, the source of all things.

      Noah receives commandments from Above, among which is the prohibition of murder and others,

      For ten generations then there was one people with one language on Earth.

      The people rebelled and built the Tower of Babel. G-d does not forgive for such deeds,

      and each of the seventy nations has lived in its own world ever since.

      Everything is accounted for, ten generations from Noah to Abram are listed by name by G-d,

      By G-d’s command, Avram’s family moves from Ur-Kasdim to the land of Knaan,

      The history of the Jews, G-d’s chosen people, is just beginning,

      And this is the voice of G-d to the Jews and the world, not fiction and deception.

      The Book of Being

      Weekly Chapter: Lech Lecha No. 3

      Avram and his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot proceed to Cnaan via Har̀n,

      Avram builds an altar to Tv-rtz and spreads teachings about the One G-d.

      Famine forces Avram and Sarai to travel to Egypt and go into deception,

      Call themselves brother and sister and receive gifts from Pharaoh.

      Upon returning to Cnaan, Lot separates from Abram and settles in the city of Sodom,

      There Abram’s nephew is captured by the Mesopotamian king Kedarlaomer,

      Abram and his companions rescue his nephew and defeat his enemies,

      And then receives a blessing from Malki Tzedek, king of Shalem.

      G-d makes an alliance with Avram, and foretells the prosperity of his posterity,

      while foreseeing the exile, suffering and hardship of the Jewish people in captivity,

      The L-rd promises the Holy Land as an everlasting inheritance for the people of Israel,

      For Abram saw the One G-d through the shroud of idolatry.

      The barren Sarai persuaded Abram’s husband to marry Hagar the maid,

      She gave birth to Ishmael, who later became the progenitor of a great nation.

      G-d decides that Avram’s name should be changed to Avraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah,

      And He commanded Avram to be circumcised, a ‘sign of union’ between them, G-d called it.

      The Book of Being

      Weekly chapter #4

      Abraham, at the age of 99, is circumcised and G-d reveals Himself to him in the form of a human being,

      For Abraham, the news that Sarah would give birth to a son in a year was the sweetest thing.

      Abraham prays to G-d to forgive the city of Sodom, which is sinking deeper and deeper into debauchery.

      The L-rd destroys Sodom, but angels save Lot and his daughters.

      Lot’s daughters, having drunk their father, lay with him, and by him they gave birth,

      Their sons later became the ancestors of the Moabites and Amonians.

      G-d, as promised, gives Abraham and Sarah a son, for which they were devoted to Him,

      The son is named Yitzchak and is circumcised on the 8th day, for the covenant has already been given.

      G-d tests Avraham, commanding him to sacrifice his only son,

      But He stops Abraham at the moment when the father is about to draw the knife on his son.

      The lamb that got away was put on the altar instead of Yitzhak,

      There are no coincidences in G-d’s world, you can’t understand it if you don’t understand.

      Here we are talking about two great Righteous men, father and son – Abraham and Yitzhak, Who went themselves and led the Jewish people to G-d in different ways.

      Avraham was a proclaimer of G-d and received more than once ‘signs’ from G-d,

      Yitzhak – converted the Gentiles to the true faith, both are one in Him!!!!

      The Book of Being

      Weekly chapter: Hayei Sarah #5

      And at one hundred and twenty-seven years of age, Sarah was as beautiful as if she had been twenty,

      and sinless, as if she were only seven years old.

      But her hour was come, Sarah passed away, and Abraham became sad,

      Abraham bought land for 400 pieces of silver and buried Sarah, fulfilling his vow.

      Life is given to people to do a certain amount of good.

      Actions also illuminate the life of man from the day of his birth,

      The time of fulfilment of the commandments is the quintessence of the essence of being!

      The influence of Sarah’s holiness on people will be felt for many generations to come…

      G-d challenged Avraham to marry off his son Yitzhak in a proper manner,

      Avraham sent a servant to look for a bride for his son to Haran, to his brother,

      The servant found a bride for Yitzhak successfully, as it happens when G-d provides,

      And as a consolation to Yitzhak for the death of his mother, Rivka became his favourite wife.

      It’s about the marriage between Yitzhak and Rivka,

      And it teaches an important and instructive lesson to all Jews, and not only.

      It’s very important to choose a life partner,

      The consequences of making a mistake here are extremely high.

      Abraham married a maid, and she bore him sons,

      Not seeing any worthy among them, Abraham gives them a share and removes them from the house.

      These sons became the ancestors of the nations of different branches,

      But Avraham declares Yitzhak his sole heir.

      G-d blessed Yitzhak and His promises to Avraham,

      for Yitzhak and his descendants He preserved and extended.

      Avraham died at the age of one hundred and seventy-five and after the rite of parting,

      He rested in peace in the cave of Machpelah in Hebron beside his wife Sarah.

      The Book of Being

      Weekly Chapter: Toldot No. 6

      Yitzchak married Rivka and only twenty years later G-d gave them sons,

      Rivka had a vision that she was having twins – the progenitors of the two nations are at enmity.

      The elder son Esav was Yitzhak’s favourite, the younger son Yaakov was the mother’s favourite,

      But a choice had to be made, the people of Israel needed a single

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